TCG General

Welcome to TCG on Veeky Forums

Last thread: incase you ever wanted to know what there is here

Wanna talk to a bunch of nerds at once?
Here: (currently 3 people in it.)

>What's your main TCGs
>How many have you played?
>What do you wish came back?
>What do you wish had a game?
>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?

As for me:
Does any one else play Dice Masters on and off?

Other urls found in this thread:

>>What's your main TCGs
Magic The Gathering
Duel Links (Digital I know but its fun)
>>How many have you played?
>>What do you wish came back?
Old School Yu-gi-oh
>>What do you wish had a game?
The fuck does that mean
>>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
No, what the hell since when do you get scholarship money for playing pokemons?

Hey it's fun! I love hearthstone personally

>the fuck does that mean
what series or something else do you wish had a card game?

>playing pokemon
yeah you'd be surprised, google it, it'll pop right up. Nintendo wants to see the world learn. I wish I could

>what series or something else do you wish had a card game?
I guess Star Trek would be interesting, or a Cult-Classic-Horror movie card game.

see the wiki. I believe there was a star trek game a LONG time ago

selfish bump


At least one, if not more. Would be interesting to see one what was like L5R, managing resources, dealing with politics, and building your ships and crews. Original art (or at least not everything being a screenshot from the show) and some liberty to add more ship and item designs.

>What's your main TCGs
>How many have you played?
9ish, not counting games I've played once.
>What do you wish came back?
Magi-Nation would be cool is it were streamlined.
>What do you wish had a game?
Nothing in particular, but a game that wasn't just !NotMagic or Waifucards would be nice in the West.
>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?

>What's your main TCGs
Magic: the Gathering

>How many have you played?
Have I EVER played? probably about 6. 6 that I can really remember, anything else I never owned.

>What do you wish came back?
Hecatomb. Ok, those fucking cards were a bitch to store and annoying to shuffle but the game was fun and being more of a race than an elimination game played better in multiplayer than M:tG. I've still got all my old deck (and almost every unique card they ever printed) and have long considered getting crafty and assembling some individual boxes and a big box to treat the lot of them like a finite card game. But as nice as that project would be, a revival would be better

>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
I only played pokemon many moons ago. Didn't know that was a thing, pretty cool of Nintendo.

>What do you wish had a game?
Left this one to last because it's a weird question. I guess a lot of CCGs are based on existing properties. But IMO the key to having a CCG really work is that the theme needs to be able to be extended almost infinitley, so ones that make their own universes like Magic and L5R are on more solid ground, though having a diverse and/or long running franchise or broad theme could also work. and this one's getting long so I'll float a few ideas in a second post.

>Doctor Who
Might actually exist, I don't know, it seems like a major property to have never had a shitty tie-in CCG. I love the show and it's got more than enough material to mine and is STILL GOING but the format doesn't exactly lend itself to a competitive head-to-head game. I'd be open to seeing where they go with the mechanics

The fighting in the show is both big and fast and if you could capture that in card play you'd be on a good track. It hasn't been around super-long but it lends itself really well, thematically, to playing out duels or multiplayer brawls. If the makers wanted to stay close to the core material rather than opening the universe for a more "Your deck, your dudes" approach it would probably work better as an LCG with nonrandom character packs, though (like Android). But I feel like it's an open setting where the player wouldn't have to pick and be a character for the game to work and be on theme.

>Fire Upon the Deep/Zones of Thought series
And heading up the "never going to happen" category, the works of Vernor Vinge. I feel like this one would have to expand the universe, putting the player not in control of any of the characters from the books, but rather their own civilization in the Beyond. The nature of the Slow Zone/Beyond/Transcend lends itself to potentially getting a sort of "push your luck" mechanic where you can strike out for miracles at the risk of self-destructing or put down roots below that are very difficult to go after. If I had to choose an epic space setting to make a CCG out of, this would be it.

>RWBY duels/brawls
A few games do the fighting game/duel thing, but to my knowledge they rely on existing properties which causes problems. I like the idea of a TCG that acts like a fight (alla DBZ or UFS) but like you said, having your own world and lore is a benefit in the long run. Seen a few LCG/board games that do it right, but I wonder if an original IP would survive long enough to get off the ground.

I think whoever bought and rebooted UFS actually added in OCs, so maybe they're trying to go that route.

Interesting... tell me more.

