Does your character have any offspring, Veeky Forums?
Does your character have any offspring, Veeky Forums?
He has probably enough grandchildren to form his own sports team, but that's par for the course when you're an Elf who loved a Human woman.
At this point in his career, adventuring around the Human kingdoms is more of an excuse to see what his descendants are up to. The rest of the party doesn't even know that they've met some of his relatives already.
He did, but they were killed by a cult.
Biologically no and never will, rendered infertile by arcane mishap. Has a protege though.
*shakes fist* Damn you killer GMs!
I don't trust myself with children, so why would I trust my own characters?
Yes, damn killer GMs, but it did pretty much give him his motivation to go questing with the rest of the party so suitable vengeance should make up for it. One day daddy will see them again.
My first character was a human priest who shagged an alchemist fox girl and had a daughter. Played her in a future campaign in the same setting.
Also had a light cleric in DnD who had his family killed by a vampire, so he /had/ offspring, but they're dead now.
She hasn't given birth yet, but she is pregnant.
Yeah probably
Never tried it before, most of my characters aren't old enough or aren't human enough to do it.
>my characters aren't old enough
Are we talking not old enough for responsible parenting or not old enough for impregnation?
Well, I applied for a oneshot with a character from my setting who fathered a god of thieves. But that's sort of a moot point because his backstory is hopelessly irrelevant to the actual game. I mostly named him the dad because I needed one for the god.
It's sort of complicated.
My party has a wizard who's old enough to have married, and seen his family die of natural causes, and is now wondering what meaning life has left for him.
Meanwhile, the cleric gave birth to twins, with the fighter as their dad, in the last session.
The former. I have had a few characters get pregnant, both in real games and in ERP, but never got to the point of birthing children.
Current one, no.
The one before this one, though, had a whole lot of kids with a demigoddess before the campaign was prematurely concluded: it's pretty much assumed that all his kids would had been strong as him and his wife...and just as pants-on-head retarded as both of them. They were a match made in heaven (probably literally).
My shadowrunner's daughter got caught buying answer keys for standardized tests online and got put on academic probation the other week.
When I tried to chastise her her she told me that the spirit I have our shaman summon to watch the apartment when I go out on runs during the week sure as hell cant help her with calculus and that I have no place to chastise her for something as small as cheating when practically everyone in the apartment building knows that I steal and kill for a living.
She said that I always tell her I do dangerous work so she had the opportunities to grow up into a better person than I did, but that I never stopped to think what kind of person growing up without her father ever being there was going to make her. Asked a bunch of questions about her social life, her friends, where she went on the weekends - I couldn't answer any of them.
I feel kind of shitty, desu
Give your GM a beer, he's pretty okay.
Dang. That's plausibly rough, buddy. Kudos to your GM.
That's tough. My friend had a similar thing happen to him in a game I was running. He was an investigator for effectively a Shadowrun-world version of Public Security Section 9. He took the max ranked Dependent flaw but told me he had a rocky relationship with his wife and daughter.
Eventually as the sessions wore on he kept staying out nights and once went a week without seeing his family. One of the big mid-campaign arcs was having the group slow their roll on the investigation so that he could talk his wife out of a divorce.
This reminds me of all the best moments I had in my games, the ones that really kick you in the balls. Damn, I need a new group bad.
> tfw anthropomorphic hornet
> tfw my bee children fly out of my character's vagina and attack
Tell the little one that negligent parenting is preferable to oppressive parenting.
God I hope not.
No, really, trust me on this one, talking from experience.
Speaking as the one who had negligent parents I highly doubt that oppressive parenting could be worse.
Speaking as one had negligent parents before the state removed me and placed me into an oppressive home:
Oppressive is worse. Far, far worse.
Negligent means you have to take care of yourself. Which is fine. Oppressive means lost teeth, broken noses, and fractured cheeks.
I think you mean abusive mate, and yeah I'd agree that outright abusive is probably worse, but when you say oppressive I think of that parent who hovers all the time and tries to force you to work hard in school and not go and party and shit. Simple miscommunication.
Having to strive for yourself is tough for a child, but having others actively hinder you is tougher.
20 kids.
Yeah, see oppressive and abusive go hand in hand. With strict parenting comes the violence to enforce it. A parent that hovers and makes sure you're doing right by yourself and others isn't oppressive. They're just normal parents. The oppressive ones are the ones that leave marks on your arms and wrists.
>oppressive / abusive
Thin line between the two sometimes. I got sent to hospital by my parents couple times through their methods of enforcing the authority, yet I wouldn't call them abusive.
that's a boy isn't it?
It is, first and foremost, a child. Thus its gender should not matter because children are not for sexual. Capishe?
huh. No not really, but I'm just realizing something always ends up getting adopted on the way. I feel like this is far more common innit
At least he's a better dad than my last Fighter.
