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Do you have any hopes for the Werewolf vidya?
>5th editons cliffnotes
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>Do you have any hopes for the Werewolf vidya?
I have hopes yes, quite high ones.
My expectations on the other hand....
>Do you have any hopes for the Werewolf vidya?
Used to. Not anymore. Dracula sucked it all right out of me.
Apparently that goblin stealth game the werewolf devs made was good, so we'll see. Not passing any judgement til i hear more about it.
Is Changeling going to get a new edition?
Any news about the line?
Changeling the Lost? In development.
Changeling the Dreaming? Just got a 20th update.
Vtes people, any ideas for a smiling jack/antediluvian awakening wall? I'm considering harbingers of skulls with a salubri thrown in to give blood. Also salubri antitribu would be nice, since they could spam hide the heart.
What would you roll to choke someone out a la solid snake?
grapple rules
My Mage's hubby got ghouled by a bitch of a vampire what do?
>Dracula sucked it all right out of me.
Lock him up to get him clean, and treat her to a lovely sunbathing session.
How do you get a ghoul clean?
Scrub him down with Death Fraying until the Blood-Bond goes away, then lots of soap and hot water.
>My Mage's hubby got ghouled by a bitch of a vampire what do?
The ghouling will wear off, the problem is the related blood bond. Conveniently, the death of the vampire who created it will end it immediately.
Lock the ghoul up for the very short time it should take any mage, no less with her mage friends, to put down the undead leech.
As a warning to other of her kind, it would be probably best to destroy a few dozen other vampires to serve as a further warning.
How bad are you at this mage thing that you let it happen?
Not him, but you can't always help every aspect of your family's life.
>you can't always help every aspect of your family's life.
True, but how clueless doe you have to be to allow your spouse to become ghouled by a vampires?
Worse, she's so damn bad and clueless at being a mage, she doesn't even know how to begin to solve the problem.
>laughing stock of the Consilium
>husband should file for divorce
With all the mage supremacy shit that goes on in this general, I find that hard to believe.
1. Sucker the leech out into a dark alley
2. Use correspondence to teleport a stake into the bitch's heart.
3. Start cutting off limbs and sending them to her sire/mentor/prince or whoever else she might gets marching orders from, with a politely-worded note about meddling in the personal affairs of wizards
4. Remove her head.
Keep in mind that it's not uncommon for vampires to make treaties with Seers, so screwing with vampires too much can lead to other unfortunate things happening.
>treaties with Seers
Oh user, those are terms of surrender.
A Seer would incinerate any vampire so brazen and foolish as to risk an open hot war with the local Pentacle (assuming the local vampire prince get to the offender first).
What the hell do I go for to make a character that fits in with Geralt of Rivia, Shawn Spencer and Seras Victoria?
Not literally them of course but you get the idea.
1) Her "hubby" is a filthy sleeper
2) If he felt for the ghouling this means he is fit only to serve his betters. Vampire is doing him a favour
3) Indeed vampire is doing her a favour by freeing her from such weakness
Owod or Cofd?
What's a good starting hook for a group of hunters who all work for the police as their day jobs?
I'm thinking a slasher Michael Myers sorta thing. But in saying that I wonder if I shouldn't start them off with something a bit more inhuman.
Ech slashers are good start for begginer hunters. And after they blow his head off you can go cliche and return him "next season" as a ghost wanting vengence
Or whichever the newer ones are, which are Cofd I believe.
Geralt of Rivia I would probably build as something out of Deviant since this is what witchers are in short - super soldiers with minor powers built to fight supernatural threats.
Seras could be gangrel considering she frenzies easily. Disciplines would be vigor and auspex tho
fuck yes my image is the general image now
Vampires, somehow managing to be even bigger douches than mages.
We have plenty of vampire and mage douchebaggery. We need more of other splats now
lets talk about hunters then, and by hunters I mean the best hunters LoT
The only pc's that are bigger douches than vampires and mages are beasts, and in most of our chronicles, we refuse to acknowledge the latter even exist.
All splats are monsters in their own way, but being a weapons-grade asshole is truly inherent to the vampire and mage condition, far in excess of most other beings in the CofD.
Sorry, you misunderstand me. I meant those are the types of characters I'll be playing with, not as.
My bad, should've made it more clear.
