HFY thread, because i miss them

>oxygen is a very dangerous chemical used in rocket fuel and chem bombs
>humans breathe oxygen
would humans be the bogans of the universe?
would alien captains be paranoid about human stowaways huffing their gas?

We also inhale hydrogen, which is automatically dangerous.
Do we inhale an 80/20 H/O mixture? Or was it 20/80...

>>oxygen is a very dangerous chemical used in rocket fuel and chem bombs
Every time I see this, it pisses me off more. Yes, if you want combustion, you need an oxidizer. Oxygen is also the third most common element in the universe, which means that most alien life will be using it as well.

This shit's one step above "we drink rocket exhaust lmao".

It's ~80% Nitrogen, ~20% Oxygen. N2 is notable for being one of the most chemically boring things we've found in nature. There's probably some trace amounts of Hydrogen, but if there was enough to start a significant reaction, every time someone flicked a lighter there'd be a massive fireball.

Already a good start.

>third most common element in the universe
wouldn't that be lithium?

Why does HFY seem like such reddit posting now?
Has it always been this cringey and I just didn't realize it before?

That is not how the periodic table works.

People take the cringe to heart more than the good stuff. And there is good stuff.

Weirdly, no. That's because the second step of stellar fusion has Carbon and Oxygen as its products, and the lighter elements are made in rarer processes (Lithium IIRC is mostly made in brown dwarves). It's not really common sense if you look at the periodic table, but the universe doesn't care how we arrange our charts.

i dunno why they're taking it so far, this wasn't meant to be a "man, we so awesome" circlejerk, just a stupid conjecture about retards huffing fuel

well, inside a star
- H+H=He
- H+He=Li
- He+He=Be
so would it not be lithium?

N2 is still more fun than argon.

No, because Li+Li=C, which is more stable.

Most stars actually skip lithium, beryllium, and boron, moving straight to carbon. It's called tripple-alpha process.

am just a lowly engineer, all this star stuff seems wildly inconvenient to me

Also, beryllium itself is rather rare, because two berylliums are more stable as one oxygen.

No, the real threat is humans are horny little retards and would fuck them, their flora, their fauna, and then them again. At the same time.

You know what I think would be fun to focus on for HFY? Human qualities that are already special or uncommon among other animals.

Like, most aliens out there might breath oxygen or drink water, but I daresay many of them might find our eager consumption of a potent neurotoxin (caffeine) as monstrous, or our ability to burp surprising (many animals can't burp.)

You need to see from which animals aliens evolved.

Say aliens that evolved from ambush predators may consider humans as hyperactive freaks with insane stamina.

I don't think anything larger than a chicken would consider caffeine a potent toxin.

the stuff that makes peppers spicy is the same that's in pepper spray all the way up to bear grade

I think the idea that an alien race would find the consumption of spicy foods barbaric is a cool idea.

Not "THEY DRINK POISON AND SHIT EXPLOSIVES" levels, just "why the fuck would they hurt themselves like that?" One of my favourite HFY stories was about an alien tasting human cuisine

Fanwank and headcannon are being confused for meaningful content and the little ones can't tell the difference.

Capsaicin is a different beast. It's tailored to fuck with mammals. Birds and reptiles can't even taste it.

why are we so terribly alone?
we haven't even found basic cells around
how come we haven't had any contact?

What would be meaningful content?
Closest I can think is Old Man's War and Hymn Before Battle.
Most "good" HFY focuses of Humanity being pretty good at killing. But I doubt that an alien species would dominate their planet and their own sector of space without being pretty killy in their own way.

Don't talk shit about muh nitrogen waifu, I'm writing a patent on a new nitridation process.

On that matter nitrogen is a very useful gas.

I consistently find myself surprised at the legitimate knowledge I pick up here.


I hate this one the most. Yes, humans are pretty robust. You can lose a lot of blood before dying, and just basic first aid will leave you a lumpy mess, but alive from almost any injury that isn't instantly fatal. But come on.