>looking for an avacyn angel of hope playmat because I like angels.
>can't find one, decide to get a custom one made with the art from a 3rd party that doesn't give a shit
>find art
>notice she has no right hand visible
>can't not see that her right arm sleeve has nothing in it and buy a purifier mat instead.

Sup dudes does Unearth count as a "cast" for a card such as Vengevine? It says you Unearth only as a sorcery and sorceries are cast but I'm not really sure because Vengevine specifies casting creatures so is it the Unearth ability being cast or is it the creature being cast through Unearth or whut...

I'm tryna make some important jank, judges pls help.

Unearth is an activated ability. You do not cast anything when you unearth. It's easy to understand your confusion since Flashback and Aftermath both cast, but unfortunately that's not how Unearth works

Aw thanks guys :) I was hoping for you guys to pop in!

is Epic a good card game?

I think so
i've heard of it

So UFS was sold at some point, and it's been rebooted from what friends tell me. The powercurve is rescaled (I don't know if older cards are stronger or weaker), and the number of properties decreased. King of Fighters is still around (because SNK can't make money to save their lives), Soul Caliber, and Megaman of all things are the IPs available for current sets. In addition, the new owners have created a series of their own characters.

I kind of like this idea. If you know your own card game idea won't compete with branded board games and Magic, and you're going to mash a bunch of stuff together anyway, why not sneak your own IP in? Make it the core set and maybe if your game actually lasts more than a year people will like your designs and writing.

Now that you point that out, I can't unsee it either, and it would totally bug me.

I think the only playmat I ever saw that I considered buying is Pharaika, since I'm picky about Magic art and most animu art sucks hard.

Who would play a game about traversing dream worlds and gathering psychic energy from sleeping humans and your defeated enemies?

UFS is still a thing I believe, I think it may've been turned into VS' if I remember right.

on't forget, the discord is temp link, so if you close discord/tab you will get kicked (it's to help the ones who don't wish to actually come back. I want active members). Still looking for more people tho!

Hope to see you guys there

It is yeah, but it's changed handsome recently. You can find the Megaman stuff in bookstores.


Also I believe there's a DC pack too

> 8 or 9?
>Paper WOWTCG.
>I can't think of a source material that would transition well.
>Implying the Pokemon TCG or VGC rules are worth playing.

Archangel Avacyn's art has her right arm visible.

But seriously, was shown the game and given a Hsien Ko deck to play. Neat idea, where you have attacks and you "mana" doubles as attack modifiers. The playgroup insists its cheap, but they're the same people who spend $200 a month on video games like it's nothing and then say Magic is expensive.

Is this UFS or VS?

>posting a discord link for a Veeky Forums general
Does your subreddit have its own tumblr too?

Why are you an asshole user?
No I don't use reddit sorry.
If you don't want to join, that's fine.
Also, plenty of generals on Veeky Forums have a discord. Get over it.

>What's your main TCGs
I just came back after a 10 year complete shutdown on tcgs, but I'm learning Magic and Pokemon (used to be a YuGiOh fag
>How many have you played?
If HeathStone counts, four.
>What do you wish came back?
Yu-Gi-Oh is still around so I guess I wish they had multiple formats, like Magic. Not sure if it would work tho. I stopped playin YGO when I got tired of the way they were designing cards/sets while mishandling the ban list.
>What do you wish had a game?
Not sure, but I wish we had more than just the Big 3 on paper TCGs. Nothing seems to get even closer to those 3 and only Magic and Pokemon truly seem to be actually BIG
>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
Nope; Didn't even knew this was a thing.

the biggest problem with Yugioh will always be their ridiculous cards that make no damn sense. They shouldn't have even made pendulum monsters and now they made LINK monsters which I know nothing about but it's stupid from what I've seen.

>>What's your main TCGs
>>How many have you played?
pretty much every popular one available
>>What do you wish came back?
not necessarily come-back, but I wish yu-gi-oh was revamped (in respect to how its ocg/tcg split works)
>>What do you wish had a game?
more digital card games had a physical counterpart (similar to pokemon)
>>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
hell no

>What's your main TCGs
Pokémon & Buddyfight

>How many have you played?

>What do you wish came back?
Digimon. Played it when I didn't know jack shit about games, so I would like to relearn it properly

>What do you wish had a game?
I wish Crusade or Gundam Wars was in English

>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
No, I get satisfactory compensation as a judge though.

