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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Shopping Edition - Giving the Man what he deserves (your money)
Where do you shop?
In the local Shack?
In the matrix?
At the KE armory?

Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine you're such a spineless straight laced wageslave that you can't even stomach the more intense BTLs like a car chase or shooting cops to the point that slotting up as a teenager palming a few candy bars into his hoodie with a faraday pocket has you panting and drenched in sweat by the end of it.

I might use yours for a thing so feel free to include some additional info.
This is PALADIN, an AI. Shes a yandere military grade AI that's designed to control Drones/Walkers/Etc. Shes also going insane because shes like 12 and that's super old for an AI.

In a campaign I did it was a thing for the runners to plan their runs at fast food joints like Taco Shell, Waffle Bunker, and Lenny's.

For the weebs at Ares getting around the Avatar uniform requirements.

Why shop anywhere but your local Stuffershack? It has everything you need! Thanks Azetechnology!
I'll post a few.

Anyone ever ran (or is running) a cop campaign?

I wanted to run one myself but I'm not a good gm


No but its something I've always wanted to do. Getting to be the HTR team or doing investigations on a run that happened would be really cool. There is tons of room for cool stuff to do.


Considering all the ex-cops and millitary guys that go into shadowrunning I'm surprised how little is heard of cop campaigns

I seriously hope you have never used this as a portrait lest someone discover where you got that from.

Can we talk about SR wizard fashion for a moment? I like to imagine that codpieces are coming back in a big way.

You are assuming I have any shame

So a rigger in my group wants to slap a mechanical arm on ares duelist drone and give it a riot shield. Thoughts about handling it?

Drone is Encumbered
Speed is Reduced by 2

So I have a that-guy sort person in my group, he tends to design characters designed to derail games, but in game he isn't that bad. What sort of character should I give him that will help him feel like he's having fun without allowing him to seriously derail the game?

If he doesn't actually derail games with his character, why fix what isn't broken?

For hermetics? Maybe, though I imagine a lot of the fashion-conscious would try for some neo-classical stylings. The Ptolemy line, brought to you by Vashon.

So does he try to make game breaking character but sucks at it, or does he make characters that are broken AF on paper but doesn't use them to ruin everything?

What do you mean by "designed to derail games"?

>Get synthetic limbs with high armor
>put a monowhip in one
>go into battle with no visible weapon, enemies obviously think HE'S A MAGE GEEK HIM
>I am now a perfect distraction for the actual mage

ITT techniques for fooling your opponents

There's plenty of builds that can derail a gm. What's he made?

My party mage did similar, waaaaay back. Gave the fomorian bio-troll a robe and oversized wizard hat (with tacky stars and arcane symbols all over it). Then he used illusion spells to hide the metatype/armour/weapons. Then gave the troll the sustaining foci so he glowed like Vegas in the Astral.

And so the legend of SUPLEX-MAGE was born. Able to bench-press cars and snap Knight Errant in half.

Do hackers and technomancers both have avatars?


I thought the mage needed to keep hold of his foci, and if they were given/taken from his immediate person they deactivated.

please tell me he did the "I CAST FIST" routine at some point.

I live in a (mostly) self-sufficient commune in the barrens. Anything we can't make for ourselves we barter from the local gangs.

Is Move By Wire 3 worth it at chargen? I know it eats up a lot of money and essence, but moving that fast and having decent skillwires seem worth it.

is shadowrun a good setting? can i be a elf?
and be raped by ork?

It was an okay setting, and it's still fun. Yes, and yes.

>is shadowrun a good setting?
HA, no
>can i be a elf?
And yes

>captcha: colon aptieux
apparently It's gonna be buttsex

Sorry guys I got caught up at work. He tends to make characters that are jokes. For example, the last character he made was a human rouge named "genji" and he built up the expectation that it was going to be a satirical edge-lord that was clearly copying the over-watch character. But when we got into the actual game he just played a normal rouge that happened to be called "genji."

He wants to play a shaman because I made an offhand comment about not wanting anyone to summon an archdemon during their stop at the quiki mart, and figured that a street shaman would be his best bet to summon it.

He doesn't really know anything else about shaman that would make him want to play that archetype.

