ChainLink has Passed REQ in Market Cap, Nearing 200m

Next stop is $1. Buy in while you can, you won't be seeing this under .50cents ever again Veeky Forums.

I think the pump is over for today
Whales are switching between req and link
Req should start pumping right now

$1000 + 2018 ????

>you won't be seeing this under .50cents ever again /biz
They said this during sibos too

this is just shit, sell it all and buy something good like sonm

If you had bought in a few weeks ago you would have already quadrupled your investment user. It's still not too late, this is going to $5 EOY.

should i sell req for link?

Yes, Link will be absolute winner

Tfw you thought link was just a meme :(

Yes, LINK has 100x potential while REQ only has around 10x. Now is the time to buy before liftoff.