Where do you rate other tabletop gamers? We have a huge mix of different groups here and it would be interesting to see how the current stereotypes and tiers look.
>Card game players (Yugioh, Magic, Netrunner)
>Wargamers (Warhammer, Infinity, Warmachine
>Roleplayers (D&D, Path finder, WoD)
>LARPERs (Foam swords, beanbags, cardboard armour)
>Board gamers (Risk, Settlers)
>Historical gamers (Only play historic games, usually custom systems to represent their pet era)
>Modelers (people who don't play any games just build models, military, fantasy or sci fi)
>Lore whores (only read novels, wikis and rulebooks for the fluff)
Which do you consider yourself to be as your primary tabletop interaction? How long have you been into the hobby?