I'm fine with whatever he plays as long as he is able to enjoy himself, and isn't able to derail games. So if he wants to play shaman that's fine, but he doesn't really seem to have any sort of dedicated character theory other than "fuck with the gm"

looks who's gonna be fired

Normie stuff I get at a shack. Run equipment comes through a fixer. Bioware through my corporate buddy who lets the company doctor finger my organs.

As a group though, 95% of our purchases go through our one fixer, were she to disappear or not be available the rest of the party is screwed 'cause all their contacts are shit.

I didn't get caught at work, I just had to attend to something else before addressing this.

Thanks for the concern though

>Sorry guys I got caught up at work

"Caught up" as in I got caught up in something that I couldn't take a break from to post here.



A single persona directed by a number of users jacked into a single system, Starved Men appeared every now and then in one of my recent games. We occasionaly used it/them as decking backup, when our codemonkey felt he won't be able to handle something alone. They were usually nice enough, if occasionally creepy, and accepted payments in drone-delivered boxes of faradayed commlinks and drugs.

Oh, boy. I just had a session that was so dumb
>4e, playing in the AGS
>party consists of a Edgelord face with a "street magician" theme, a druid mage, a vory sammy, a sniper infiltrator (previously PC but now played by me) and a TM NPC
>Run is to scope out a villa, document the weakpoints and steal a file from an internal server
>face wants to get there by getting chummy with some women that were going there
>two targets: human biochemist with two dogs and a dwarf designer with a love of horror films
>face wants to impress first one so he decides to get a dog, a tiny labrador
>buys the dog, some dog snacks and a leash
>that's it
>takes the train to the next city where both are
>on the way the dog needs to pee, starts to fidget
>face wants to see if he understands what it wants
>rolls animal handling
>2 dice
>rolls a crit glitch
>thinks it feels cold
>end of april
>in a train
>puts it in his cloak
>of course it pisses in the cloak
>gets out at the next station
>puts the small dog on a leash and goes the rest of the way
>target lives in an A-grade suburb
>no problemo, still looks somewhat dapper
>"do I see her?", 4 perception dice
>walks up and down the street
>eventually leaves
>goes back home to the apartment where he and his elf sammy girlfriend live
>leaves the dog there with some snacks and a bowl of water and a letter to the girlfriend
>2 hours before she comes back
>goes to the other mark, somehow manages to find her
>watches a horror movie with her
>gets her number and manages to get closer to her

>gets home
>his girlfriend is there in a rotating chair
>pose like a bond villain, just with a dog instead
>after having bought all the necessary stuff for a dog
>did I mention that the face wrote "well you can't have children, but at least we can have a dog"?
>well he did
>yadda yadda we both could die any day, obviously not responsible, that fucking letter, etc.
>"I'm taking the dog out for a walk, and when we come back you better not be here"

It's something you build your character around, but it propels you into very high initiative scores (and you could use stuff that gave you init dice with it, right?). It's worth it, especially if DM uses German rules for skilljacks/softs. Add in some nice skillsoft subscription, which allows you to be good at flying stuff/ disarming bombs/ dancing Russian ballet when needed and have fun, as you suddenly become a sammy that's also useful in every single situation.

It's okay.
Depends on your DM, I've participating in an ERP campaign of pathfinder so why the hell not shadowrun?

is you the guy that have a trap tiefling?

>but it propels you into very high initiative scores
5e, it propels your character into very reliable initiative scores, unless you also have access to Adrenaline Boost (power) and Accelerator (drug).

Maybe? We ruled that they still functioned if they were within line of sight. Could have been wrong, but we liked it.

I'm very sure I'm not treading original ground here, but I'm world-building a shadow organization for a cyberpunk game I'll be running next month. The organization is "many different kinds of wrong" but all steal archetypes and cliches from

ex. I have a female sniper in skull candy face tattoos; I have a face-type character that toes the line between Bella Legosi and Chernabog; I have a legit plague doctor dual pistol (darts).

Anyway I have 3-5 conceptualized, but wanted to see if you guys had any other suggestions or thoughts. I'd like to flesh out a total of 10-12.

