/btg/ Battletech General!

My batchall, edition

The /btg/ is dead - long live the /btg/!

Old thread: =================================

BattleTech video-game Beta gameplay


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO:
builtforwar.blog(not spam)spot.com/

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing? (old)

2017-03-03 – (Against the Bot)

Current 3.21 rule set is included in the mekhq package

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders

/btg/'s own image board: - (2017-06-10 - Still getting worked on & now has 12944 pics!)

More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord server, etc.) Last updated 2017-06-06!

Our /btg/ Merc Unit! 2017-05-01

Other urls found in this thread:


Butte Hold







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link for extra huge version


I love every single thing about this, but especially, "Randy's Retribution Rental Resource"

That should be really named "Clan Intelligence service at work"

In the Amaris Civil War, Aleksandr Kerensky kicked down the gates to the imperial palace in his Orion. It is said his friend held out during the assault in an Atlas. Do we know what other mechs were present? Debating getting into Battle Tech and wondering how I would build around this using that era of mechs!

>In the Amaris Civil War, Aleksandr Kerensky kicked down the gates to the imperial palace in his Orion. It is said his friend held out during the assault in an Atlas. Do we know what other mechs were present? Debating getting into Battle Tech and wondering how I would build around this using that era of mechs!
We can work out a lot of what the other people in his command company were using by looking at either Liberation of Terra 2, or at Klondike. Liz Hazen was in the command lance with him, and she used a Black Knight in the Pentagon Wars (and lost it in the ambush that killed DeChevalier and took his Atlas as well). Colleen Schmitt was in a Highlander for most of her career. She served as Hazen's 2iC for a while in the Ghosts of the Black Watch. She'd likely be in the drop, if not in the command lance.

The specific units were the 26th and the 328th Royal Divisions, with most of the force inside the palace coming from the 26th (with heavy reinforcement from other units in the Puget Sound) and the 4th Dragoons. As remnant Royals/Resistance fighters, they'd have huge mix of tech levels, and everyone would be some hard-ass motherfuckers.

Thanks, I will look at Liberation of Terra 2 and Klondike!

LoT2 covers the era you want to run, Klondike is set after it by about ten years. It still gives you an idea of the preferences of each commander and some of their backstories (H:OpK has a lot more >personal< history, while LoT2 focuses more on the motions of troops and nations). The Random Assignment Tables in Liberation of Terra (like all RATs) are just abstractions for gameplay, not a completely accurate reflection of history. But they make for a good place to start.

Help a clanfag out if you would /btg/. I'm trying to come up with some homebrew plasma weapons that are not total wonk for a campaign I'm gonna run. I'm gonn drop the stats here and see if anyone has any input.

*Heavy Plasma Rifle (a merger of plas rifle and plas cannon)
Heat: 15
Range: 0/5/10/15
Damage: 15
Causes 2d6 heat build up
Deals 4d6 infantry damage
Ammo: 7 shots per ton
Explodes upon critical for 10 points plus 1d6 heat
7tons 3crits
BV and c-bill: pending

*carbine plasma rifle (in the vein of machine guns and AP gauss rifles)
Heat: 5
Range: 0/3/6/9
Damage: 5
Causes 1d3 heat build up
Deals 1d6 infantry damage
Ammo: 20 shots per ton
1ton 2crits
BV and c-bill: also pending

I replayed MW4: Mercs recently (with all the MekPacks), and plasma rifle there was a fucking beast. 30 damage + heat damage. I had an atlas with 2 plasma rifles and a heavy gauss that one-shotted everything. By compariosn, PPC does around 16 damage in the game, I think.

Looks like Randy's gonna cut a deal with an, ah... "religious" client, here. Shit's bad news for mercs.

A bit opie, pal. Keep the damage to 10 and 5 respectively, and make the latter weigh at least 2 tons apiece. Bill bv the same as for cERPPC and cERMLAS. Cbill cost for all should be elevated due to experimental technology.

Also remember to apply the rule of "no more than 15 points of external heat applicable to a mech per turn", just so you don't accidentially unleash something you can't put back in the box.

That reminds me, do inferno rounds pile up in terms of adding heat, or is it just 6 points and the additional rounds just increase the duration of the increased heat?

IIRC, infernos no longer add heat over multiple turns.

They also don't do six points per missile anymore, it's two, and is also why the inflicted heat is cumulative.

Okay. I see where your coming from, I was contemplating if the Hvy Plas' damage was too high considering that the improved hvy lrg las does one point more and generates even more hear to fire.

I wonder if i could get away with a weird damage value, like 12 or something. Anyone else have input?

Love the "Doña Cañon" in the AC/20.

If you make it 12, you should also make it very expensive. Headcap damage runs at 12, so anything under that is easier to manage.

Well that's no fun. What do they do to vehicles now?

For each missile that hits, roll on the vehicle critical hits table at -2.