What's Crusade?

I'm workong on that on and off. I wanna be a Pokemon Judge.

Used to play Vanguard because they have a few race/archetype/clan that consists of kawaii uguu animu mermaid idols

Kinda stopped cold turkey 8 months ago. The game is really straight forward sometimes, and I think I'm kinda done with the game.

UFS, the logo made to look like a fighting game's VS icon.

How are you liking Magic?

I always forget I played this too. I never found it to be more complex than rock-paper-scissors, but anyone else who mentions it says how broken it was.
Not to be a huge shill but have you tried Wixoss. I've heard they have similar mechanics and the online fansite works pretty damn well.

I tried to get into Vanguard but it just wasn't my thing.

ok I guess that makes since. Is that still around?

I mainly play MTG. I played Force of Will for a time but it was mostly a fad in my locals. I had to stop going because I had a night class on locals night, came back when it was done, and the store was empty. There was another area which I checked out, but everyone there were people I would not voluntarily spend my time with. None of my original friends who got me into it were there.

I would like to play Vanguard but nobody else near me plays it. On top of that, fuck those prices. There is zero reason this card game should cost that much. Spike Brothers would have been my main clan. Back when I actively did seek out ways to play, they were what I had. Dudley Emperor was no joke and neither was Bad End/Bloody Ogle.
Not to mention everyone there was a high tier fedoralord weeb.

I don't mean to be an elitist or a snob, but I simply don't want to spend my free time "socializing" with people who I really don't like. For example, there was a guy there completely decked out in SAO gear. Hat, playmat, sleeves, playmat tube, deck box, back pack, and water bottle. Probably cost more than his deck all together. I'm fine with sucking it up for a round, but not if the entire tournament is filled with people like that. Not to mention vapefags.

>Main TCGs
Right now MTG I guess
>How many have you played?
6 competitively.
>What do you wish came back?
Not a TCG but Dungeon Dice Monsters
>What do you wish had a game?
Not sure right now

So what is everyone's opinion on power creep in card games?
Is it unavoidable as you make multiple sets on sets or can it be stopped without a standard style rotation?

>price issue
I guess I'm lucky then. The prices isn't too ridiculous here (I'm in an SEA country). Single prices are largely underpriced (English version) compared to online ebay/western shop prices.

The players sometimes even sell their old decks at lower than market value just to get rid of them.

I get what you mean. Card games attract the worst crowd most of the time for some reason.
>play MTG
>meet a dudebro type of guy who gets off from winning games
>he boasts how good he is at the game all the time
>gets mad and yell his luck was bad when he loses
>dude never won or made it to the top 8 of high level play tournaments

Funny how the best players who won big bucks in MTG are mostly humble and cool/sociable people.

>Not voluntarily spend my time with
OH GOD I know what you mean exactly user. I've seen those hairy creepy neckbeards who have no idea what hygiene is. One store I went to literally had to put a sign up that said "If you come in here, you must shower first." Even then, fedoras, animu waifu shirts, the whole 9 yards and so on. I've seen it pretty bad. But then you find the right people who look like they don't even play TCGs in there and they are good people.

Nah user, you're not being one, you're looking for a chill environment that doesn't make you wanna cringe. Likely these kids were that, kids/teenagers and didn't realize what they were. People like us are basically the nerds who look "normal" and just wanna do shit

However, check their sets. They have a yugioh set, it's likely the closet we will get for a long time.

Yeah, these dudes learn quick. But it's scary when you meet the kids with money and are complete assholes. I knew a few people who were like that. They would buy a deck every 6 months and be like "I just bought all my shit from troll n toad! Look at my cool as Naruto deck!" During my entire time I played, I technically won 1 tourny. I've never won a single one in any game other than Naruto


Crusade System is JP-only thing that's essentially the manly version of Weiss.

Keep at it! If you feel like the application is taking too long to be processed, send in a support ticket.

I enjoy Wixoss a lot. Native moon friend taught us the game with trial decks. Sucks there's no where cheap to buy singles to the US.

i sure hope so, I enjoy Pokemon TCG a lot and would love to see where it takes me.

Does Dice Masters counts as a tcg (like)?

Yu-Gi-Oh seems to be poorly designed. I mean, like don't care to play test new sets, they only go and make powerful cards, put them on the Secret/Ultra Rare slots and expect people to buy them.