Tell me about AIs. Aren't crazy to roleplay?

Heavily depends on what kind of AI you're playing, Some are more 'feral' than others, The closest to human sort may as well just be a personified avatar, Human in all but a few key differences.

No stories here, just gonna post some pics I've got laying about.




I find it's good at being what it tries to be, which is a setting about ordinary people trying to keep up in a new, bizarre, and constantly changing world.


>Could have been wrong
You were. Doesn't matter if you had fun.






Working to translate this shit, and I don't speak a word of German.

Now you know two.

I want me those shades and everything that comes with them.

I want these shades.

Is the book already in the mediafire?
Because if so, or if you give me the text I can translate it
I already did that one translation of the Wolfsspinne

Oh yes

The first translation or the second? Regardless, the HK-Urban line is hard to understand with machine translations

>>Die schwere Pistole aus der legendären Urban-Familie aus dem Hause Heckler & Koch erhielt ein Facelift und ist immer noch die führende Handfeuerwaffe auf dem Markt, wenn es um Unauffälligkeit und Unauf ndbarkeit geht. Das geringe Gewicht von 900 Gramm und die kompakte Maße von unter 20 Zentimetern lassen die Waffe bei Leibesvisitationen praktisch unsichtbar werden. Ihre nichtmetallischen Komponenten machen sie für traditionelle Magnetanomaliedetektoren unauf ndbar. Um die Fighter gegen elektronische Angriffe sicherer zu machen, wurde das Smartgunsystem entfernt. Gleichzeitig erhielt die Rückstoßdämpfung eine Aufwertung, was ein noch präziseres Abfeuern ermöglicht. Die Munition der Waffe wird versiegelt zugeführt, was die Munition für Chemsniffer quasi unsichtbar macht. Weiteres Zubehör kann nicht montiert werden. Einzige Ausnahme ist der spezielle Schalldämpfer, der ebenfalls nicht aus Metall besteht.
Standardupgrades/-zubehör: – Optionales Zubehör: Schalldämpfer (Preis: 1.000 €, Verfügbarkeit: 16V)

> Der Ruf der Fighter ist legendär, auch wenn sie auf der Straße
nie wirklich auftaucht. Ist aber auch kein Wunder. Wenn ich eine
hätte, dann wäre meine Angst viel zu groß, sie zu verlieren.
> Konnopke

> Die Waffe ist übrigens für Chemsniffer nur unsichtbar, wenn das
Magazin noch versiegelt ist und die Waffe nach dem letzten Abfeuern
gründlich gereinigt wurde. Und die Standardmunition ist
auch immer noch aus Metall …
> Zwieblblootz

the second

>>The heavy pistol from the legendary Urban-Line of the Heckler & Koch house received a facelift and is still the leading handgun on the market if a discreet and hard to trace weapon is needed. The low weight of 900 gram and the compact form of 20 cm length make the weapon practically invisible during strip searches. Its non-metallic components make it invisible to traditional MAD scanners. The Smartgun system was removed to make the Fighter more secure against electronic attacks. At the same time the recoil compensation got an upgrade which allows for more precise firing. The ammunition is fed in sealed form, which makes the ammunition practically invisible to Chemsniffers. No additional accessories can be mounted. The only exception is the specially made silencer, which is also non-metallic.
Standardmods/-accessories: -- Optional accessories: Silencer (Price:1600 €, Avail. 16F)

>The reputation of the Fighter is legendary, even if you don't really see it on the street. But that's obvious. If I had one I'd be too afraid to lose it.

>By the way: The weapon is only invisible to chemsniffers if the magazine is still sealed and the weapon was cleaned thoroughly. And the standard ammunition is still made of metal...

whoops, that 600 € increase was unintended

For what its worth, a lot of the prices on guns seem low. If anyone can instruct me on how to remove the watermarks and any hidden shit I don't know about, I'll happily upload the whole book

Don't know anything about that, but if you post all the german text I can translate it

You need to use a PDF Editor and scrub it, I think they hide some of your information in the metadata or on the pages to locate you if you upload it. Yekka could give you the run down I think but some google searching could help.

Do you get a dodge attempt if someone shoots a grenade launcher at you?

