>Just want to run a fun little game
>Constant drama between players
It's just so annoying.
Just want to run a fun little game
Other urls found in this thread:
That'll happen.
Fuck off, Virt.
I get ya, I've been there.
Depending on your situation you have a couple options, of course there's always help everyone resolve the issues. But most of the time the people are children who can't grow the fuck up and settle things.
Then you can weigh wether it's worth staying and helping keep the peace. Or to leave and find a new group that makes you much happier.
If you're playing in person you could try and find a new group, I've found more and more people are willing to give it a shot, and new players are so excited and grateful.
But if you're at a lack of people in real life you could always try an online group (just don't use roll20 for groups finding) or form one on discord in your system
I wish you best of luck. My last group was the same so I ditched them and took all my favorite people who weren't toxic, added some people I knew in real life, I became a GM and we've been a happy group for 4 years
I'm on a similar boat
>players too lazy to read the manuals
>teach them instead
>handle all mechanical aspects even if they're unable to remember how to roll to attack
>complain more and more about me not handholding them enough or allowing them to win automatically
I'm sick of their bickering and power fantasy garbage. I offered a campaign to a couple of friends and they're infinitely more grateful than these assholes.
What he said.
Drama always happens.
Embrace it.
>party nukes your campaign just to fuck with one player
>do this every campaign, but refuse to kick the guy because they think it's fun to fuck with him
Find players who aren't cocks.
Don't be a cock yourself.
Pretty easy.
Play play-by-post games, player attrition is such that if the players are drama making cock gobblers, chances are they wont stick around for a month in the first place.
>dat pic
>Why would you not fuck the shit out of that tight ass before shooting her in the head?
You'd rather do it afterwards, obviously?
C'mon, mate. Do you even /d/?
>seriously, though, I wish the artist did actual art of that girl and not just the one creepy-ass pic
>sees OP's pic
>shaped exactly like her boobs
>leaves no room for breathing
>paper thin
>does not point outwards so that weapons that hit it might not go that far into your chest
It's ceremonial and wasn't meant for actual combat, obviously.
This isn't just ceremonial, it looks like it's suppose to only be hung on walls fo display. People will actually choke wearing that thing.
This picture will never not make me mad. That's not how you treat prisoners, especially ones with such looks and apparent nobility, unless you and your army are nothing more than uncouth rabble. Disgusting showing, 0/10.
If you look at the bottom of the breastplate, you can see there's actually a fair bit of room between the metal and her abdomen, which most likely suggests that the breast part of the breastplate isn't snug against her breasts either.
>Doesn't into diaphragmatic breathing
Women are decorative objects, whether they can breath or not is neither here nor in a far away land long long ago.
This image has never been not been posted for cheap (You)s.
>Smudged lipstick
>Good teeth
>Modern-day skintight low-rise pants
Is this supposed to be isekai?
They are the same faction. She is being executed for incompetence.
>critiquing a fetish pic for its historical accuracy and armor practicality
Where the hell do you think you are?
>tfw every game i play in has at least 1 that guy who ruins the game
>latest one is a nice guy who likes to play but is a bumbleing retard who laughs at the end of EVERY sentence and likes to interrupt the gm to talk about memes and games and shit
>half of our last session was the gm trying to keep him from doing stupid shit while i tried desperately to drag us back on the games rails
Deep-six the dicks, keep the guy they're fucking with, then find other players who aren't dicks.
At least the GM got you, user. Im completely alone against this mongolhorde and desu im very close to just give up. I thought about kicking the players who are obviously not compatible to the game i want to run/play but this would only end in a landslide of leaving players. Should i do it nontheless?
Im having no grudge against my players but i want story and depth where they want laughs and talking about nonrelated stuff or making memes on a laptop
Not him and you still went full retard. And that's from literal torture porn.
Virt pls.
>Should i do it nontheless?
Drive them from your game like saint patty driving the snakes from ireland or whatever
The darkest secret of GMing isn't that characters are expendable. It's that players are.
Currently playing a Scythe campaign based off Hard-Boiled. We have a six man party including some great aggravaters such as:
>A radically patriotic/racist Polanian sniper who's claim to fame is slaughtering Saxon POWs.
>An exiled Albionite nobleman who is convinced everyone around him is a peasant unworthy to lick his boots.
>A French.
The drama and inter-party conflict is consistent. At one point I found myself stood up from the table having a screaming match with my best friend of ten years (completely IC) when he tried to execute civilians. Our next session will begin with a trial again the Frenchman who stands accused of sabotage, negligence and endangerment of a Polanian life.
All of this suits the high-stress, war-crime filled setting; every session ends with everyone chilling over beers and laughing about what had transpired.
>Such chivalrous attitudes hold you back with a force greater than any iron cage.
I think the problem might be you.
Oh look, it's that picture again.
Stop LARPing
I don't think the image is meant to be in combat. Note the ground, and the rose petals, and that there are similarly-armoured individuals in the background. It looks like they were mid-celebration, parade, or something to that effect, when rebels/enemies ambushed them.
It was a parade to celebrate a succesful revolution and the birth of a new republic. The high point of the celebration was the elimination of the cruel and exploitative nobility of birth, signaling the birth of a new order in which birth means nothing and talent means everything. The specimen in question is saved for last because she perfectly underlines what the revolution has ended: a high-born, isolated, frail prissy princess who wears highly impractical "armor" and a uniform more for titelation than maintaining order in a military claiming superiority over others by being part of what was once ironically a(n at the time neccessary) warrior class. The fact that she can't even remain dignified when confronted with death only makes it all that much sweeter.
t. radical republican
Veeky Forums auto "turns to be honest" (t b h) into desu, for some strange reason.
>Want to run a story driven campaign.
>Be lazy with my prep.
>Loads of conflict between player characters eats a session.
I always get good groups because I always get rid of tosspots.
Gibt source of pic OP
The stuff Jakub Rozalski drew for? What do you use to run it, and where did you get enough setting info?
Do you think she's actually packing tits that big under there?
Do you think greco-roman ab plate was tightly molded and paper thin too?
>want to run a drama filled game
>constant fun between the players
I agree, fucking annoying
I usually just ban players like this.
But often enough they just stop after a couple of hints or unfortunate events that was absolutely not intended as a penalty for being a dick OOC.
robespierre pls go and stay go
>when a shitty shoop you made in 5 minutes three years ago (archive.4plebs.org
>for some strange reason
It's because of v
It's always because of v
Maybe you get so much drama in your games because you're the type of person who posts images like that in threads where it's completely irrelevant.
Shows that you have a complete lack of respect for women. Many gamers would take issue with that, and rightfully so.
It's to punish cancerous newfags like you.
t b h
s m h
f a m
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