How do I hide the Bcash threads, bcash posts, anything related to bcash? They are the most obnoxious cancerous community we have and I need some peace! I think I've looked just about everywhere and I can't find the option.
How do I hide the Bcash threads, bcash posts, anything related to bcash...
sonm and maybe dcorp they both have strong teams behind their shit and already booming
haha sounds like a boat brap
I think you meant to say Linkies are the most annoying user.
how much bitbean to sniff her delicious anus?
>Go to Veeky Forums settings
>Enable filtering
>Click the arrow beside a post
>Type in the text you want filtered
>Click save
>All posts/threads with that term are now hidden
thanks reddit hahaha
How much did she piss to turn that much water yellow holy shit.
Veeky Forums is being shilled beyond belief by Roger's sock puppets. BCH will eventually bleed to zero. Wouldn't touch it.
The Linkies are funny and non aggressive. Cashies are very argumentative and aggressive. They have zero memes as they take themselves and their leaders very seriously.
bitcoin cash haters are the biggest dunning-kruger examples alive on the planet today.
The amount of damage control and shilling surrounding Bcash has made me very wary of it, the Coinbase fiasco and recent "correction" make it worse.
free, but you have to do it underwater.
>Thinking ever bigger blocks are a clever idea for a decentralised crypto currency,
All of my keks.
Why does every solution for BTC core involve hiding from and ignoring glaring fucking problems?
That's what got you here, not "bcash."
> Ramming the entire core cuck dildo right up his ass and realizing he's getting fucked and lied to. Brainlet.
I thought Veeky Forums made fun of people who needed safe spaces
Cool retort bro. I have considered your insightful and well thought out point of view and I must go and buy BCH right away.
>Buy my shitcoin or you're in a safe space.
Outrage marketing.
I didn't even have to post examples as I knew you cashies would show up and do great job of proving my point.
LN will utterly destroy BCH.
They are annoying because they are paid shills of the globalists. Just like antics but this is the ancap version. Useful idiots the lot of them in a game of smoke and mirrors and divide and conquer. They really are cancer and they are trying to centralise something that scares the ‘elites’ which is a decentralised monetary system they can only influence and not control. They will do anything to gain that control. Btrash flip, IOTA and XRP are their current moves in this game. Fuck them and fuck these sellout shills. They are just as bad as ver and his pals, selling out humanity for a few shekles and some ‘power’ /scum.
there is no escape form the duality in life. For every bitcoin there is a bitcoin cash grasshopper
It’s a bot. Same as the mco ones. They have paid some PR agency to promote them and they picked a pajeet one that uses bots.
Now the btrash and iota shills... they are next level, full on soros level shit.
His name is Robert Pulsen!
>Corecucks on the watch again