I'm curious about the main nationalities of this board.
Where are you from, fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls, and what's the irl tabletop rpg scene like in your neck of the woods?
Personally, I'm from Australia.
I'm curious about the main nationalities of this board.
Where are you from, fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls, and what's the irl tabletop rpg scene like in your neck of the woods?
Personally, I'm from Australia.
>Personally, I'm from Australia.
Well this thread got off to the worst possible start
Syria, degenerates should be hanged
Italy but away from home
I'm from Illinois in America. DnD is booming alongside board games. We have a slight surplus of FLGS's but they are not made equal. It's very common to see historicals, infinity, war machine, etc at stores but warhammer is king with a lot of people switching to AoS.
Most common phrase is "I hate AoS story but the game is fun"
>Personally, I'm from Australia.
get the fuck out you shitposting convict cunt
I'm from Ireland.
Games Workshop was always big here, could buy 40k minis in any rural toy shop when I was a kid. Same with main stream trading card games like MTG.
RPGs got big in the last 10 years, the nearest city now has 2 gaming stores and the big book chains stock D&D starter sets.
The community is largely college league based with no big commercial conventions but I have seen a rising trend of pubs hosting boardgame nights and gaming tournaments though.
Brit Bong here, grew up in East London. Traditional gaming all my life. Bullied for it lots at school.
Now shit like D&D, TCG's , boardgames and miniatures are cool amongst girls and hipsters around London.
So on the one hand I'm suddenly popular as I can run an RPG game and play boardgames well etc, on the other hand I resent everyone I'm playing with for being fakes who would have mocked me for playing toy soldiers a decade ago.
Well, i'm from Belgium
I know that feel bro
At least he isn't a Leaf.
Belgian here too, could only find a group online.
From which part of Belgium? Maybe i can help you with that.
Nig nog from freedomstan. Being in the military you are as likely to find nerds who play DnD as you are chads so most of my RPing started in the Navy. At some point i'm going to start playing again but for now I just live vicariously through everyone else on the board.
>any rural toy shop
Fuck off with your lies. You could buy them in the odd independent hobby or model shop.
Dude what's with all the pedophilia 'n' police corruption 'n' shit?
Damn, i don't know much the Vlamse community, it seems far more active in Brussels and Wallonia.
Ah, don't mind it.
I've got a online game every weekend, and that's more than can be said for some of the poor saps on this board.
I'm a Minnesotan but out here in bible+++ farmtown country land ttrpg opinion is still stuck on 'DnD IS SATAN' soooo yeah
Mary's toymaster had a shelf of em.
New Jersey, USA.
Being in a densely-populated wealthy east coast state means it isn't too hard to find games, especially if you're near a university. It seems like every little town has at least a comic shop and there's some real widespread interest in roleplaying among young people.
It's in the same vein that memeing about french cowards, pedophilia and police corruption aren't as much a problem than in the rest of Occident.
Nowadays it's more about djihadist and politician corruption.
I can't find other people playing war games (Battletech is a favorite but never found players, just two guys that know what it is) but board games, on the other hand, is blooming it is easy to find players and new games
North Jersey here. Can confirm.
Russia, Moscow. I have an RPG shop reasonably nearby, but I never go there, because it smells like death. I play with other russians over the internet.
modern german fantasy is a disgrace and im trying to reeducate my players into accepting interresting premises.
Its not easy.
Why does every game shop in the world smell like balls?
St. Louis, Missouri
It's ok I guess
The 4 or 5 bigger cities have a big and rich enough amount of people for an actual tabletop scene, even if it's still a very small thing compared to other hobbies.
Anywhere else you're just stuck with the same 4 guys for all your life.
It seems populated with autists so me and my friends jam at home
French guy living in China. City of above 10M people and I can't find a gaming shop. I'm told there are board game cafés about town, though. Some board gamers in the expat community, but for a city this size it's bloody ridiculous.
One thing that's nice is how easy it is to buy cheap minis online for their real price. If only there was somebody to play with...
I'm from Mars.
Send help, running out of ai-
hey fellow spear marksmen I'm okitraz right now and I'm trying to start a game any tips?
Pastaman here
there really aren't many stereotypical neckbeards visible in the open if you don't consider the occasional manchildren playing magic with middle schoolers, but I don't have too much knowledge on the size and complexity of the basement dwellers; otherwise you get groups of novices trying and often staying at the iceberg tip of Veeky Forums related stuff like the latest D&D and warhammer on top of the previously mentioned magic with a bit of yugioh with the youngest
lgs are very ephemeral as far as I see
Poland, so pic related.
