>rapes your lore
Rapes your lore
Its theirs though.
>choke me daddy
Age of Sigmar is the worst thing that happened in a recent decade.
>implying you own the creative rights to the lore of
GW gaming systems
>rapes its lore
Spot that guy.
Not mine, just the loyalists.
Must suck to be loyal!
>he makes his favourite miniatures look like deformed marinelets in comparison to the new ones
Fixed that for u
T. Manlet
Didn't Magnus chucked into a pocket of the webway by a Guilliman and now he's just stuck there for an extended period of time.
Yeah, like 5 minutes. Magnus will come back and steal Girlyman's waifu.
Yeah, try to compare Primaris with chaos marinelets and see who's going to laugh
Everything has turned into a pendulum. From politics and economics to game design and background material.
It used to be that people had a sense of measure, propriety, and realistic expectation when implementing plans, ideas, action, or even interaction with others.
Now that sort of sense is missing and the above things get wacky pretty quickly until the swing to correct, but they usually swing too far the other way, then swing back. And forth until finally settling somewhere that's acceptable, but by that time the enterprise has died or has started its death throes due to lack of popularity due to said pendulum effect and people jumping ship when the pendulum doesn't closely meet their personal expectations. You see it with vidya all the time. I'm starting to see it with traditional game design as well. AoS was certainly an eye opener, from a fluff and rules standpoint. I will grant that GW has done an excellent job, rules wise, of dampening the pendulum's return swing to rest somewhere that is acceptable and I think they've done well with 8th 40k. So big kudos to them for that, but they've still mucked up the lore side of things to where it's hard to care about the setting anymore. Especially AoS.
I just see this pattern more and more often in the world.
What does /tg think??
Magnus is literally the worst character you could have chosen.
His entire everything has been retconned to shit several times over.
Yeah I've spotted you.
I've been gone for 6 months, what happened to 40k lore? What's OP referring to?
>he doesn't know yet
Instead of being a memester just tell me so I can be outraged like you
Did GW get political or something?
I think you are retarded
Hey OP, we have enough shit threads of this nature without you specifically baiting one.
>I've been gone for 6 months
Then you should have an idea. People have been having autistic fits about one true canons that don't exist since Ward in the 2000s. And that's just when I started browsing Veeky Forums, I wouldn't be surprised if 40k fans have always been crying lore rape since RT turned into 2nd Edition.
You can't rape what you don't own GW. No matter how hard you tried with your new set of rules.
>rapes and kills your game
Even at its mediocre and gimped form it's still their best system.
Which is sad considering how much they took away for "dude piercing strike with everything emoticons!".
Then why nobody plays it?
Popularity and quality have never been equal.
Marines are stumpy manlets now
Flamers can kill planes (which can now attack in CC)
Rules are fucked and the lore is worse
No user that's good it means more retards will flood into a thing you like which is good for GW and thus for you!
Don't like it? Get out.
It may surprise you, but people still play it. It's not that popular on /tg, but it still has followers. Hell, FW even make new releases, and the new edition is rumoured.
The "LOTR is s dying game" meme is out there, since Return of the King finished, but it was more than a decade ago, and the game still exists.
Please, let's talk about the REAL crime GW has committed: turning White Dwarf into an absolute rag instead of the colorful, interesting, and engaging magazine that it was back in the 80's
That doesn't look like a picture of Blizzard Entertainment to me
>goat cavalry
Well, it's Peter Jackson's fault... along with the other hobbit nonsense. GW is just reproducing it.
Eldar and Humans are apparently going to team up now, all that "purge the xenos" stuff is going to get squatted.
How dare those people complain about the quality of a product that they voluntarily paid for. They should just eat that shit and like it.
You know, a lot of Peter Jackson's bullshit have no place in a hobbit movie, but some may have in a wargame.
>They should just eat that shit and like it.
Well they get into a setting where we've had BL editors from 1998 to 2016, Marc to Laurie saying, essentially, "40k doesn't have an objective canon. It's a bunch of fanfiction being written by a bunch of people given loose guidelines for the barest amount of continuity and coherence.", yeah they should. Especially if the alternative is Veeky Forums's method of ignoring that and preaching that their particular dish of shit by this particular chef is the unmitigated supreme truth of universe.
where is this from?
None of that excuses the fact that the recent additions to the canon are hot fucking garbage. Are you not allowed to criticize the entertainment you consume? Why?
