Thulsa Doom demands liches

Thulsa Doom demands liches.


>She's above 30...which is, like, really old
>like a lich

I've seen the name everywhere never been here before, what is this?

Some boards request 6+ pictures to start a thread. Come on, OP.

>he doesn't know
may set consume your rotten soul

evil wizard from Conan
ayo, that's a good rule

Who's better - a genocidal lich or a lich that keeps living around?
Who's better - a NEET that studies shit in his confy tomb, occasionally killing a dragon or archfey for his vile science or a philosopher warlord with world-spanning ambition?
Who's better - mad hate-filled evil lich or disturbingly sane and bottomlessly evil lich?

Best lich looks? Best places to hide phylactery? Best concepts of lich across various settings?

Bitches For Thulsa Doom was a thing that Veeky Forums used to enjoy, but the new mod says fun is not allowed on this board anymore.

one, two, three, four, how many robbers are in my tomb

Yeah, I've got one. IT'S YOU

aye, it's a good rule. I think it started on /aco/ because people would keep starting these tiny little threads for their niche or just not checking the catalog. It can be a great rule to reduce sliding.

>female lich
>I can tell by the hips and shit

Worm That Walks Master Race.

I second that rule, MODS get on it!!

>Bitches For Thulsa Doom was a thing that Veeky Forums used to enjoy, but the new mod says fun is not allowed on this board anymore.
First, by new do you mean a dude from almost a decade ago? Nazi mod hasn't modded in forever, and the new rules are from moot seeing our lawless land and stirring the mods into action to enforce the rules.

We still have fun, youll just have to go elsewhere for your nudie pics and such. Now head off to /aco/, /d/, /h/, /s/, /trash/, or any of the other porn boards.

I'm OP. I posted 4, now 5 pics. And calling the police for being impolite is ehhh

Was that liches or bitches? Read it as liches in the catalog.

Anyways, have some bitch litches.

Bah, meant read it as bitches.





Woot, woot!

And it's a girl too!

Have another!

What's the lore behind those?

I'd tell you to lurk more but damn I'm not sure it'd help a case of retardation this bad.

Lovecraft and Smith.

When a wizard dies, his spirit can remain, and infect/teach and control the creatures that consume his corpse, until they become a host body for his ultrapowerful mind and spirit.

My preferences are genocidal, NEET, and sane.

I think Thulsa is from King Kull, rather than Conan, if you're going by the books. Same world, different timeframe.