Bcash fees really are 1 cent. Fuck me. Why will this not matter in foreseeable future. It still said 20 minutes but roger said "Instant"
Bcash fees really are 1 cent. Fuck me. Why will this not matter in foreseeable future...
Built for black cock
The transactions are literally the same as bitcoins when bitcoin 3as trading at the same volume as btrash is.
Also same time per transaction when traded at same volumes. Fucking retarts
Maybe true. Where can find proof?
Actually the fees by comparison are higher on bcash than they were on bitcoin at that price
How's that even possible
Made for colonisation
wtf I love white women now
Because it's a fucking cash grab scam like everyone's been saying all along. Just look at all the shady methods they've been using instead of what should be a more professional development style. It really does matter who's leading the projects and being the face of your coin in the crypto world.
For the love of god sauce me op. Need to motivate my iron hands while hodling Bitcoin Cash
defniitely not because of bitcoin cash's extremely low transaction count versus bitcoin's. definitely not the reason why...must be muh blocksize :))
Its not, just another weak corecuck FUD attempt. notice the lack of sources and inability to spell retard, probably because his hands are shaking looking at the BTC price.
>muh professionalism
if u cant stand the heet, get outta tha kitchen
we go hard!!!
fuck off nigger
amanda elise lee
Use Google reverse image search bro
My bcash tx has yet to go through been 40min
CORRECTION ITS BEEN 35 MINUTES still not much faster than bitcoin. I'd rather pay $2 and get my fucking money there.
>BTC Shill Defense Force deployed!
Probably. I don't think I could reach her cooch.
It's literally taking forever bro. I'm not a shill. Just trying buy Monero cause it's literally the most solid fucking coin
why do you post this roastie every day? you have abhorrent taste my man
When it's too good to be true, it is
BCESH is a scam
How can you get tired of it is the question.