Sure I can criticize it, but what's the point of criticizing 40k? It was purpose built to accommodate fanfiction, IE inherently shit. You might as well go to the Shit Throwing Festival and complain people are throwing shit everywhere. It's perfectly allowed but everyone's going to wonder why you're even there.
I think you're right. As someone who was into WHFB, I went into AoS with an open mind, reading all the campaign books, all the battletomes up to the Iron Jaws, some BL stuff, but none of it caught my interest. I don't think I'll ever get into AoS at this point. Lorewise the game has moved on, and I want to say so have I but I'm still buying models for my Dark elves/empire/WoC collections.
(you)r lore
As someone who is only interested in some of the models, what even is AOS lore? From what I can tell, Chaos destroyed everything, then lost anyway and something something Sigmar made new realms and Archaon went full on anime. But...where does one go from there?
Nah Chaos never technically lost. Archaon succeeded in his goal and destroyed the old world when he activated some sort of old one technology. However as the world blew up, Sigmar reached into the warp itself that was consuming the world and pulled the eight winds of magic right back out, which exploded across the stars and created the eight realms. Chaos having thought they won were enjoying their victory until they realize(a whole age later) that Sigmar had survived. Not only that, but he had reformed a new empire and pantheon across the realms while they were celebrating. So they struck back hard, pretty much destroying all of everything once more, and Sigmar spends centuries preparing a new army to strike back. Chaos is now losing a few battles here and there but it's still looking bleak for Sigmar and humanity as it's an uphill battle
Surrealistic memes!
>I wouldn't be surprised if 40k fans have always been crying lore rape since RT turned into 2nd Edition.
can confirm, even if it's highly anecdotal due to lack of internet and wider gaming community
while true, it has become too much of a distant memory for me to still care
This. People (me too at one point) are too concerned about the 40k canon when you just gotta learn to take what you like, leave what you don't, and learn to live and let live. Your blood pressure will thank you.
Move title in pic semi-related.
A wargame, yes. But his job wasn't to make Warhammer the movie.
It was to make a children's fairy tale into a motion picture and he decided to try and turn it into a fantasy epic.
Trolls with no limbs and "bats bread fo wah" don't fit anywhere.
Much less the game that already has warbats and orcs in plate armor that can go one on one with elves and win, so it's not like there's really severe restrictions.
Fuck, Bolg's bodyguards were themselves super orcs that not only took the charge from Thorin and company, many men, dwarves, and elves, they were wining and killed Thorin and his nephews in the process. Really had Beorn the op not shown up the lonely mountain would be just another orc-hold.
And let's not get into the retardation that was keeping Azog alive when his head was stuck on a pike.
it was funny it was bad beyond bad to see that the battle in the last chapter of a child book was more epic than a full-lenght epic movie all about that one battle
Not an argument.
there are some nice piece of fluff
old war of maccrage and behemoth hive fleet
the astral knight last standoff
the waagh of tuska demon killa
The original war for armageddon before matt ward shat all over it with the months of shame wank was brety gud as well
Except that was ADB.
>Move title in pic semi-related.
Here, now it's totally related.
Did anyone else hear that hive fleet leviathan was completely vapourised by the citrus male addiction?
There is nothing. Absolutely NOTHING stopping you from playing your own lore in your own circles. You don't need a valediction from Games Workshop before you leave the store and decide to play a game where Lorgar never went heretic, or the Dark Eldar have killed Vect in an assassination.
They make things up with no rhyme, reason, or give a fuck.
>your lore
It's their lore and they can rape it as much as they want to, as is laid down in Shariah law.
Yeah, but that makes you a headcanon autist
Fantasy became a bad 40k ripoff and now 40k turned into a bad Fantasy ripoff.
yup its theres so people need to fuk off they can do what they want and change what they want
What I don't get is people being okay with that on top of $50 squad boxes at the minimum.
Fuck, a full unit of boys is $90.
GW fans deserve it.
GW made the WONDERFUL decisions to A) have one major chunk of it get fucked up by Ghazzy showing up at Octarius (I don't know how much of a setback this is, some people are claiming the Nids have lost there.) AND B) Having another major chunk get swallowed by the warp while attacking Baal, and a single bloodthirster killing a moon's worth of bugs. In a single paragraph.
I'm not aware of any other major tendrils of Leviathan currently existing beyond Octarius and Baal, so it may well be down to splinters at this point.
This is actually surprisingly true.