What's the Chad of RPGs?

What's the Chad of RPGs?


Fallout and Elder Scrolls Series, progressively over time.

Probably D&D 5e.

I'd go farther and say D&D in general.


I am monitoring this thread

That's not the opposite of the "virgin walk" that I imagined.

I imagined a short, fat dude in a loud shirt wearing sandals who creepily stares at everyone, moves incredibly slowly and occupies far more space than he should do by virtue of having arms that make awkward sweeping motions like a mechanical toy robot.

But this one works too!


So what's the wizard of RPGs?


This is the stupidest meme to come out recently but it still cracks me up.


Video game RPGs. PnP games will always be the weird "nice guy" compared to their order of magnitude larger industry and greater social acceptance.

If someone actually looked, dressed and moved like the Chad it would be the most freaky uncanny valley thing ever

Everything on the left is totally true though. You're a loser if you walk around with your eyes looking at the ground slumped with headphones on wearing dark colours.


People who spend dozens of hours every week alone in front of their screens playing LoL and minecraft called me freak for playing tabletops 5 hours a week.

Primaris Marines

The meme is that you combine actual virgin symptoms (posture, feeling) with symptoms that are either super common (clothing, passing) or immeasurable (hair, hand form) in order to make someone super self conscious. Begging the question.

The Chad image is someone pointing out that if you did the opposite of what was on the left, it would be ridiculous.

>anything on the left

Sounds like you're a virgin

>passing people that are slower than you

kill yourself my man

You would cower in my shadow

>t. low-test tinydick

>The Chad of RPGs
FATE. Simple, straight forward, uncomplicated, made for normies.
>The Virgin Nerd
D&D/D20 systema
>The Wizard

Shouldn't chad be standing

Even Chad enjoys a good movie user.

Yeah, but he should still be standing.

Guess how I can tell that you've never played FATE?

Yeah smacking the back of people's heads while he stretches and maybe lifts in between action scenes

oh god are there more of these
this shit just reminded me - I've been miscalibrating my whole life by three layers of irony for prolly two years

This is an outdated understanding of video games, multiplayer games are a very social experience these days. Especially the king of life wasting: MMOs. The only reason MMOs are bearable as a genre is because you can cultivate a large social group within them to suffer alongside.

I just realized I'm more disappointed in furries for playing PF than I am in PF players for being furries.

No, constantly. And he's standing ON the back of the seat in front of him. Still in contrapposto though

Truly peak human physical performance