The complete lack formats is also frustrating. We're forced to play Legacy with a shitty power creep that constantly requires heavy bans.

I recognize that I might be a nostalgia fag, but sometimes I think the last good was Invasion of Chaos, and even then when I look back at that set and the cards they made for it I realize that was already a poorly designed set

>How are you liking Magic?
I'm in love with the format diversity and enjoying the gameplay depth.

Right now I'm experimenting with a simple, straightforward, Modo Red Aggro deck in Standard, but I might jump in Pauper Legacy eventually. I just signed for HOU's pre release and will play the League

When you've gotten your gameplay sea-legs, come join the dark side with EDH.

I def agree user. But I guess cause I've been in the game for so long I can't see myself leaving.

Yeah. It's only been half a year since it was shown to me. Quick look on Amazon showed me that there's a mix of old new stuff that isn't outrageously priced, and their main website is probably a good place to start.

>those people
I've been fortunate to avoid those people playing Magic, but then again I mostly play casually, or do sealed every once in a while. I only jumped into standard like twice and again, seem to have gotten lucky.
I was in the nerd/anime/games/Veeky Forums club in college, so I've had my fill of people like that.

Power creep shows either the limits of the system or the lack of imagination on the designer's part. That, and I do think it's a natural part of a game aging. Let's say you test a game for a year or two before releasing it, and it lasts longer than two years. At some point you've got 3-4 years of game and meta data, as well as the reaction of hundreds to thousands of players. Dumping your Time Walks and Lotuses to reduce power, and printing your Doom Blades and Incinerates to get the game where you want it is natural.

And formats help, even if it can lead to weird peaks (Zendikar-Mirroden) and lows (right now) powerwise.

Buying anything but the big three sucks in Burgertown. Sealed stuff can be finagled from, but singles run you a lot either way yeah. If some anons can deal with the animu, I might try to get some of them on webxoss to learn how to play.

Yeah i wanted to get into FOW cause of alice in wonderland, but I never got the chance.

>What's your main TCGs

>How many have you played?
2, just Magic and Yugioh.

>What do you wish came back?
Nothing in particular

>What do you wish had a game?
Etrian Odyssey or Bravely Default/Second, fo sho

>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
Nope, haven't touched the Pokemon TCG. I played VGC17 in Sumo for fun, was a great but short lived experience.

What spicy things have been released between the Khans of Tarkir block up to present? I stopped playing and paying attention to MtG because I have been a poorfag and also I moved to a different city with a much more serious and competitive community. But now I'm getting back into it and playing tons of Modern in a small and casual community.

I saw that silly enchantment with the 4 modes. One of them being lose the game. It's pretty funny and sneaky with Harmless Offering.

My american descendant of ancient africans, the true Patrician gamestyle.

I'm Canadian Indian, don't believe there's any American blood in me, haha.

>Tormod's Crypt
>Immortal Coil
>pic is mfw

Since Khans, the second Zendikar and Innistrad blocks, the Kaladesh block, and half of Amonhket.

>Zendikar 2
Eldrazi come back, and they introduce colorless mana costs on non-artifact cards, as well as the colorless symbol for mana (and associated costs).

>Innistrad 2
Innistrad+Lovecraft+Eldrazi... Flips are back as well.

Low-powered artifact theme. Vehicles that your creatures pilot, black-tribe called aetherborn that are sexless indulgent aether people, a banned uncommon card involved in an infinite combo.

Plane controlled by Bolas, !notEgypt where everything can become a zombie, new cycle of gods, and Veeky Forums loves bitching about every little thing from the strength of the rares to Wizards' shit handling of racial representation.

I've not been super engaged in standard, but I made a shitty vehicle deck, a non-eldrazi colorless deck, and think the aetherborn and the mechanic for the mummies are pretty neat.

I see I see. I've heard of vehicles. Are they a meme? Like, the next wave of Myrs? Myrs seemed like a newbie/casual meme.

>sees all 5 colour mana myrs and myr galvanizer
>sees exsanguinate, fireball, red sun's zenith, etc.
>"hey guys I've got this infinite mana deck I'm going to use next FNM and it's gonna be sweet ecksdee"

I've also heard of this crazy strong zombie in Standard now, I think I'm overdue for some research on the new cards. From what I've seen my favorite new mechanic is Surge. Twin-Headed Giant is the most popular game type here so I've been looking at making some fun decks with cards that hit all opponents, such as Taigam's Scheming or Pulse Tracker.

would you play a Smash bros TCG?

