For some reason, a whaler from Dishonored is now hunting your party

For some reason, a whaler from Dishonored is now hunting your party.
What happens?

Thats one of Dauds goons, not a whaler?

Call him a taffer and steal his coin pouch

The Whaler's is the name of the group.

Well, it has a balls-mad Strigoi in it who's only kept under control by a wizard. So the guy's pretty much fucked, eaten, then anything that's left is eaten by those pesky ghouls.

Well there ain't no whales, so he'll have to tell tall tales and sing a whaling tune.

We gather for whiskey and cigars

A whaler has been added to our party.

Motherfucker thinks he can blink and turn invisible? I have abrupt jaunt and I'm 10th level. I'm going to have sex with his cooling corpse on a grimy rooftop.

>a whaler joins the party

Impossible. I killed them all. Including the one that got away.

A whaler ey?
From Dishonored huh?

I return him to the /v/

We have a character who has a pension for taking the Commissioner Jim Gordon approach to everything, and never fails at it. The Whaler is literally fucked.

They're honestly not all that high-end of a threat.

If he started grinding however...

>We have a character who has a pension for taking the Commissioner Jim Gordon approach to everything, and never fails at it. The Whaler is literally fucked.

It took me about four tries before I realized you meant to write PENCHANT.

>magic british man
>trying to kill a stalker
I'm sorry, but russian magic trumps british magic.


How badly did the gm fuck up?

We tell him that the Paladin is not a whale, he's just a little bigger since he married a baker.

Oh gods, now he's crying. You monster.

10/10 i kekd

Considering one of our party members WAS a whaler, we know how to counter them.
Usual answers by character
WarSum: Summon Rudy to Exodus Void Nova everything in a 600ft radius around her.
Mentalist: Absolute Zero. Hard to sneak up on someone when you're frozen solid.
>Warlock: Something something Portal to the Wake.
>Tao: ATATATATATATATATATATATA! Repeat until problem is solved.
Weaponmaster: Liberal application of Demon-possessed Two-Handed Axe to torso.
Warlock 2(the whaler): Counter-sneak followed by gank.

The Cleric and Dwarf won't stop grapple cheesing him every time he gets close and our Wizard explodes again.

I commend him for his fantastic fashion sense, but ask him to stop being a witch and put away that peashooter.

oh hey I was gonna make my next character heavily based on whalers
best class I could find is duskblade, or is there a better one?

Duskblade seems best IMO.

>Brown coat: PC's laugh at the wanna be shadow dancer
>Blue coat: PC's have a relatively challenging fight
>Red Coat (Except Billi): PC's get fucked up but could probably pull through
>Billi Lurk: They gunn get Witched
>Daud: The outsider wonders why time has stopped and then they all end up dead the next second.

I use my blink and engage in a dual very few others can do, blinking from left to right in a flurry of blade strokes