>oxygen is a very dangerous chemical used in rocket fuel and chem bombs
You can blast something, most things, almost anything, with a tank of oxygen and nothing will happen to it other than the mechanical effects of strong wind of any sort. Oxygen is "used in rocket fuel" because you need oxygen for combustion, not because oxygen is itself explosive or energetic. In fact, HHO burners, which basically use the gasses from electrolyzing water, are among the weakest and least efficient kinds of burners/engines you can have because hydrogen is so un-energetic (since it's such a simple molecule) and there's actually TOO MUCH oxygen for optimal combustion if you dont scrub some of it out.

A lot of this HFY stuff strikes me as the writer not understanding the thing they're gushing about.

OC spray contains capcaisin, but it also contains other agents and the capcaisin is condensed. There's more of it in a dose of OC spray than there is in some of the hottest peppers. It's kinda why it's a weapon, and even a prohibited one in a lot of places.

IDK much about reptiles, but birds probably can't taste it because their diet is made up of tons of horrible harsh acidic/poisonous shit that other animals can't stand the taste of and will probably throw up after an hour.

>Has it always been this cringey and I just didn't realize it before?

kinda like 40k

Maybe life is just dang hard to get to work. Maybe we're the first, destined to spread life across the universe. Maybe we're in alien zoo.

>theres "don't feed the monkeys" signs il the oort cloud
>they are facing outward

well, if earth is anything to go by life ain't impossible
and the universe is yuge, impossibly so
and old as fuck... seems awfully convenient to be alone

Life as complex as hours takes a long time to get going, let alone get going well enough to be space-faring. If there's other life out there, it's probably as primitive as we are or worse.

can't WAIT to domesticate and bang some alien doggos and big kitties tho

there's a single, lonely guard house on the border of the oort cloud. These are their stories. They mostly involve drunk turists being dicks.

Yeah, it's weird. There should be a ton of aliens.

HFY sucks, isn't traditional games, and you are a reddit faggot.

It's also impossibly old, and life presumably takes a while to mature.

We might be some of the first living things in the universe, for all we know.

We have only single sample and as such can't know the chances for evolution of sapient life.

well, we're not even really "space faring" and probably never will be
but we did at least try to send radio signals and voyager and now cassini too, in an effort to make contact

>probably never will be
fuck that noise, it's gonna happen someday. Even if we have to go the generation ship route, we'll conquer the galaxy.


Keep in mind, even if there were aliens at Alpha Cen (which is unlikely, but not impossible) that wanted to communicate with an alien species (they might) that only exists theoretically (imagine getting funding for that), they would need a device that could create a signal that could be identified as being not from the star itself at a distance of 4 light years (possible, but difficult), and it would then take 4 years to reach us. Replace all that with a more likely distance of 50 light years at least, and remember that they're probably at a similar tech level as us, and you have why we're looking for chemical reactions and not big neon space signs.

Well, all we really need is a cheaper (per use) way to launch shit in orbit, like a gigantic railgun.

>generation ship
that's so bleak though
it's no use if we can't do shit once you're up there
and dV needed to break free of the earth's gravity is the same, whatever your propulsion may be

>and dV needed to break free of the earth's gravity is the same,
and how you get it is cheaper, and btw dV shit-ass neckbeard term for "acceleration"

Can you guys take this back to r/HFY?
Or to /b/?

This has absolutely nothing to do with tradtional games except in the most tangential manner possible, and worse still, this is some of the dumbest pseudo-scientific forced conversation I've seen yet.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

what would a plant civilization be like?

how do you avoid having aliens as monocultural fancy colored humans?

>STRICTLY no fun aallowed

dV is the proper term and burning fuel on the spot is way cheaper than burning coal somewhere else, storing the energy in a battery and then getting it through an electromagnet

Except it's pretty fucking retarded to use most of your spacecraft weight and volume for fuel when you can at least try to alleviate this trough infrastructure.