This is more like the pre-internet shitposting scene than the tg scene though
Fellow Pole here, those are Cossacks user, but still, heh, that's pretty accurate.
Just mormons and hot summers
You a dub mate? Cause I've been looking for a tabletop Blood Bowl league. Any ones going on?
>still having time to prove that you are not a robot and to submit
You liar!
New York City.
The lack of space means there are surprisingly few FLGS in Manhattan, but things are better out here in Brooklyn.
You could just go to /pol/ or /int/ and ask how many people there also go to Veeky Forums? then you could get a better count.
(Americunt here)
Sorry man, Cork,
Brazil, Sao Paulo.
Incredibly easy to find new players, obscenely hard to find decent ones or places that are supporting RPGs, most of them are into MTG and miniature wargaming here is dead as fuck.
Boardgames got BIG.
England here, pre-uni I lived in a fairly rural shithole that eventually had a GW, then a FLGS. It stocks mostly Magic stuff though rather than tabletops which is what I'm into.
I moved to Nottingham for uni which is practically hobby mecca. Warhammer World is down the road and there's loads of game shops all over, including those gaming cafe things where you can go play and get a coffee.
where at? im in minneapolis right now
Switzerland, geneva
D&D5 just been translated in french here
im from Britain, not many decent RPers round here so I play over the internet
Canada bud
Shitposting is an institution as venerable as prostitution and just as respected.
Damn dude that sucks. I would think if you have to be stuck in barracks all fucking day with chasity belts then at some point you should be able to find someone who's into gaming, or just try to find groups online if your weekend duties arn't severe. I wouldn't know, never even came close to 11stan because I was stuck on one ship state side for almost my entire time in >_>
Goddamn. You cork guys got BB down there anyway? Would give me an excuse to go down there. I miss that county, did my Masters there.
Yeah man. UCC has a league and sandbox has a weekly night for it.
Canada, specifically Quebec. Finding english-speaking RPG players and products is surprisingly difficult as all the english-language stores keep closing due to lack of patronage. I play on Roll20 nowadays with a stable group of 3 other players plus some occasional drop-in drop-outs.
Holy shit. What days? Though I am guessing its exclusive to UCC students. I graduated like 3 years ago so, may not be suitable. Less there is a local hobby store of some kind.
Russia, Moscow [2]
Spanishfag here.
RPGs used to be something around these parts, but most people of my age that were into it have either migrated to New Afghanistan(aka United Kingdom) or are married and with kids. 9th Age is a thing, with some people playing, but most are into Infinity right now.
Rolewise, I know there are some Pathfinder groups around (including mine, though we haven't stared yet), but most RPG groups in this zone are into Vampire and/or Werewolf, and most of them are a bunch of weaboos and fa/tg/uys and girls.
My compatriot here knows the pain.
Kentucky, US. Home of pure breds, inbreds, and bourbon.
There are a few shops around but they mostly cater to card games. The only place selling books charges double the going rate so Ive ordered mine from online.
Seems like there are plenty of players in the city.
Пpивeт из Бeлapycи, the former eternal crucible of cultural conflict, now merely a brazen and unknown country. Come visit Belovezhsky forests, they are cool.
>and what's the irl tabletop rpg scene like in your neck of the woods?
Adventurer's League and some 40k tournaments
South of France, we got a GW and FLGS that mainly do cards now.
>d-don't bully
Reporting in.
South Germany. I'm posting on Veeky Forums, so I wouldn't know how the actual, real life-community looks like.
But from what I've heard, there is mostly WoD and DSA going on...
War games (/gamers) are a mixed bunch like they should be.
Indianapolis, Indiana. Present home of Gen Con. Gaming is very big here, with a GW store up north, 4 Game Preserve stores inside of a 30 minute drive, the only North American Good Games, Game 2 die 4 and Saltire. We do not suffer a lack of shops.
Same, but bullying is allowed
Argentina but I only recently started playing TTRPGs so I have no idea how the local scene is.
>I'm a Minnesotan but out here in bible+++ farmtown country land ttrpg opinion is still stuck on 'DnD IS SATAN' soooo yeah
Where you at Minnebro?
Polk County here
fuck off we are not new afgan. we are cold, and quite a bit richer.
Benis :DDD
>what's the irl tabletop rpg scene like in your neck of the woods?
Dominated by Magic, Warhammer and board games. RPGs still exist but are on their last legs.
I would, but many of my favorite bands are from over there, you fought probably the most impressive defensive wars ever and seems to be doing pretty fine nowadays, so I'm not really sure what to goad you about.