So that could be really disastrous really fast. Keanu-whoa.

Harasser loaded with infernos is a great way to counter other vees.

Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Our Lord and Saviour of the Motherfucking Thunder, Narukami?

>This lovely DA machine is supposed to be introduced at the beginning of the 32nd century
>All the Kuritans in the actual books use SM1's, Marksman M1's and Jess II's

Sasuga, Dark Age.

It's a good update on the Schrek. Better than DI's take by a long shot.

I'd still rock a Gurty over it.

Are there more pics out there of non-retarded falconers?

I only know of three Falconer pics, the one you have, one of the early TRO pics which was derp, and this one from the later TRO.

I coulda sworn the pencilbro who does all the lineart around here had done a falconer doodle. I've been going through the booru trying to find it but no luck yet.

i found this one though

Crud, I think you're right. I know at least two guys are working on the booru's tags. They could use more help. If that pic has been on /btg/ in the last year, it's gotta be there somewhere.
And a Shimmy pic, nice! Falconer doesn't get as much attention as it needs.

>supernova's retarded cousin

There might have also been one in the CCG, but I'm not sure if it was ever scanned.

I don't think I ever got that card either. It was probably in Mechwarrior or a later set, meaning almost impossible to find boosters of.

Which is better to use in conjuction with the Mechwarrior RPG: regular Battletech or Alpha Strike?

Why settle for mediocrity when you can go full autism mode?

Which version of the RPG? AToW switches to BattleTech past BA scale.

AToW, most likely. Can it not be converted to Alpha Strike instead of Total Warfare?

Not without another step of Conversion after you go to TW first.

Hey /btg/, has anyone ever done Command and Conquer conversions for BattleTech? I strikes me that you could do some good GDI and Nod stuff using BattleTech rules. Fuck, Nod even has a few mechs you could break out.

How difficult is it to convert from TW to AS?

There are rules in AS for doing that.

You can't convert back to BT though, right? There are some unique variants in the combat manuals that I think would be neat to see record sheets of.

You lose too much in the conversion to AS record sheets that you can't extrapolate the level of detail that BT record sheets require.

There's nothing in the Combat Manuals that isn't already statted in regular BattleTech.

/btg/, anyone attending Origins this year? If so, what events are you doing? I plan on jamming the Throwback Thursday event, since it's Amaris Civil War and you couldn't keep my ass away from that if you tried.

Not at all. Not planning on attending either con, actually. The main reason I'd go would be to play BattleTech, and I made a resolution to not directly support CGL for a good long while. Any BattleTech games I would play would mean money in CGL's pockets.

Unfortunately I can't afford it right now, otherwise I'd go to see Xotl if he was going, and maybe Trial for the reappearance of my Mechfu.

>I coulda sworn the pencilbro who does all the lineart around here had done a falconer doodle.

I think the closest I ever got was this Flea. Work's been too intense lately ... I never even finished that Cronus from three or four threads ago.

Sorry, I must've gotten my drawfriends mixed up, I meant the guy who did all these.

Shame, though I totally understand and sympathize. If it werent for the Civil War event, I probably wouldn't do any BattleTech either (not interested in the Open, and the canon game is crap this year).

Bummer. I assume this means you're skipping GenCon too?

Pretty much. I'm gonna try and make it next year however.

There's one instance where it can be done.
CM:Kurita has the Panther-9ALAG, used by the Amphigean Light Assault Groups. Going backwards from the AS stats gives it a 5/8 movement profile and no jump jets, as described in the brief writeup it gets.
Dropping the jump jets on a -9R would free up 2 tons, which is exactly the difference in weight between the -9R's 140 engine and the 175 it would need for that speed.

That is a special case though, the difference is small enough to figure out what has to be changed to make it work. All those custom designs described for notable pilots would be impossible to figure out in most cases, though there are probably official record sheets for at least a few of the more famous pilots.

Took entirely way too long to finish, but im happy with it. Crappy phone camera so it's hard to see a lot of the darker shading and the wash. Looks like a dark cherry irl rather than toy car red.

Reduce brightness next time you take the picture, it will increase the quality of your picture

That'd be cool, shame you can't make it this year. Wouldn't mind actually meeting you and throwing some dice together one day, you're a chill dude. Want to meet Muninn too, but he lives in Koalaland now, so can't.

That a Warhansa sculpt? Looks good. Really growing on me after playing the HBSBT beta a ton.

That Horned Owl is looking kind of Zaku there.

>Nod even has a few mechs you could break out.

Don't forget GDI walkers in Tiberian Sun and Kane's Wrath.

>Tiberian Sun
I...uh... never played Tiberian Sun. Legit forgot about the walkers in Kane's Wrath, but Tiberian Sun and I never made acquaintances.

You should fix that. With haste.

The Juggernaut technically can't be made since you can't fit a full sized artillery piece in the CT.

Yeah, but you can still have the look.

