Post yfw you realize the great titans of industry were right all along

post yfw you realize the great titans of industry were right all along

sound scammy to me try dcorp or bnc for this week

They were only half right.

This was clearly a bubble. But its part of a bigger bubble that will grow ever bigger.

We'll crash hard. But you'll never kill BTC forever.

Bitcoin is a belief system sweetie x

>Don't take responsibility for yourself! Trust (((us))) to protect you!

No this guy is an idiot. It's crashing because BTC has 280k unconfirmed transactions

who gives a shit what a dinosaur thinks? he probably dosent even have any idea about crypto, since hes implying that its not even worth stopping to think about. cryptocurrency is the future and it is not going anywhere. lots of idiots can buy stocks on the exchange and not know what theyre doing. its no different than the idiots buying crypto.

Oy vey goyim how dare you not keep your money in banks and wageslavery for the Chosen people!

That’s right you filthy dumb goyim don’t you even think about bitcoin!

says the asshole that is responsible for pnd's on the stock market, fuck him

this wasnt a bubble you retard. it was a healthy correction.

Who was right? A collective of retards on the internet arguing about virtual poker chips, or a group of geniuses with self made millions?

Pic related probably defines you as a human being

the grand fucks worth billion of dollars nobody gives a shit about. except you. how about you suck the old mans cock instead of celebrating the bullshit he is talking.


There’s literally 10bubbles right now.

Real estate Canada
US Treasury Bonds
US Equities
Manhattan real estate
ECB Bond buying
US municipal bonds
Chinese Bonds
HK real estate

Bitcoin is probably the smallest bubble of them all.

the retards are right since bitcoin is a success and worth 13500$ right now.

You speak as if its over...

>"What price did we get in at?"

(((they))) want you to stay out of bitcoin and stay in fiat you fucking filthy goyim

>implying betting on stocks is self made millions


this correction wont go much deeper than eth at 500 and btc at 10k but both are up already.

Hate to burst your double bubble, but yes it will. This is going to $7k minimum, but this next drop is going to move faster than the first one so we could get squeezed and bleed off back to ~$3-4k easily.

I expected a massive correction, but this one is moving way faster than I thought it would. Its not going to slowly bleed back to $7-10k like I assumed it would with the rising interesting, its going to dump hard below that.

This guy probably barely knows how to operate a computer.
Why would i want his opinion on anything blockchain related?

lol, when the richest people on the Earth FUD for their own benefit. You know that dude has someone daytrading for him.


we are the new generation of yuppies and rulers of the world once these boomers die

corrections take place over quarters, not nights lmao.

>say X can not happen
>X happens
>keeps happening
>start shorting X
>tell people you where right

You wouldn't, he thinks amazon and tech stocks are shit too

Just wait. You'll get a fake out back toward $16k first, but its a needle drop from there.


wew lad. That's some millennial tier "you can do anything" level spiel

No he doesn't. Him and buffet literally said Amazon was a good stock they missed out on

I apply Buffets thinking to my crypto investing but I find it hard to give a shit about what these guys say since they made all their money during the biggest bull run in the stock markets history, not to to mention the tech boom and shit

Looks like he is mad people are making money

>some guy on Veeky Forums says its going to dump hard using baseless claims

i guess it is going to dump hard

Buffet is always right

Not useless claims. The same chart you'd need to use to justify further exponential gains actually. $19.5 was a resistance point on the log scale, and its going to be a longer down turn than a couple days.

bitcoin can't be a bubble because it does not provide value.

housing can be a bubble because people need houses to be built, to live in, to sell. the price of housing can be manipulated in hundreds of different ways
bitcoin can't be a bubble because no one really needs it, only a handful of people trade with bitcoin. the speculation part has nothing to do with bubbles

It's fueled on hype which is even more unstable. Housing has a value which gives it stability. Gold is tangible and it holds social value to what normal people consider important.
Bitcoin is nothing except psychology.

What chart

look how old this fuckface is. he doesnt have the full picture or even understand why people are into crpyto. their sick of banks and jews like him fucking tracking every financial movement we make


every product is fueled on hype.
a good example is iphone. its a good product, it does what it meant to do. but its simply a few 3x its actual market value

what about the iphone? its at least 3 times its actual value as a product and people are still buying it.
housing in my country is at least 2x than any other country and people are fucking rushing to sign a mortgage

>but muh stock market
>muh 3% per year

This dipshit would be here with us if he was our age

Pic was literally me in my first months of cryptotrading . Every single fucking caption couldn't be more on point.

This was literally me and I bought in at $18k.


Not in crypto, newfag.

If grandpa buffet weren't just shitting verbal spray out his ass he would have shorted bitcoin and made a fortune. But he probably isn't aware you can do that, since he doesn't know what computers are.

I like how you ignored the frogposter that blew you the fuck out.
Dumb weeb faggot.

Berkshire hathaway stocks!! Only for 300k each!!

Wrong, I bought BTC in 2013


Oy vey you filthy goyim! How dare you take part in a financial system we don't control!

Honestly. I do think btc is in a bubble, not so much cryptocurrency in general. BTC is slow, expensive and co-opted to be inefficient on purpose at this point. Bitcoin cash is not perfect but at least it has the Bitcoin name (Normie friendly) and is actually usable unlike btc. Is not the ideal solution, and it will lead to huge centralization of Bitcoin. But what other choice do we have at this point?

Is making Bitcoin cash the new "King" the path of least resistance to fix this "bubble"? Maybe. But as it stands, when the normies realize that the actual Btc technology is totally hype and unusable (500k unconfirmed transactions last time I checked), the bubble will certainly pop, at least temporarily.

Student loans too? Bubbleception

still ignoring frogposter

Still ignoring him

> huge swings in volatility
> pump & dump
> whale manipulation
> normie gold rush
> ridiculous fees
> UXTOs stuck in limbo
> healthy

> Amazon

>a guy who will be dead by the time coins become the new world currency doesn't want you being rich

What a surprise!

can you get out huge loans to buy crytpo like millions of people do for businesses/property/stocks etc?

which ones are a bubble?

bill gates loves crypto, and is richer than buffet
who do we trust??

>I've never heard of the gold rush or the dot com bubble.

Actually it works specifically because everyone does it.

wasn't he one of the faggots that said nothing was going to happen on 2008? yeah I'll never listen to those kikes again

only in wall street, in crypto they can have a correction at 3:00 am while everyone is sleeping and then have a pump to the moon at 3:30

look at ripple, it broke the dollar barrier overnight, corrected itself and went back to 1 dollar in the spawn of a weekend

The one who programmed his own OS from scratch in a month for another company without even owning a computer at the time while a college law student (Gates is a legit tech genius, money aside)


Guy who doesn't even know how to buy bitcoin and would struggle to learn

everything that involves speculation is a fucking bubble, you know what else is a bubble? tech stocks, housing, student loans, treasury bonds and startups

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

Amazon is valued 250x its current annual earning. The company isn't going to die. Thier stock will fall hard when the time comes.

They are not kikes and they were against mortgage backed security back in 08. I respect them a lot and I'm fully aware what I'm getting myself into by buying crypto. I do it anyway.

>"C-come on people. Buy our stocks and gain ~5% annually"
>"If of course we don't fuck anything up by being cheap assholes which leads to a annual decline
>But that's the fun part r-right? WORK for it, hehe"
>"Woops a recession just hit, well now you can re-invest at a cheaper rate :^]"

This was literally 2008 in a nutshell with these large companies. Taking advice from them is like taking advice from your sworn enemy.