Demon has plenty of potential to be an asshole but I agree with vamp and mage being a douche is kind of enforced. If Changelings in second edition start hurting people by feeding(that is what I heard at least) there will be some potential there
Oh sweet summer child, that's not how you spell VaSCU
In the new game, sure. OWoD werewolves were probably the most insufferable splat.
VaSCU is a conspiracy though
its the best conspiracy but LoT is the best compact
>In the new game, sure. OWoD werewolves were probably the most insufferable splat.
Kinda true
I dont know jack shit about OWoD wolfs? would you mind explaining why?
OWerewolf makes Beast look unbiased
oh wow.......thats......pretty fucking awful
Long story short owod woofs are kinda bad at thinking stuff out and their natural impulse is to go for the throat in every situation. If something puzzles them or somehow does not fit their world view it's genocide time.
like in the observatory level got it
Brucato may have been the Liefield to Mage's Deadpool, but he was more tolerable than some of the shit OWerewolf sharted out.
Yup. Good example of this behavior is where they decided to wage war on other shapeshifters. Unlike in WtF where other shifters are often monstrous assholes or hosts other shapeshifters in owod generally had role to play and worked towards similar goal as woofs. Problem is woofs decided to go full Hitler on them
>and by hunters I mean the best hunters LoT
>Oh sweet summer child, that's not how you spell VaSCU
You are both wrong.
It's obviously Network Zero. I cannot imagine a world where my mage couldn't relax by watching Funniest Hunter Videos on the internet after a hard day of researching Mysteries and vivisecting sleepers.
im sorry I can't get behind a hunter compact whose goal is to basically make more blair witch projects
Ashwood Abbey.
If for no other reason, so many SJW WW fans find them so horribly offensive.
Also, they're the group most likely to appreciate (and be jealous of) Seers of the Throne having a good time snorting magic cocaine off the ass of a vampire stripper.
>Good times...
>Join the Seers
>Serve the Exarchs
>Serve the Exarchs
>Join Division Six
What happens to Professional Training when you change professions? What if you're a cop who got promoted to detective?
>What if you're a cop who got promoted to detective?
They are either suborned into servitude from local vampires / Seers / [insert evil or other supernatural organization, cult or conspiracy], or suffer a terrible "accident" soon after their promotion. It's very tragic and sad, but no one ever said that the CofD isn't a rough place.
Keep your head down and just move along. Promotions are dangerous, as is anything else that might get you noticed.
That doesn't answer the question.
>That doesn't answer the question.
Sanctity of Merits rule.
With the ST's permission, either keep the original Professional Training or choose (or transition to) a new Professional training (or other appropriate Merits).
Well at top level it lets you pick a third skill so either the pc get the third skill to relate to their upgraded profession or i would let him re spent the professional training dot in professional training detective
What's the most unusual and interesting piece of fluff from your preferred WoD splat?
Caine is a faggot.
We're not talking about your sexual preferences now, user.
Feedback requested on these stats for pic related.
Family: Namtaru
Hunger: Prey
Life: Shy + Scholar
Legend: Unexpected
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 4, Resolve 5
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Social Attributes: Presence 6, Manipulation 4, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Academics (Holidays, Literature) 3, Computer 1, Crafts 2, Investigation 3, Medicine 2, Occult (Beasts) 4, Politics 2, Science 2
Physical Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Drive 1, Firearms 0, Larceny 2, Stealth 5, Survival 2, Weaponry 0
Social Skills: Animal Ken (Canines) 2, Empathy (Fear) 3, Expression (Oratory, Singing) 4, Intimidation (Shock) 5, Persuasion 3, Socialize (High Class) 4, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2
Merits: Area Of Expertise (Fear), Encyclopedic Knowledge (Academics, Occult), Eye For The Strange, Indomitable (Advanced), Interdisciplinary Specialty (Fear), Library (Academics 2, Occult 2), Professional Training 5 (Socialite: Expression, Socialize, Academics), Double Jointed (Advanced), Iron Stamina 2, Parkour 4, Allies (Several), Contacts (Several), Fame 1, Fixer, Inspiring, Iron Will, Resources 4, Retainer (Zero 3), Status (High Class 4), Striking Looks 2, True Friend (Sally), Iron Skin 2 (Advanced 2), Hunger Management 3, Dark Walker 3 (Advanced), Find A Vein (Glamour 5, Essence 5), Wandering Soul 4
Willpower: 8
Defense: 7
Initiative: 8
Speed: 13
Health: 18
Lair: 9
Atavisms: Alien Allure, Dragonfire, From The Shadows, Infestation (Shadowy Bats), Looming Presence, Needs Must, Relentless Hunter, Shadowed Soul, Siren’s Treacherous Song, Unbreakable
Nightmares: Behold My True Form, Run Away, You Are Not Alone, Fear Is Contagious
Horror Traits: Power 12, Finesse 12, Resistance 10, Size 14, Health 19, Defense 8, Initiative 11, Speed 29
Lair Traits: Crosswinds, Echoing, Fog, Poor Light, Sealed Exits, Thunderous, Mirages, Wondrous
1. It's a Beast and it needs to die
2. Might be just me but I would probably stat him as a changeling
3. Other then that seems fine
I think the Ashirra are interesting as hell, personally. I'd wanna play a campaign in an Ashirra city in the modern age.