There's one good vehicle. Heart of Kiran.

>Main TCG's
Yu-gi-oh, magic, and unfortunately Hearthstone
>How many have you played?
7 or so, most I tried for a week and quit.
>What do you wish came back.
a better hearthstone, I just want a casual experience again.
>what you wished had a game.
The Bravely series, there is some cool concepts that could be put to use.

On a side not, what plane would you like WotC to revisit? Personally, I think Kamigawa would bring some interesting things to the table.

I play yughio. dark magician deck

I have played around 30-ish times

and I kind of wish there was a good card game for gwent. there is one coming out but I'm not sure it will do it justice

Lowryn/shadowmoor for art reasons alone.

for clarification 30-ish yughio games, not TCG's

how does magic the gathering work? I'm curious

tldr; play one land per turn, tap lands to pay the cost for other cards. In combat, all attacking creatures attack a player, then that player decides which of his creatures block which of the attacking creatures. Some spells can be played during your opponents turn in response to stuff they do.
The rest is basically "what it says on the cards."

Magic is one of the only TCG's where you can ask yourself "What do I want to accomplish?", and then you can build a deck out of it (though it may not be competitive tier.). it has a easy entry feel, mostly if you read the rules that come with a Precon. be careful because MTG has a somewhat steep learning curve, mostly when you start learning about what's good, the stack, passing priority, and more.

I'd recommend it, just don't lose yourself.

thank you, very much user.
so playing 1 monster I have on attack on your life.

if you have a monster you can stop it, if you have two and attack me I can stop one

If you are curious to try it out, Magic Duels is free and does a decent jobb of teaching the basics. It does take a while before it lets you play with any interesting decks though.

no I don't think will be doing that until I have "perfected" my own deck in yughio against as many decks as possible
ie almost impossible

I will take a look thanks

Yep. you can also make several monsters block the same attacking one, letting smaller creatures gang up to kill big ones.

well then gents what decks are there? any potential strategy's?

Why's that?

Magic is the seed to all TCGs

>What's your main TCGs
Shadowverse, MtG
>How many have you played?
The above two as well as Elder Scrolls: Legends, Hearthstone (unfortunately), and Eternal. Kinda interested in L5R because I played the TTRPG, but nevr tried the card game.
>What do you wish came back?
I miss the pre-Tempest of Gods Shadowverse, where meme decks ran rampant.
>What do you wish had a game?
Nothing in particular. I want more wurms in magic though.

Hey/tcgg/, I have a magic deck I got as a gift from a friend that I'm never ever really going to use since it's out of date by years, and I don't know anyone who plays magic anyway

Is there any sort of wannabe-dungeon game I can make with it? I saw someone mention that you can set the cards face down like a path and flip one over when your "character" enters that area

Depends. If it was just Magic with a Nintendo skin, no. If it was interesting to play and wasn't just Smash screenshots and existing art put on cards, I might give it a try if I could play as a squid, Sheik/Tetra, or Kirby.

Copter is good enough that they banned it.

As much as I would like a revamped set with Moonfolk, Kitsune, and Nezumi, I'd want more Lorwyn/Shadowmoor art first.

IOC broke the game pretty good.
Legacy is pretty much over now because you have to play links thanks to them changing the games rules.
It's pretty telling there most popular game is the fucking mobile game with nothing faster than ritual cards.

I had it all worked out a long ass time ago, I just lost all my work, however I have all the cards printed, but what I may do is recreate it. Different card design and everything. I was thinking closer to a hearthstone style with a bit of yugioh but directly from your hand when you get it.

Then I have a game called Banana and Hammers, this is more a group game. I tested this one out at my card shop and took some notes. Guys said it worked out awesomely but still needs some more cards in it. Works great with 4 to 5 people. I got the idea from Cards against Humanity.

Don't you die on me

Sorry. Maybe use something that gets threads back from the discard pile?

How's this?

So a limited field fueled by a growing resource system? Sorry, I've never played HS and haven't seen YGO mechanic in a decade so I may not have the knowledge to really get a grasp on your system.
What made you go for the HS energy system? That's something I'm always a bit wary about: non-card resources that need counters and tokens like Magic's Kaladesh energy or everything in Magi-Nation. Ideally I think you'd want a game where you have a deck, the other player has a deck, and at most you need paper and pencil to count life. (I say this despite loving +1/+1 counters in Magic.)