Right on. Found some stuff, but its slow going and I'm terrible with computers. Here's a gun that looks interesting but I can't make sense of.

>>Als Nachfolger der PJSS 55 ist das Modell 75 der „Produktionsgemeinschaft Jagd- und Sportwaffen Suhl“ für den gehobenen Sport- und Jagdschützen die erste Wahl. Mit präzise an den Schützen angepasstem Schaft aus Wurzelholz, nahezu unsichtbar eingearbeitetem Rückstoßdämpfer und einer Backe mit Muskin-Au age, einem antibakteriellen und kontaktfreundlichen Kunstleder aus Pilzkappen sowie Läufen aus modernster Fertigung kombiniert es das Design klassischer Eleganz des traditionellen Jagdsports vergangener Jahrhunderte mit modernen Materialien und Produktionsmethoden. Neben der in der Fachpresse ausgiebig gerühmten Zielgenauigkeit auch bei intensiver Nutzung und der damit einhergehenden Erhitzung des Laufs besticht das Gewehr durch hohen Nutzungskomfort bei einfacher P ege und robuster Verarbeitung. Auch das Grundmodell verfügt schon über zwei Abzüge, sodass über Einsteckläufe unterschiedliche Kaliber möglich sind. Darüber hinaus ist ein an den Vorderschaft montierbares Zielsystem optional möglich. Damit wird das anvisierte Objekt anhand einer Wärmesignatur erfasst und dem Schützen über eine AR-Aufblendung auch bei Bewegung mit maximaler Zielerfassung präsentiert. In der Variante M75-III wird das Schrotgewehr als Drilling ausgeführt, sodass ein untergehängter Kugellauf die Wahl des Kalibers erweitert.

Anmerkung: Die Waffe verfügt über zwei Abzüge, die jeweils auf einen der beiden Flintenläufe wirken. Beim Modell 75-III wirkt einer der beiden Abzüge
nach Betätigung eines Umschalters auch auf den Büchsenlauf.
Die Läufe können über eine entsprechende Abzugstellung auch gleichzeitig abgefeuert werden und gelten dann als Salve (beim M75-III) oder als
kurze Salve (Modell 75) (s. SR5, S. 181). Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass alle Läufe dieselbe Munition geladen haben.

Nope. You can use Interrupt Actions to get out of the way though.

Follow up, the actual profile. No idea what the capacity/bullet storage is.

Weapon Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Capacity Availability Price
Modell 75 6 11P -1 SS (1) 2(k) 8R 1.200 €
Modell 75-III 8R 1.700 €
- Flintenläufe 6 11P -1 SS (1) 2(k)
- Büchsenlauf 6 12P -2 SS (1) 1(k)
Standard Upgrades: Shockpad

There is a bit of a problem with cops in normal SR tending to be pretty scrubby.

Its two high-end variants of the PJSS.it seems One is single-barrel and 12p and the other is double-barrel and 11p.

I see you too have read Johnny Mnemonic.

>in the metadata
I don't think DTRPG put stuff in there during the watermarking process, just the text element on the page.

Attacking someone with a grenade (launcher) isn't as simple as that. There are three standard detonator types. Two use a threshold test to attack, while the third uses a standard opposed attack roll.

Any chance you'd be willing to post the stat line for that pistol?

If I get off my ass and download a better PDF Editor, and someone can help translate (my German is really rusty), I could see about translating the whole shebang.

HK Urban Fighter 6 7P -1 SA 1 10(c) 16F 2.400 €
Standard Upgrades: Silencer (Price: 1,000 €, Availability: 16f
Note: A sealed magazine for this weapon is similarly restricted like the weapon itself (price: 150 €, availability: 16F). Such
Magazines are available only with standard ammunition. They can also be refilled with other ammunition types, but of course they are not sealed anymore.

Sorry for the fucked format, what I've done (Statlines) are in that pastebin

can an adept be good at blades, bludgeons, AND hand to hand?
And chairs.

I sort of want to make wuxia scenes happen.

Who is this crazy sharkbitch?
Where can I find more?

They CAN, but Shadowrun's system rewards autistic specialization moreso than generalization in combat.