Jamaican here never seen another set of dice outside my house
My friends are normies of normies so I don't have anyone to play with.
As our oddity in games WHFRP is a big one rivalling dnd or was, some time ago.
>those are Cossacks user
it was all PLC at some time so it is shared history, and fuck the sultan in that pic.
>and what's the irl tabletop rpg scene like in your neck of the woods?
Obscure I'd say, though people start to take interest in it via anticafes, rolecon.ru, etc. Adventurers League and Pathfinder Society are present, ofc.
Feeling like finding a group interested in less known systems like GURPS and Shadowrun (not on 'pls generate my character for me, I don't care about rulebooks at all' level) isn't easy. Don't play M:tG or 40k, can't say anything in this regard.
Rulebooks are sold via online shops, scarce assortment in LGS last time I checked.
>get sucked into cursed RPG manual
>in anarchic hellhole full of hostile wildlife and savage natives
>realize I'm just in Florida
Brazil, Brasília
I notice everything these guys said is true over here too. Especially how big boardgames got. I also think that the players and DMs around here seem to be overwhelmingly good, but outside of the eventual meetup I don't get much contact with them. It's always enjoyable, though.
North Jerseyan checking in
There's a convention near me every year, lots of good local stores for buying books and dice, but everyone seems to be buying online and playing with pdfs. I feel like that's increasingly common everywhere, though.
Fellow ILbro reporting in, but I've been living in CO for about a year now. Old place still a shithole?
My current city has ~150K people with two FLGS and a successful board game/RPG bar. There's at least one public games meetup a week here. It's pretty great, but I haven't been able to take advantage on account of my new job.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It sounds like it was made up for an rpg, but it actually has a decent gaming scene. We've even got a bar that hosts d&d nights. Nothing else to do in our eight month winter.
I'm not your buddy, guy.
I'm not your guy, friend
Silesia here. Can't tell you anything about RPG scene here because I'm not playing it but MtG and 40k are pretty alive - they are two mainly played games here. Also some people are playing x-wing and AoS but not as many as the first two games for sure
Polish here. The TTRPG scene is unfortunately in decline here, but you can usually still find someone to play with. Warhammer Fantasy was and still is the king of all RPGs here. From what I know VtM and CoC also used to be quite popular, but now it's hard to find a group for them.
Denmark, South Jutland.
I live far away from any gameshops, but the one time I visited the one closest to me was pretty good.
Minneapolis here. I feel like MN is basically ground zero for tabletop, which I guess makes sense given the Midwestern origin of RPGs. I can get to at least a half dozen FLGSes with simple one or two line bus journeys, and there's more in the burbs. The games I'm hearing about in different groups are all over the place, Ars Magica, Shadowrun, OSR D&D-ish stuff, etc. Finding other people who play is trivial.
From a friend that's in Buenos Aires I've heard Old World of Darkness still has a big scene.
Paris, France. My tabletop circle is pretty decent. I'd say about twenty people. Though we're a bit closed off from what you'd call "the scene", so I don't know about it. But I think you'd have decent chances at finding associations to play, in my country.
I was part of one when I lived in Brittany (western France). 70+ people in it.
Also plenty of original french rpgs. And the larp scene is pretty decent too, from what I know.
Virginia, my city has had a couple game/comic shops pop up recently, mostly MtG or wargaming related. Good number of ttrpg players around but the public groups are either vile or dull and everyone plays with friends. Everyone runs everything but MtG at home or in private groups and buy most of their shit online because brick and mortar prices are obscene and selection is limited.
Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, here. I've heard we've got a good scene here but I can't be bothered to socialize enough to see any of it.
People here love playing chess and everyone here LARPs as a nationalist.
What state?
See, I heard that too. I used to follow a blog that uploaded mostly WoD pdfs and most of the followers were OWoD players and DMs. Dunno how the NWoD/CoD fares right now, the last I time I tried to buy some of the books none of the stores I usually visit had them.
Russia. It's cold out there, and only rare DnD 4e with OCCASIONAL 5e games.
Such life in Russia.
Poland. Team slav stronk.
If you don't know other folks that like Veeky Forums you are fucked, as most of the people willing to talk about Veeky Forums related stuff with peple other than good pals are annoying manchildren, or the degenerated stereotype of WW fan. Most of the RPG players I've ever met are in their thirties right now; twenty-somethings are getting big on boardgames.
I've spent some time in Luxembourg as well, and tabletop scene was pretty strong there too.
United States, specifically Illinois in the midwest.
I'm not your friend, buddy. Living in Nova Scotia and play AD&D 1e with my parents since my friends are insufferable faggots when we play tabletop. How about you?