You ever think abut refining your game and trying to sell it?

Unlike Magic, can't you not use non-native cards in your region?

In beta, the Smash game was simple enough. You drew of course and had various items like in the game version. each card would either help you or hinder your opponent.
>last sentence
Do you mean like attaching a card to another card to stop it?
I'm really confused

>Smash game
Was it an avatar-type game, where say you start the game as Samus, or did you bring characters into play on-mass like most games?

>last sentence
I was making a joke, and on reflection fucked it up.
I insinuated that Japanese Yugioh cards couldn't be used outside Japan because sometimes they had different rulings for different languages, where in reality it's Pokemon cards that has that rule of not using Japanese cards outside Japan because of the different card back for the Japanese cards (despite the prevalence of sleeves).

>What's your main TCGs
Magic The Gathering and technically Yugioh, but haven't played either in years(and probably won't return to Yugioh since I despise the way the game has evolved since I stopped playing it) and only intermittently buy anything for MtG

>What do you wish came back?
Duel Masters, and that half-assed Kaijudo version doesn't count(especially since they explicitly made that version incompatible with standard Duel Masters)

we'll probably see another attempt at a revival by WOTC within the next couple of years though, since it's an easy product for them to make since all they need to do is translate the Japanese originals

>What do you wish had a game?
probably Gundam or SRW

>Not a TCG but Dungeon Dice Monsters
honestly DDM would be the perfect game to be turned into a primarily digital game, something in the style of Hearthstone, could make Konami a ton of money if they did it right

When did you stop playing yugioh?

I've played Mtg for years, old school YuGiOh (just getting back into that now a bit) but I'm actually developing my own tcg/ccg (in case of digital?) that will probably suck balls and I'll never finish but I'm hoping to draw upon my experience to make something new and interesting.


You're in luck. There is Gundam Cross War on the android, which is in English and has English support for its physical TCG, which is Japanese.

I'd have to double check, but around 2011 or so(most recent cards I own are from a Dragunity Structure Deck)

I'll have to look into that

It was a once per turn idea. no no the magic part

if you're interested, come check out my discord, since I am on and off working on my own, you could potentially get some help there if ya like man.

So like during Dragon Ruler format?

I hate two player mats more than anything.
As another user interested in custom card games I'd be interested to talk to you about ideas on certain core concepts.
not him but lemme hop on that discord 2mrw, going to bed right now.

aight dude, see you there

My dislike of fedoralord neckbeards infesting my main TCG (Vanguard) is also highly vindicated by the knowledge that the latest clan leader tournament in Japan had an 11 year old girl utterly sweeping the waifubait mermaid clan bracket.

possibly, I never really paid much attention to the Meta after I graduated High School(in 2008), which feeds into my problems with the way the game is now, it's too damn fast paced, in my opinion the game shouldn't normally be winnable in under 5 turns minimum, not this "win in 1 or 2 turns through the usage of ridiculously convoluted combos" garbage the game consists of now

The game has been like that for a long time. Konami would need to hit a lot of things to slow down the game. Also, Links don't slow down the game.

>The game has been like that for a long time. Konami would need to hit a lot of things to slow down the game. Also, Links don't slow down the game.
hence why it's unlikely for me to return to the game, well that and having no one to play with

>What's your main TCGs
vampire: the eternal struggle
>How many have you played?
mtg, vtes, rage, call of cthulhu
>What do you wish came back?
vtes is so dying atm, so I'll say vtes don't go
>If you've played Pokemon, have you got any scholarship money?
have not, am employed

>am unemployed
keep looking dude! I JUST got a job this weekend. Took me at least 5 months

>the magic part
The problem with reading your own writing is that it makes sense in your head...

I think I was saying that the fewer extra pieces you have (damage counters, energy counters, plus counters, charge counters, etc.) the better.

>11 year old girl utterly sweeping the waifubait mermaid clan bracket
This sounds hilarious.

I really really really really want a Skullgirls UFS set. even just a few decks without a booster set or something

I'm trying to shore up some old-ass stuff. anyone have boxes of Rage, On the Edge, etc etc that they want to sell?