This warms my heart, user.

Why for must you do this, shadowrun.

If you like that, there's a whole series of MAD-Proof, chemsealed HK guns.

Yes, but it's gonna cost you. You'll probably need to take Skills B at minimum for the Close Combat skill group.

You might be better off going melee street samurai because adepts get a lot of mileage out of Weapon Foci, and being an improvised weapons guy doesn't lend itself to that. Also you'll want to take a lot of edge, get some skimmers implanted, etc.

That's exciting.. I'm going to have a blast pitching these to my players. They're all new to SR and always want advice on how best to arm themselves.

Translation user wanna take a crack at this?

Schlank, zielgenau und auf jede Situation anpassbar, wird das Steyr AUG-CSL vor allem von Spezialeinheiten und Söldnern eingesetzt, die gern auf alles vorbereitet sind. Zum 100-jährigen Produktionsjubiläum 2078 wurde im Rahmen großer Feierlichkeiten bei Steyr Mannlicher die neueste Variante vorgestellt. Am Design hat sich kaum etwas geändert, auch sonst blieben die Entwickler eher konservativ. Das größte Argument für die neue Variante ist wohl das stark vereinfachte Wechseln des Laufs, was für Soldaten im Einsatz leichte und schnelle Wartung bedeutet und es Runnern erlaubt, im Ernstfall einen kurzen Karabiner zu einem Sturmgewehr upzugraden.

Standardupgrades/-zubehör: Lasermarkierer, Vordergriff
(nur für Sturmgewehr- und Karabinerkon guration), Zielfernrohr, Zweibein (nur für LMG- und Scharfschützengewehrkon guration)

(Another assault rifle that can be turned into a LMG, Carbine and Sniper Rifle)

Anmerkung: Das Steyr AUG-CSL kann keine zusätzlichen unterlaufmontierten Upgrades aufnehmen.
Die verschiedenen Konfi gurationen verwenden die Reichweiten und Tarnmodifi katoren ihres jeweiligen Waffentyps.
Das Wechseln zwischen der Karabiner- und der Sturmgewehrkonfi guration ist durch das einfache Laufwechselsystem mit einer Ausgedehnten
Probe auf Schnellfeuerwaffen + Geschicklichkeit [Körperlich] (5, 1 Kampfrunde) möglich. Das Umbauen zu einem LMG oder Scharfschützengewehr
erfordert mehr Wissen und Zeit sowie eine Ausgedehnte Probe auf Waffenbau + Geschicklichkeit [Körperlich] (5, 1 Minute).

The Steyr AUG-CSL is slim, purposeful, and adaptable to every situation. It is mainly used by special units and mercenaries who are prepared for everything. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of production in 2078, Steyr Mannlicher presented the latest version. The design has hardly changed, the developers remained conservative. The most important alteration for the new variant is probably the greatly simplified change of the barrel, which means easy and fast maintenance for soldiers in use and allows runners to upgrade a short carbine to an assault rifle in case of emergency.

Standard upgrades/accessories: Laser sight, front-mounted handle (only for armed forces and carbiners), imaging scope and bipod (only for light machine-gunners and snipers).

Note: The Steyr AUG-CSL can not accommodate additional under-mounted upgrades. The various configurations use the range and camouflage modifiers of their respective weapon types. Changing between the carbine and the assault rifle configuration is due to the simple change-over system with Extended Action check using Firearms + Dexterity (5, 1 combat round). The conversion to an LMG or sniper rifle requires more knowledge and time, as well as an Extended Action check of Weaponry + Dexterity [5, 1 minute].

Kind of annoying that the "This is the only way to not be instantly killed by grenades" Interrupt was relegated to a splatbook.

curse you user! you made me think the days of the talkative capcha had returned. but all I see are the picture grid ones.

You can change that in settings, you know.

I would recommend against it. I tend to find that at least my for my group they dont like those kinds of things. The story is supposed to be about them not your OC's. Also it doesn't matter what you do, those people will inevitably die like chumps. Save yourself the time and effort and instead flesh out the organization rather then having special dude who the PC's will shoot in the face or ignore before you ever get to go into their backstory.

Speaking from experience.