>ey, you know what vladimyr?
>what pyotr?
>what if istead of carry fuel in rocket we put under rocket?
both soviets and americans thought about this before realizing how retarded it would be to strap people to a literal bullet

>board culture is baaaad, go away i need to shill my 11th thread about femmarines

>use fuel to prop up 700 tons of spacecraft
>end up with 20t of useful shit in orbit
I'm pretty sure anything electrical would have a better yield.

>dV is the proper term
dV is LITERALLY acceleration. Just like "reaction mass" is just fuel, and the only reason they don't use the word "fuel" is because of neckbears like you

It'll be space elevators (assuming nanotubes ever actually pay off) and orbital constriction, not building ships on the surface and launching them.

actually rocket fuel is massively expensive and it's not like you can't get cheap/clean electricity from things like hydro or nuclear.

Economy of scale alone makes plugging it in to the wall cheaper than using fuel; if it weren't, we'd all use rocket fuel to heat our homes and power our ovens instead of just having the occasional 220v rail in the kitchen.

space elevators are 100% impossible
not even nanomemes can withstand the force they'd require

>both soviets and americans thought about this before realizing how retarded it would be to strap people to a literal bullet
I'd like to see how. I mean, a rocket is litteraly just a missile. Hell those are done in the same factories.

>my gay and dumb offtopic shit is 'board culture'

It's fags like you that helped get these threads banned in the past. Hopefully the mods will stop sitting around and ban you spamming redditors already.

> "dV is the proper term"
> acceleration is somehow not "the proper term"
>dV/dt = a
What did he mean by this?

Well technically dV isn't a proper term, it's just slang.

>muh reddit
go post more furries in the pf thread, instead of bumping our oh so hideous thread

Eeeh, probably.

You're still looking at constructing your ships in orbit if you actually want to go anywhere though, and probably ferrying crew up on something closer to the virgin spaceplanes than a conventional rocket.

Veeky Forums would have been so much better off if this had turned into a classic blunder thread. More hands on thighs please.

I've honestly never seen dV used outside of an equation in anything actually reputable. It seems more like /k/ and Veeky Forums just prefer using it instead of "acceleration" to sound smart.

Kinda like how tacticool mallninja nerds are obsessed with "slicing the pie" (i.e. "looking where you're going" to normal people)

Or you could use a big honkin' gun. If you're shooting up something like a satellite or probe, it's not like it's really that awful that it'll experience some stress.

In fact, surviving that kind of thing is literally why electronics are so flat instead of being cylinders and cubes, it has nothing to do with the structure of chips or other components, it's so you can lay them flat and they don't shear off of boards under stress if the board is showing its working face to that stress

>dv = dv/dt

It's sad that everything that originated on Veeky Forums either got ripped off by reddit or kicked out of Veeky Forums where it fled to reddit because Veeky Forums loved being the hate machine more than it loved it's own creations.

Honestly i prefer the culinary HFY's, a far more light hearted tone and still within the category

you still need some way to circularize, nevermind the huge stress that you'd ecounter by having all that force applied in a single instant.
you'd burn up in the atmosphere

Oxygen is useful for breathing for the same reason its useful as a rocket fuel. It has a lot of potential energy reactions.

dV alone is analoguous to a speed, not an acceleration. Calling it dV is litteraly false. A scientific paper would just use acceleration.

Nigga you're onto something

>thread was meant to be a Humanity Fuck You where humans are seen as drunks at best and pest at worst
>fags complain about self grandizing

>dV alone is analoguous to a speed,
no that's just "V"

do you know what the d is for? it's not for your mum, it's something else in this case

dV is your maximum speed in vacuum without application of outside forces that you can squeeze out of your ship.

Acceleration is how fast you can spend your dV.