Well, that's actually one of the times where going RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE was probably a good idea.
I mean, 99,99% of all vampires are dicks and are screwing up the spiritual (and often physical) balance of the world just by existing. If a werewolf didn't attack a Leech on sight, they're probably not doing their job correctly, no matter how much it might screw over that particular vampire.
But in general, the Werewolves are absolute dicks and have gone full-on genocide on so many different Breeds that it's not even funny.
It's because of their hateboners that the werewolves are so ridiculously outnumbered and outmanouvered by the Wyrm's agents.
The werewolves (or at least their ancestors) are personally responsible for the loss of the werebulls, werelizards, wereboars, werebats, weresnakes and various other werewolf tribes that were culled due to supposed "wyrm taint", or fell to ACTUAL wyrm taint because no other tribe helped them out.
Some of those other shifter breeds survived into the Final Nights, but they're few in number, to put it lightly.
Mokole are pretty cool.
Does anyone have the picture of the mage riding in some womans bedroom zapping a tentacle monster?
Why 'werewolf x mage' ?
Why not 'vampire x mage' ?
>Why 'werewolf x mage' ?
Because Mages crave the knot.
Mage x Mage
But that's practically incest
So what makes Heroes so bad again? They kill the most faggoty splat, they don't take shit from nobody to try and stop them from their mission, they're (usually) humans with extraordinary powers, and they can bro up with Hunters as a mentor or instructional figure for new players. Heroes are a best
Heroes are bad because the creator said they are bad because they are basically Chads killing snowflakes. Which is bad. Because vulnerable protagonists and shit.
Idea for a Scelestus: a serene and polite man fixated on imposing order on the world. He poses as an efficient and impartial office boss, but he only really cares about keeping things calm, clean and clockwork. A totally banal worker who simply happens to use the Abyss to terrorize his workplace into his narrow and twisted view of top notch performance. No plans for ending the world here. The irony of using the Abyss to impose order is not lost on him, but he keeps on trying. He's just that obsessed.
everything associated with Beast is bad
What's the most Vulgar tech that the Technocratic Union possesses?
Way i understand it is the beast line is built on grey morality. The context given to justify "Heroes" as the antagonist is that they're willing to do anything if it means they can kill a beast, meaning using allies (yours and his) as easily replaced canon fodder for the sake of glory.
I think beast probably should have emphasized the "protagonists aren't always good, nor are antagonist always evil and both positions are fluid" mucj harder
Stats (Feedback Requested):
Virtue: Efficient/Polite
Vice: Perfectionist
Path: Obrimos
Order: Silver Ladder
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 4
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 4
Mental Skills: Academics (Business) 3, Computer 2, Occult (Abyss) 2, Politics (Corporate) 3, Investigation 2
Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Firearms 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 2
Social Skills: Empathy (Psychological Weaknesses) 2, Expression (Rhetoric) 3, Intimidation (Coldblooded) 3, Persuasion (Logic) 2, Socialize 1, Subterfuge (Conceal Emotions) 3
Merits: Area Of Expertise 1 (Logic), Common Sense 3, Interdisciplinary Specialty 1 (Logic), Professional Training 5 (Businessman: Academics, Persuasion, Subterfuge), Virtuous 2, Allies (Corporate 3, Silver Ladder 2), Closed Book 3, Contacts (Businessmen, Clients), Iron Will, Resources 4, Safe Place 3, Status (Corporate 3), Table Turner 1, Untouchable, Order Status (Silver Ladder 2), High Speech 1, Occultation 3, Sanctum 6 (+Demesne)
Health: 7
Willpower: 8
Defense: 4
Initiative: 7
Speed: 10
Wisdom: 5
Gnosis: 3
Arcana: Forces 3, Matter 3, Mind 1, Prime 3
Rotes: ???
