Alrigh I just bought in. When does this hit $1?
Alrigh I just bought in. When does this hit $1?
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Fucking coin is going to dump any minute now.
EOY 2017
>buying at the top
never change Veeky Forums
you just bought in? time sell guys this is going back to 15c
First tell us what you know about ChainLink. Do you know what Town Crier is? Do you know what ZeppelinOS is? Do you know what the ISO20022 messaging standard is?
Why did you buy this token and what do you know about what drives its value?
Real talk.
stop pretending like anyone on this board ever asks themselves these questions lol
Ok, that's it. I see this shit shilled left right and center all up and down this board. I originally stayed away with how annoying all the shilling was. But it just doesn't stop. Can I get a serious and short rundown of why this thing is good and why you guys can't stop jacking off about it?
We must now dip to 2000sats for your rite of passage as a marine
after you sell
buy high sell low
Solves the accessibility problem (fka the oracle problem)
Peer reviewed white paper
Led by an autistic obese philosopher king CEO and a Chad programmer
And most importantly, dank fucking memes
>he linky stinky'd himself
Bags forever, user.
DYOR we aren't spoon feeding you mr pajeet
but it isn't
>Led by an autistic obese philosopher king CEO and a Chad programmer
It’s over
Go home
What are these things, give me a rundown
Fuck it, I'm in.
LMAO look at that dump this was obviously planned and you fuckers fell for it
we really must start a link brass spin class, Im sure that raging homo steve could lead it
>tfw chainlink is profitable after 2 months of hodling
lmao biz never fails. I can't believe you fell for that shitcoin
NEVER ... you bought SHIT
enjoy it
I'm like you, theres something about these linkies that just makes you want to join in. the meme power is great with this coin.
Say it with me:
WHY IS IT PUMPING!!?!?!?!?!?
LINK is literal pajeetcoin. See pic related.
this shit will hit $1 by Christmas - just fucking watch
Town Crier is a project by Cornell's IC3 (an academic blockchain research group led by Ari Juels, the Cornell professor who invented Proof of Work and co-wrote the ChainLink whitepaper.)
Town Crier basically integrates Intel SGX secure hardware into nodes. What that means is that sensitive information can pass through ChainLink nodes, be processed and create secure outputs, but the node operator can never, by definition, "see" the information that is sent through the SGX hardware. This is super important because it means that businesses won't have to fear passing sensitive information through the ChainLink network.
ZeppelinOS is a free, open source toolkit for developing dApps and smart contracts on the EVM (Ethereum platform). It is run by OpenZeppelin who manage $1.5billion in digital assets, and will likely form the base development layer for all (or at least the vast majority of) development on the Ethereum platform. They will provide a standard interface for accessing off-chain information, and that interface will have ChainLink running in the background. In short, ChainLink will be the default oracle system for the vast majority of future development on the Ethereum platform.
ISO 20022 is a messaging standard developed and deployed by SWIFT, in order to standardise inter-bank messaging and bring consistency and reliability to international payments. is working with SWIFT to incorporate ChainLink into the back end of ISO20022 messaging, which has the potential to see ChainLink operating in the background of financial agreements like complex bond settlements, to the value of literally trillions of dollars.
nice just bought 100k
Props man, dud a little bit of research and this is a much better summary than what I've read. But ISO are standards in general from International Organization for Standardization rather than something SWIFT developed, and if LINK is working on this too, that's a really good sign.
But I just read that SWIFT is actually working on their own blockchain for certain things as well, hyperledger. Was that non-compete agreement a meme then? I'll have to read up on that then
meh. easily spoofable. pajees aren't capable of some of the dank memes that have been spreading. dude was just hoping on the train at that point. also prob a total noob. who actually "accidentally" posts on /int/, it's just too perfect.
Ok, get in
LINK going to pull a Verge