Thank you linkies for shilling this to me when it was $0.14

thank you linkies for shilling this to me when it was $0.14
see you at the 2018 lambo conference

Other urls found in this thread:

take it elsewhere were full of scamcoins here

can't hear you over my satoshi gains

Itll be at the main stall

sell now buy back in 2 months

Feeling comfy and awesome as well for discovering this gem thanks to /biz.

Thank you anons for your never ceasing struggles and relentless holding through the hard times. This really was inspiring for me to do so as well. Only thanks to you guys I never lost hope and weathered the storm with iron hands.

Great things lie ahead of us.

Your Lieutenant Colonel

thanks, just sold 30k
why would a pajeet lie, right?

go shill for your shitcoin elsewhere. this is a house of learned investors.

So much green, so much happiness
I wish I had more money to put into this... Oh wait, I do

I get it, you're happy, but you need to stop creating positive threads like this so we can keep accumulating. Stick to full FUD so we can keep the price down please.