>Bitcoin crashing
>This meme-coin staying strong
>Still on shit exchanges
>Directly addresses Bitcoin's main problems
>Fraction of IOTA's market cap
Who else here is glad they got their foot in the door?
>Bitcoin crashing
>This meme-coin staying strong
>Still on shit exchanges
>Directly addresses Bitcoin's main problems
>Fraction of IOTA's market cap
Who else here is glad they got their foot in the door?
Other urls found in this thread:
btc going down alts going up simple as that might wanna buy drp and sonm
Not that simple. My stake in Monero has taken a hit, while Raiblocks continues to stay at the same level.
This shit is gonna be $10 by the end of the year, and at least $100 in the next few months. It solves every problem Bitcoin has while having 0 fees. Once merchants start accepting it, it's going to be the standard for crypto payments since there are no downsides for the buyer or seller.
So shill me on this. I know it’s feeless and instant like IOTA and that it already 10x’ed but still no one seems to be talking about it. How is it different from refugeecoin, is it more decentralized, why should I care?
you can only get it on shit exchanges atm, once it hits binance or bittrex you'll see.
Yes. You're already too late once it hits those.
Its different to IOTA because it actually has a working wallet
mine's been synchronizing for days senpai
You have to download the blockchain directly from the developers. Read the FAQ on Reddit or discord
Glad to kept shares of XRB and ICX these days
Use the web wallet
>Not Quantum ready
Why would I want a polished up IOTA when the competitive advantage of XRB is only small things that IOTA can fix in a few months but doesn't have a futureproof quantum ready status that puts IOTA beyond every single coin on the exchange.
The second we get quantum computers, all blockchains are instantly fucked while IOTA is stocked and locked.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good DAG and I am invested to see XRB moon to 14x by the end of March 2018, but in the long run IOTA can just mend its small wounds and totally eclipse it.
That's not icx
>muh Quantum
We'll just copy IOTA again lol
How? Its still a blockchain that will have its hash utterly fucked by quantum computing.
You can't act like you can just convert a blockchain into Tangle nilly willy.
Sounds like there is a lot of time to figure it out.
muh quantum iota
>solving problems before they even exist, cant even get a fucking wallet working correctly.
We are very far from functional quantum computers still. XRB has more growth potential with its market cap right now. IOTA is better tech, but that doesn't matter for short term
Quantum is a meme, I assure IOTA just use it as a marketing tool and doesn-t know what they're doing.
This is from the AMA on the main dev of RaiBlocks.
Regarding security, is "quantum-proofing" a big concern at the moment and how do you guys plan to approach this when the time comes. And how possible would it be for bad actors to successfully implement a 51% attack.
Colin Lemahieu (Main Dev):
Quantum computing is going to be an amazing leap for humanity but it's also going to cause a lot of flux in cryptography. The plan I see is the similar to what I did in selecting the cryptographic algorithms we're using right now: look for leaders in academia and industry that have proven implementations and use those as they recommend migration based on computing capability. Quantum vulnerabilities can be an issue in the future but a vulnerable implementation would be an issue right now.
I saw a post on /r/iota that claims that their quantum resistance is a main benefit over raiblocks. Can you go into detail about this? explain any plans you have to let XRB persevere through upcoming quatum revolution?
Colin Lemahieu:
I think everyone with cryptography in their programs is keeping an eye on quantum cryptography because we're all in the same boat. I don't have cryptanalysis credentials so I didn't feel comfortable building an implementation and instead chose to use one off-the-shelf from someone with assuring credentials.
There are some big companies that have made small mistakes that blow up the usefulness of the entire algorithm, it's incredibly easy to do. arstechnica.com
>There are some big companies that have made small mistakes that blow up the usefulness of the entire algorithm, it's incredibly easy to do. arstechnica.com
shots fired at IOTA
lol does everyone forget when they FUCKED up curl, allowed all types of exploits to happen then covered it up as no big deal?
its not listed on binance is it?
Random comments:
user 1:
The problem is not that the algorithms are not quantum resistant. The problem is that the algorithms have not been tested enough to be considered safe. So those algorithms might actually be less safe than regular algorithms even without any quantum computers available at all.
This is why most cryptocurrencies actually do not use these algorithms - it is considered bad practice and might be harmful. I think quantum resistance in IOTA is just a marketing stunt because the average user without background in computer science or it security somehow thinks it is an advantage while it is not.
Please check en.wikipedia.org
user 2 (about Ethereum Core, dev. Bashing IOTA for this reason):
This a 100 times. Nick Johnson (Ethereum core dev) listed this as a major reservation he had with IOTA in a piece that became pretty infamous. In his words, "Iota disregards cryptographic best-practices," and it does indeed seem to be for marketing reasons.
>I think everyone with cryptography in their programs is keeping an eye on quantum cryptography because we're all in the same boat. I don't have cryptanalysis credentials so I didn't feel comfortable building an implementation and instead chose to use one off-the-shelf from someone with assuring credentials.