>Be irresponsible noble warrior, almost a warrior prince
>Had a relationship with a seductress drow whose father ended up killing the general (Fighter's secret biological father)
>The drow ended up bearing a daughter without the Fighter knowing, who became the adoptive daughter of the main villain, who was the Fighter's adoptive uncle
>The Fighter, who was on the way to reforming before the drow betrayed him, goes back to wanton drunkenness
>Eventually gets sent to adventure to get rid of him
>Drow seductress changes skin using magic potion, is now a human barmaid
>Of course they meet up again, she seduces him, he impregnates her with twins
>They marry, things start looking up
>Fighter is captured by his uncle and tortured nearly to death, low-key betrayed by another member of the party
>Has to make a deal with a devil to return and protect his wife and children, who are almost certainly in danger
>Wages a war for the devil as part of his deal
>Wins, but he and his wife both die
>His wife trades her soul for the safety of the children
>Now they're both devils
>Have a fourth child, a son (devil because both his parents are)
>He tries to be an ideal father, but he's constantly working for his infernal master
>Son begins to follow in his footsteps, becomes obsessed with avenging the events that led to his father's fall from grace
>Father is afraid son will turn out just like him, not sure if he wants that or not
>Still has no idea where the rest of his children are,
>If he or his wife ever found out they would become obsessed with getting them back
Not yet. The terms of his pact made generations ago claims the first-born child of any descendant. He's the second-born son and he fully intends to kill his older brother, break the pact, then if he survives have a kid or several with his wife.
Current? None that he knows of. Previous? You could say he sort of fathered himself. The one before that? She made a bunch of people, but none the old-fashioned way.
Does not compute.
None that my GM knows about.
No, having children is gay.
And good parenting is better than both.
many, both human and half-orc.
and half-anything else with tough women that can breed with humans.
I would imagine it is, yeah.
She goes to war in jeans. If she had any stake in the fate of the world beyond the view in front of her own eyes she wouldn't be doing what she does for a living.
I am a Kobold who adopted a Gnoll child named Null. I have no idea what the child's gender is, the DM never specified what it is.
My character, a mercenary in a modern day game, has an adopted daughter she picked up in Africa.
Currently, the team is on a mission to rescue her from someone they pissed off on a previous job.
>He has probably enough grandchildren to form his own sports team
You realise you could use the various fighter/barbarian rules D&D have to call on them in times of need, right?
Don't think of that family as backstory, think of them as a mechanical asset you can abuse to break your GM's game wide open
He has grandkids, the guy is 70 years old.
Reconnected with his son and his daughter during the campaign. Found out he had a elf daughter-in-law. It's weird having someone older than you calling "father", but she invented estoc swords in the setting so she's cool.
I might try to call on them if we're in dire straits. His backup plan for when shit goes bad is to teleport to the city they live in and try to lay low for a while with whichever one remembers their weird old grandpa. He tries not to visit too much since it's weird for his kids, who are all getting up there in age, but he does write.
Could be good though. His wife was a Human Sorceress who he went to ye olde magick schoole with, so maybe one of them inherited the spark and could help out.
Actually, nope. It's the daughter of player's hero character in Dragon Quest 5.
Well she is essentially a living wasp hive and sees the wasps as her kin and herself their caretaker so in a way kind of?
No, but he did grow attached to the genetic super-children he was working on. While he initially got on board the questionable project to jumpstart his career as a doctor, he made a point of ensuring the children's safety and wellbeing above all else. While he's been constantly chastised and threatened for getting in the way of progress his medical skills have become irreplaceable and he knows they'd rather not have to follow him around making sure he doesn't spill the beans on their less-than-ethical practices.
Although he acts cold to keep his distance from them some of them have taken to calling him "Uncle" which delights him to no end. He drinks to forget the ones that don't make it.
>Be bard
>Realise you might as well impregnate half of the kingdom
>Random, adorable children pop-out on your wake, claiming you are the papa
Define "offspring".
coh is a good artist.
My character has spored many times. How many times they've borne fruit is unknown.
>ywn have an army of loli girls who fight to the death for their daddy
So, erm, is there or a source or something?
Nevermind, found it after some detective work, artist is hase yuu
I actually have no idea where these are from, I've just gradually been saving them over time while browsing /k/
Two young daughters in Osaka who naturally got caught up in the campaign after our Special Vehicles unit raised enough hell to attract the attention of a terror cell which decided it would have to tie our hands around our backs to weaken security around a conference. They did that by kidnapping both girls, taking them to a warehouse then calling us out on the eve of the conference.
Knowing he'd never get away with walking his labor out of the hangar as soon as the call came in, he convinced his carrier driver to break from the convoy and take him to the warehouses to fight the kidnappers. The girls had a lot of fun watching 'Papalabor' square off against the three evil labors lying in wait for him and his crappy Asuka. One of the labors ran out of batteries as soon as the fight started and the other two were defeated by a carrier crashing into them both.