The Stone Rhino/Behemoth has two gauss rifles, but it's fluffed as having them fire through that bigass barrel over the CT


Here's a thing Muninn rejected because I couldn't give it a reason to live.

I can kinda see why
It's pretty goddamn generic, man

I couldn't justify a fixed BC3M, though generic isn't a terrible thing, at least for a speedy Apollo.

does anyone have this picture sans the vulture?

I like the weird laurel and wings with the Magistry mechs have going.

It needs something to really define it as a mech a faction would use.

>does anyone have this picture sans the vulture?

Yes. It's Annie Leonheart from Attack on Titan.

thanks user

If I'm new to the game, picking up Alpha Strike, does Veeky Forums have a favorite lance pack? Or one to avoid?

Do not buy pic related, you won't get good value out of the Shogun. The rest are all solid value though.

Another note: the one with the Cataphract is pretty good. The one with the Zeus is pretty solid too.

Better than anything I submitted. I agree that I can't really pin down a faction that'd use it, though the inclusion of certain pieces of Clan tech, and what those pieces are, leads me to believe it'd be either a Purple Burd machine, or something the Wolf Empire would field as a force-filler. Though, the latter is unlikely given that it uses so much C3.

If we're posting generic 'Mechs that have no reason to live, have this. It's basically a HawkWolf that someone tried to sell to the Marian Hegemony (hence the name) and they rejected it because it's too low-tech and they're on enough of an upswing that they don't need it. So it's being built in a trickle for nickel and dime orders till the company goes under eventually, or maybe Vengeance Inc. licenses it since it IS a heavy 'Mech after all and it's cheap.


That line is getting blurrier and blurrier as the post-Dark Age not really plods along. There isn't much that each faction has that the others can't get and use anymore, not even Clan tech unless you're talking Society stuff.

Is the Shogun just a weak mech? Or is it just in Alpha Strike?

It's stupidly rare, with maybe a company in the Inner Sphere total, all in the hands of the Wolf's Dragoons. By 3068, there's a total of one chassis functional.

I recognize that artist's work. Some high test stuff.

One? Total? Isn't this game on a galactic scale?

>I like the weird laurel and wings with the Magistry mechs have going.
It is honestly a crying fucking shame that it took until well after metaplot had molested them into insignificance for the periphery states to get noticeable themes in terms of mech design and all
It's more that there were literally never more than maybe 20 of the fucking things and until the jihad, at which point there were literally two, they ALL belonged to Wolf's Dragoons and nobody fucking else, EVER

Not even. Mankind's spread maybe 3000 light years, if that. Even then, very few mech units get huge production runs.

More of a small-piece-of-a-galactic-arm scale, but yes. Whoever chose the Shogun to put in the lance packs was supremely retarded.

>galactic scale?
fact is, even in the (non-historical) era with the absolute most troops, there were STILL less troops and tanks and most especially artillery (and mechs, counting them as two tanks each) as were ready to go across the Fulda Gap in the 80s
Battletech has no sense of scale and never has

The problem is that the game was originally set in essentially the post-apocalypse, and never bothered to fix the scales once people found out how to make things again. But yeah.

It was from the mechwarrior set and done by Chippy. They have a scan on sarna. I was going to be lazy but I'll be nice and post it.

So Battle and Support lances. Thanks man.

Imagine if it was a fucking Black Knight.

you can't say something like that and not tell us who the artist is.


Confirming. Has a DeviantArt, if you're so inclined.

And a hentai-foundry page

Do mechs need LOS to scan a mech in the recon scenario? I'm guessing no, but just want to be sure.

There were considerably more in the Clan Homeworlds at one point - but the Clans moved on and developed Omnis. About the only place you'd see a Shog, even in the Homeworlds, is in a shitter Solahma Cluster, or tooling around in one of the poor clans like the Blood Spirits.

I'm still convinced they meant to put in the Katana/Crockett but someone fucked up the order and didn't realize their mistake until it was too late.

Yes, unless Advanced sensor rules from TacOps are in play or the unit has a BAP/BHAP/LAP.

>ALL belonged to Wolf's Dragoons and nobody fucking else, EVER

Well, in 3068 when there were only two running, one of them was captured from the Goons by a Blakist and tricked out into a custom, because we all know the metal hard on robes got for rare tech.

>I'm still convinced they meant to put in the Katana/Crockett but someone fucked up the order and didn't realize their mistake until it was too late.

I don't think so. The Shogun was infamous even before that as something the distributors and FLGS got a lot of for some unfathomable reason when the things were effectively extinct. Kinda like how you can always find a Mandrill in a FLGS that carries Battletech even though nobody has ever wanted one.

I think one of the CGL boys has a secret hard on for it or something. It's the only real explanation. At least they go it back into production in the DA for people to not have a ton of useless shit.

Are the 3145 mechs missing from MegaMek? I'm having trouble finding some.