Never doubt raiblocks
I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?
i swear to god if you dont fuck off with your shitcoin. this should be a 0.01 dollar app that people delete within 3 minutes of trying it. no-one is ever going to use this, find a better idea to shill please
I only have 53 Raiblocks
am going to make at least a little profit? :(
Honestly BitGrail is better than Bittrex right now.
I can get my funds immediately off BitGrail, but I can’t get my funds off Bittrex.
Just avoid Mercatox. My funds are festering in there for who knows how long
Future problems come with future solutions. Just fix the transaction fees for now and this will moon
Comfy at 12k xrb, glad I got in months ago at 2k sats and held through the dip
Zero fees makes it ripe for spam attacks dyor eth has fees toprevernt this.
The only coin I have ever sent just to see how quick it is.
Also sitting comfy.
Raiblocks is not minable making it a deflationary currency. That's not good.
It's like a breath of fresh air to use
That's a shillbot spamming drp and snm in every thread. It's a scam. You've been warned.
I found this:
From whitepaper:
Transaction Flooding.
A malicious entity could send many unnecessary but valid transactions between accounts under its control in an attempt to saturate the network. With no transaction fees they are able to continue this attack indefinitely. However, the PoW required for each transaction limits the transaction rate the malicious entity could generate without significantly investing in computational resources. Even under such an attack in an attempt to inflate the ledger, nodes that are not full historical nodes are able to prune old transactions from their chain; this clamps the storage usage from this type of attack for almost all users.
I agree bittrex is awful but its about popularity, new money are still gonna flock ti it rather than go out their way to use bitgrail etc.
>transfer LTC to bitgrail, plenty of confirmations, been hours
>doesn’t even show up as pending in buttgrail, just nothing
>plebbit users saying the same thing
>apparently there’s a minimum buy amount of 100 XRB anyway so you’d need ~2LTC at least
Why the fuck didn’t I just use mercatox
What if a spammer start sending multiple transactions between two wallets back and forth, since it has no fee cost; is he going to be able to make that ‘forever’? Wouldnt that make the blockchain size motherf*cking big?
RaiBlocks Dev:
This is addressed in "Transaction Flooding" under the section "Attack Vectors" of the whitepaper. The PoW required by these transactions is the limiting factor. Once pruning is implemented, this attack would only affect full historical nodes. Even with full historical nodes, storage is cheap. The current blockchain is only about 1.7GB and contains over 4 million transactions.
Github – Possible Attacks to RaiBlocks (github.com
“RaiBlocks has a number of mechanisms built in to protect from a range of possible attacks on the system. Here we go over all attacks there could be on the system and what safeguards are in place. “
Transaction flooding - Moderate risk, high I/O
Description: Transaction flooding is simply sending as many valid transactions as possible in order to saturate the network. Usually an attacker will send transactions to other accounts they control so it can be continued indefinitely.
Defense: Each block has a small amount of work associated with it, around 5 seconds to generate and 1 microsecond to validate. This work difference causes an attacker to dedicate a large amount to sustain an attack while wasting a small amount of resources by everyone else. Nodes that are not full historical nodes are able to prune old transactions from their chain, this clamps the storage usage from this type of attack for almost all users.
Don't use your LTC to buy XRB.
First sell your LTC for BTC, then sell BTC for XRB.
From what I know there's no minimum to buy; I bought like 4 or 5 days ago and it was like every other exchange, only that it was a little slow.
I could withdraw with no problems.
There used to be a withdraw minimum (100 xrb), but they changed it to 10xrb yesterday.
Btw, it will probably get listed on KuCoin after the 25th.
25th december?
It's currently winning the vote, if people want to buy this on kucoin (before it moves on to the big boys in January) you can vote for it right on the kucoin news telegram channel
Good advice for others, user.
Also - watch out for prices. Best to set up limit orders and wait a few hours (or more) to get better prices. Do the math to make sure you're not being ripped off.
Bitgrail seem most ok. You might have issues with larger sums (since they're handled manually AFAIK for security reasons) - but they only take longer.
Withdrawing to RaiWallet seems like a good idea - given hackers attack exchanges all the time.
Volume/traffic wise Kucoin is only a little better than Bitgrail.
Kucoin is #67 in volume (19.7 mil) on CMC while Bitgrail is #85 (at 7.5 mil). That's a decent step towards bigger exchanges.Then hopefully will come something medium tier like gate.io, then binance. I like the idea of being gradually exposed to greater volume. Also more tiny exchanges will add it, probably one of the decentralized ones along with rai.exchange (being built by active member of the XRB discord).
This coin is literally saving my portfolio
Another small exchange for XRB is one giant step for a global currency.
Seriously though, another small exchange being supported just proves integration isn't hard - and that's the dealbreaker for larger exchanges (security, integration, support, auditing).
So the more wierd exchanges support it (and survive hacks), the more likely bigger exchanges will jump in to get in on the gains as well.
I'd actually hit the smaller exchanges first and create an all-in-one SDK for them on github.