Praxes: ???
Dedicated Magical Tool: Broken Pocket Watch
Obsessions: ???
They're not. Beast is just written by Speshul Shnowfwakes, and Heroes are therefore the big mean bullies from their childhood.
I believe that every time an overprivileged mage incinerates a beast, an angel gets its wings.
Can a non-mage tell if a spell if being cast on them?
>Heroes are a God-Machine plot to control the chaos of the Primordial Dream
Sure, why not
If they have mystic senses that detect shit that it is manipulating, or if they're very obviously being hit with harm.
>Heroes are a God-Machine plot to control the chaos of the Primordial Dream
I was referring to angels more generally or to the Aether, but that works too.
Do you guys use alternate ways for mortal characters to regain willpower?
Like sitting down for a hot meal, relaxing in a sauna, having a drink while listening to some music, etc.
If one were to rewrite Beast, how would you keep the good ideas and make it less of a snowflake shitshow?
The general conscientious is "Make a mix of Forsaken and Descent"
Meaning what exactly? Hide from Big Scary Shit while keeping tabs on Not As Big Scary Shit?
If you ever want it accepted as "crossover friendly" game, the #1 thing to do is to remove all the shit powers that "make" other splats like/accept them.
It may be metagaming, but everyone I've ever spoken to has had an intensely negative reaction to the idea of their character being forced to accept/deal with Beasts in any way via magic bullshit. I myself had a worse reaction to that shit than virtually any mechanics in *wod history.
Wait, that's a thing? I must have misread the book, where the fuck did they put something that overwhelmingly stupid?
With dots in awareness, possibly, but it depends on the spell
Anyone ever use the Demon Translation Guide? Is the result playable (in either direction)?
>Roll a cheiron field researcher
>create "spoopbait" from captured beasts
>Employee of the motherfucking decade
Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Virtue: Cunning
Vice: Arrogant/Treacherous
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 4
Mental Skills: Academics 2, Crafts 2, Computer 2, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Politics 1, Investigation (Espionage) 4, Science 1
Physical Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl (Neutralize) 3, Drive 2, Firearms (Revolver) 3, Larceny (Security Systems) 4, Stealth (Invisibility) 4, Survival 1, Weaponry (Knife) 3
Social Skills: Animal Ken 0, Empathy 2, Expression (Snarking) 2, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 3, Socialize 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge (Disguise) 4
Skill Tricks: Larceny (All Doors Open), Stealth (Backstab, Find Cover), Subterfuge (Perfect Disguise), Weaponry (Butcher)
Merits: Area Of Expertise (Espionage, Disguise), At Any Cost, Common Sense, Fast Reflexes 2, Interdisciplinary Specialty (Espionage), Patient, Professional Training 5 (Spy: Stealth, Subterfuge, Investigation), Tolerance For Biology, Trained Observer 1, Vice-Ridden (Advanced 3), Demolisher 1, Fleet Of Foot 2, Iron Stamina 2, Quick Draw (Revolver, Knife), Barfly, Closed Book 3, Pusher, Spin Doctor, Striking Looks 1, Table Turner, Takes One To Know One, Armed Defense 3, Cheap Shot, Close Quarters Combat 3, Defensive Combat (Weaponry), Fighting Finesse (Knife), Firefight 2, Light Weapons 3, Martial Arts 4, Shiv 2
Health: 8
Willpower: 7 [Risking Willpower]
Defense: 7
Initiative: 10
Speed: 14
Integrity: 7
Conviction: 4
Conditions: Addiction (Cigarettes)
Odd question /wodg/. I'm going to be running a cyberpunk nWoD game shortly and I'm not sure how I should go about stating police and security robots. Do I use the Spirit rules and change a couple things, do I stat them as mortals and refluff them? Do I import HIT Marks to the new ruleset?
Stat as mortals, and refluff.
Spirit rules have too many hangups.
Add appropriate bonuses and immunities as needed.
40k kinda makes a lot of sense in a mage paradigm
maintaining the astronomican is only possible through managing the extreme paradox backlash with regular awakened sacrifices
Oh fuck. Do the entire team.
I will! But I don't know which one to do next.
Whoever replies to this post with dubs first gets to choose which TF2 team member I'll write up next.
>Strength 3
His knife does Scout's bat damage when it's not a backstab.