Be honest

Do you ever bring up the fact that you trade cryptos or invest in 'digital assets' to women you meet?

I got dumped recently and am in between jobs and right now. This is the only thing financially I got going for me as of right now. Women are bloodhounds when it comes to careers and financial stability.

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I did, I don't recommend it


instant red flag for them?

Why bring it up at all? If theyre so interested in your finances you should be on red alert. That topic comes up when shit gets serious, if they ask what you tell them youre between jobs and give em like a 5 year plan for your career. If that isnt good enough for them youre better off without them.

>am in between jobs
I made the mistake of telling this upper west side bitch I was banging that I quit my job. She dropped me like a rock for her ex-boyfriend airline pilot. Jokes on her though because my portfolio is bigger than its ever been and I have more in my bank account rn than I have in about a year and a half. Also just got a 55% raise at a new gig

But yeah, don't tell her about any of your financials, just show her with your dress and actions. Maybe toss a couple 50s / Hundos in your wallet and cavalierly pay with them

More like instant 'green' flag for them, whether they like you or not. Its not something you want to get into.

Never talk to women about money

My point is, eventually you're gonna have to let the cat out of the bag.

Women are like bloodhounds when it comes to career prospects in a guy and whether or not he's "someone who knows what he wants in life" all that type of bull shit

>he fell for the love meme

they'll be excited. women don't respect wageslaves.

Yeah, and this bitch was a type A career-a-holic ultra left wing tiny dog owner. She needs a wagecuck in her life, not a freelance nomad like me. Dodged a bullet far as I'm concerned

i hate sour cunts like that. good on you

I only bring it up when they mention it. Most women would dismiss it and prefer real money like houses and businesses.

Thanks braj, we're all gonna make it. May your moons be large and rapid

My bio on Tinder was "rich off bitcoin" for like 3 months and i was easily getting 5x more matches lol. slooooooootz

you shitting me? maybe i should try that.

>talking to women about your finances and money

My fucking sides!

good thing i don't interact with women

>My point is, eventually you're gonna have to let the cat out of the bag.
Lol, no.

> to women you meet
i don't do this

This. They will rob you the moment they sense weakness.

hahahahhaha what a loser amirite boys?? what kind of loser doesn't interact with women? hahahahah

Read The Rational Male

Not necessarily, but I think it's rather rational approach. And not only against women. Just let thet hairy little bitch in that fucking bag, meowing and hissing.

My GF knows about my crypto addiction.

I don't make a secret out of it.

Hell, my girlfriend even dropped in few k's once I started without being pushy and said that she trusts me when I talk so much and excited about it. Sometimes I tell her how it goes and she just smiles. I know she doesn't care much but is willing to listen as long she gets to drop her off stuff she wants to talk about.

None of my co-workers know about this, but some friends. Some of them asked of they can give me money and I do the "magic" but I said I will not make any trades with money from my friends. So most of them gave up on that except one.
I talk about when it comes about and I get asked but I don't push it to anyones face

>she trusts me when I talk so much and excited about it
Basically dumb Veeky Forums bitch...

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

HELL MOTHErfucking no. Never speak to a woman about this shit. You don’t get it yet but you will one day

a gay one

From what Ive found, if they are attracted to you, you could say any job or work and theyll be into it. If they arent attracted to you, you could tell them you run a large business with employees and do really well or that you work as a chef and they wont believe you or think it must be at a crappy restaurant.

no I'm just .. lonely .. and busy improving myself before I go for whimen!

I've tried to explain what cryptocurrency is to so many women and NONE of them fucking get it. Like, they straight up don't understand even when I use the most basic language. I was talking to my bro's gf and here's how the conversation goes;

>how do you get bitcoin
you dedicate computer resources to maintaining the transaction network and receive coins in return
>but why is it worth money
because a bunch of people agree that it's worth something
>so it doesn't have any actual value, people just made it up
(after explaining what fiat means) fiat currency doesn't have any actual value either, the dollar is only valuable because the fed says it is and people trust that
>that's not the same thing, you didn't answer any of my questions lol

Shit's fucking infuriating.

why am i reading this like it's a convo being conducted through a fucking winter storm

not bad tho, you did tell her about the core principals, not much else you can do there really. Do you dream every night? I do. I dream of the most elaborate dreams the never seem to catch my fancy. I don't know what it is exactly
ANY FUCKING WAYS.... through my experiences, bitches are shallower than guys are, they are wack, and they will wring you dry out of everything youve got for a fucking couple bucks of edignb urg