His wife took the first opportunity she had to take both daughters away with her to the countryside with her parents. He and the driver got suspended for the stunt and how he laid into the terrorist ringleader after he'd surrendered. Everything nearly got shut down due to the damages incurred.
My guardsman has a farm with a couple of kids and a wife his Inquisitor let him see as a reward for killing a Chaos Space Marine.
As in he got to go home for a vacation?
Yep, got to recoup on the farm before going back to work
>I got sent to hospital by my parents couple times through their methods of enforcing the authority, yet I wouldn't call them abusive.
thats extremely abusive :( im sorry you had that experience
Possibly. Paternity is not a huge concern for the tribe. Kids are raised collectively.
20 of em
All adorable blondies, powerful with dad's teachings and dykeshit.
Depends. I have one (a dwarf in a modern fantasy working for the Pinkertons) with two children from two different women. One's a full dwarf, he's currently an NCO in the French army. The other's a younger half-dwarf girl.
The only other character I played with kids was a goblin gun-scavenger. He used to run salvage ops out of dungeons to feed his twelve kids.
GM here. The players have about 2 kids between the 3 of them. The BBEG has a full family that both loves and supports him. The players have met some of the villain's family, kids and grandkids mostly. They didn't know the connection, but they keep running into the BBEG's extended family. The family is mostly observing the party's actions and reporting to their ((great(grand))father.
This is the kind of shit I hope I'll never have to deal with.
One is a kobold in guard formation, so he's too young to have some.
The second is a bard in a home rewed version of madmax. He may have some, but he ran away each time without thinking.
Checked aaaand motherfucking checkd
>hitler doesn't want any kid drama
I'm not shocked
Not yet, though she's married to another PC and plans to settle down as soon as they tire of the traveling life.
My character was not designed to fabricate offspring or copies of itself. It's a means of maintaining the copyright the manufacturer has on it's design.
He did
Before the BBEG(aka the DM) kidnapped and killed them in front of me
>posting on Veeky Forums
Don't worry, you won't.
Source? Something feels familiar about that image.
Do you get to control your own children in games?
Looks like Murcielago(which is a manga, not just a car) to me.
A wife, a son and two daughters.
All four were made by him.
>Doppelganger sent to steal his spell book.
>Steal his soul and make a wife with it.
>Band of reckless teenagers invaded his tower.
>Only three didn't try to escape
>ywn brainwash some young adventurers to be your foster kids and a changeling to become your perfect waifu
Why even live
Father of 3, grandfather of 8. Lost his wife to old age and decided he wanted to see the world in his twilight years.
70 year old Wizard who spent his life working as a Roofer, used spare money here and there to buy old tomes and scrolls. Practiced magic on his days and nights off to entertain his grandkids. Sends roughly 90% of his earned treasure home to his 3 kids to give his grandkids a good comfy life.
I have a gnoll daughter as a human.
Things started a bit sour but turned alright.
Why aren't any of them wearing underpants? They're wearing everything else.
No, my elf is only 28 years old, which is about 15 and a half in human terms. She's still got way too much of her life ahead of her to want to settle down and have kids.
That isn't how elf aging works
Mine's a vampire, so more than I can possibly count thanks to how Dhampirs and Katanes are made.
My eviladin had a child by another PC during a time skip. The father doesn't actually know and she's keeping it that way since that means she can educate the boy as she sees fit. She's not a good person, but thankfully for the kid he's mostly brought up by a dwarven nanny.
He looks pretty weird since his parents are an aasimar and a faun.
My other pc is a married tiefling wizard who's had about fifteen kids, all of whom left the house as soon as they could. Wizard mom is sad that most of them drew on their fiendish blood and became sorcerers. I keep hoping the DM will make use of them someday.
My character is 13 and also a closet faggot so no he doesn't.
>already a faggot
user stop roleplaying as yourself.
Yes she does.
> 13 Years
> Already a faggot
Are you sure? Maybe he's just confused. The majority of my gay friends took more time to discover they were fags
All of my characters are descendants of each other so yeah, I guess. The Thunderblade line of bards, who record their grand adventures as bardic tales and songs and compile them in their family library in Waterdeep.
>It is, first and foremost, a child.
It looks more like a cartoon to me.
She got two half-fairy daughters and a normal human daughter on the day.
Uh, the children are more magical than biological in nature, though. Fairy magic literally made children grow out of flowers.
That's Murcielago indeed. And if user's character has the same plans for his protege that Kuroko has for her's...
Not yet, but assuming he isn't rendered infertile by Draconic Pact, Manah Razz may try to see if half-Gairas can be made.
If it succeeds, she's SO trolling the humaboo Legion Ramses with the fact that she's the one who did it first.