It would be more likely to use "change in velocity" because that's what it represents. It would also normally use the uppercase delta, since that's what represents "change in," but I don't feel like pulling it from anywhere.

d stands for a difference between two speeds. A difference of two speeds is still a speed you humongous high scool dropout retard.

no, otherwise it would be just V
insteat is dV, differential of speed
you cockmunchin', insult swingin', board ruinin', trap fappin', captcha failin', dice fudgin'

>dV is your maximum speed in vacuum

Pretty sure that if aliens existed, they would have bigger things to worry about than a fuck-off species such as humans who can't even leave the sol system.

A difference in speeds is literally, by definition, acceleration. (or deceleration but deceleration is still acceleration in a scientific context and deceleration is only really used in automotive fields)

>dV is your maximum speed in vacuum
THIS IS WHAT Veeky Forums (and probably /k/ since they always crossboard here) ACTUALLY BELIEVE

see, you're getting it now
now how do abductees fit in your headcanon? .^)

no, acceleration is the gradient by which those speeds change

But a differential of speed is still measured in m/s (and therefore is a speed itself), whereas an acceleration is in m/s^2
>A difference in speeds is literally, by definition, acceleration
Please complete your high school.

Yes, because something that goes from 10 m/s to 5 m/s in 5 seconds definitely experiences the same acceleration as one that goes from 10 m/s to 5 m/s in 5 years.

Drop a ship in an intergalactic space and make it accelerate. If it's end speed relative to Earth will differ from it starting speed on more m/s than it's dV you will get a Nobel prize. Just don't forget to account for gravity and hydrogen friction.

yes, but you want to know that yous spacecraft will go from 0 to 1200 in the same way as it will go from 13500 to 14500


>dV is your maximum speed
>Acceleration is how fast you can spend your dV

american education everyone

No seriously get the fuck out this website is 18+

>But a differential of speed is still measured in m/s
if you are changing speed it's m/s per some other unit, usually time, which what acceleration is (m/s/s or m/s^2 if you forgot)

>aliens crash on Earth
>can't repair their ship without some critical components
>go to a nearby human village for help
>damn apes take the aliens prisoners instead of contacting the scientists to help them repair their hyperdrive in order to go back to their Galaxy

So in short... alien slave, what do?

forget the 2, my finger slipped

>it was the authorities and scientists who took the aliens slave all the time
i like it

Do you know how to read ?

This isn't even a statement. Those are just words that you don't know the meanings of.

>more m/s than it's dV
something's end speed can be a higher value than its acceleration if it accelerates slowly but constantly for a long time. It's not even hard math, it's literally just a 2nd power polynomial

you'd need something higher than high school to do the proper summations but suffice to say that the limit of nt^2+mt+c is infinity, and the sum of all things on that line from zero until infinity will also be infinity because of that

like seriously do you know what dV stands for? it's "delta velocity", basically "the change in velocity", and "the change in velocity" is literally by dictionary definition acceleration, it's just how these words relate to eachother

Yes it is. Relative to your starting speed.

If you need it to be spelled out to you then please end your school first. I can also go on about how it will differ if you start accounting for orbital movement, atmosphere friction and other shit but you probably will just sperg out anyway.

The Reapers did it

Nitrogen may be boring as N2 but fun things happen when you put *lots* of it together.

>is literally by dictionary definition acceleration
But it's not, since acceleration is by definition dV/dt.

Kill yourself please. Like immediately. You pollute my air.

Acceleration is a measure at which speed changes PER SECOND you imbecile. That's why V and dV are measured in m/s and Acceleration is measured in m/s^2

dV is literally just not that and dV is delta velocity i.e. acceleration, not max speed

if you're actually looking at an object in abstract as a position function, dV is a fairly dynamic value. it's not a measure of fuel, it's not a measure of some other design of the craft, it's straight up just "delta velocity"

have you ever taken even a basic physics course or do you just read about railguns on /k/ all day? a change in something's speed is still by definition an acceleration, even if it occurs over zero time. that's just what acceleration means. would you prefer if we had this discussion in french or spanish or something? you seem to be having trouble with words

>v2 - v1 = a
>x m/s - y m/s = z m/s^2