What will be banned or unbanned tomorrow?
Will Stoneforge or twin finally be released?
Will Marvel take the next bullet for standard?
Ban & Unbans
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>Will Stoneforge or twin finally be released?
No. Your waifu will never be free and twin knows what it did.
>no change in any format
SFM isn't quite at Bitterblossom levels of irrelevance in Modern just yet and unbanning Twin now would basically amount to admitting that it didn't deserve to eat a ban in the first place.
Basically anyone who plays this game professionally disagrees with you on Twin. Most of the people who support the ban had bad experiences at the local level or run decks that got better without the Twin matchup.
>Basically anyone who plays this game professionally disagrees with you on Twin
People who play the game professionally aren't big on Modern in general, so I don't really care.
>unbanning Twin now would basically amount to admitting that it didn't deserve to eat a ban in the first place.
So like how Wild Nacatl was removed from the ban list as it was wrongly banned.
Isn't it obvious?
Eternal Masters, Conspiracy 1&2, Planechase 1&2, Duel Decks, Premium Decks, and Commander deck contents now legal in Modern.
Nothing is unbanned.
ayy lmao
I love (read: hate) this "Twin's ban was unjust" meme.
It's not a healthy combo as UW control is only finally coming up because Twin is still banned.
The format is fucking great right now, nothing should be changed.
Without Twin there's basically nothing worth playing the format.
If twin's win wasn't
>react at instant speed or die
it would be fine.
>UWx Control and Midrange didn't exist before the Twin ban
UW is in no better position today than those decks were back then. All the Twin ban did is make people who played decks that struggled against Twin or who had Twin-heavy local metas happy. It did NOTHING for the format broadly speaking.
>really want Marvel gone but really don't like the precedent of if there's an OP or strong card we can just ban it.
I won't buy into any T1 deck anytime soon. I want to build G/B energy, but seeing as how fucking retarded Wizards is they'll ban the snake despite G/B not doing much other than being a good deck. It's not oppressive, but seeing as how they felt the need to ban reflector mage of all things, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibilities. Why they banned Mage and Em and not Gideon and Marvel I'll never know outside of them wanting us to play with more walkers.
Marvel won't be banned, but it needs to be. the one deck that can keep it in check (URx control) is being pushed out of the format by Mardu and Zombies, both of which die to marvel going "ULAMOG LOLZ" on turn 4 with no way to stop it. And with Nicol Bolas right around the corner, now it's 8 cards that win the game as soon as they hit you have to dodge every time. But wizards can't see it until it's too late, as usual.
>Standard: no changes (aetherworks marvel emergency ban July 22)
>Modern: Gifts Ungiven is Banned.
You won't be missed.
Letting your draw go fetishes pretend you can play when it's tier 3 at best, is not worth not having a tier 1 blue deck.
>Modern: Gifts Ungiven is Banned.
Unacceptable. Don't even talk about such things.
If they do this instead of just killing Storm like they've been trying to do I may legitimately quit the game, because their policy of taking out cards that are just fine to neuter strategies they think are degenerate is getting stupid.
Pod, Twin, SFM and DRS are unbanned. Dissenters are shot on sight.
Not having a tier 1 blue deck is worthwhile in itself.
Modern is not Legacy-lite.
Marvel is just as healthy as any other "Top Dog" deck in the history of the format. A little less fun and unfair, maybe, but not much more oppressive than Mono-Black control from Ravnica/Theros or Abzan Midrange from Theros/Khans.
That's the other option. Ban grapeshot, empty the warrens, and dragonstorm, unban either ponder of preordain, possibly (but doubtfully) unban rite of flame.
While the rest of the format is beholden to the "Turn 4 Rule", storm is Different and is held to stricter scrutiny because fuck you.
unban everything
ban CoCo
>Ban Dragonstorm
But why?
Mono-black control was a fucking joke. Their clock is terrible and one or two removal spells until you land a blood baron of vizkopa and then you literally cannot lose. I played a three color pile during that format and MBC was a complete bye. They needed a god draw AND you needed to draw shit.
I'll concede that value rhino midrange was powerful, but it was basically winmore: the deck. Once you got ahead you were golden, but if you're behind it's VERY hard to get back to level.
Marvel is a fucking joke. The only reason it's only 45% of the meta and not 75% is because speculators hoarded so many of the pieces and it's cheaper to build a tier 1 modern deck than play standard.
Because Storm is Different and fuck you.
>comparing T4 "oops there goes 2 of your 4 lands now I have an indestructible 10/10 exile the top 20 cards" to mono-black
Are you serious? Mono-black was essentially a stack of removal spells desperately trying to stabilize with pack-rats, desecration demons, and nightveil specters until they can drop a gray merchant. That's nothing compared to I may just outright win the game on T4 by setting you so far behind on tempo.
They were just looking to take something out of UW Spirits. So naturally, the right choice was a card that wasn't as good anymore thanks to CoCo rotating out.
I can't remember if it was Conley or LSV, but I heard a good explanation from one of them and basically, the game ends after that cast trigger. It's pretty backbreaking.
Wizards is pushing Planeswalkers as a marketing point harder than ever before. Don't expect a Standard Planeswalker ban ever again, they will bend backwards as far as they have to unless that requires printing good removal, that's just not doable in order to avoid that.
My guess is that they thought there was ample artifact removal in Standard and on the way with the next two blocks that it wouldn't be such a problem.
And there's plenty of decent artifact removal, but I'd bet they overlooked that almost none of it is instant speed.
It doesn't matter if they have instant speed artifact removal. They can still drop a nulamog in response. You need a counterspell, which no tier 1 decks play any of (except maybe censor)
I've really been enjoying not having pod in the format. For some reason all those green creature combo decks just shit me.
Ban Vizier and CoCo because I don't like them.
Thoughtseize is a stronger card than literally everything in the Marvel deck.
So bad the deceiver exarch, another broken card from a broken block
Yea but 40% of the metagame is the problem, annoying and everywhere...
Thoughtseize is a stronger card, but that doesn't make MBC a better or stronger deck.
I love aetherworks marvel.
It's not impossible to deal with at all.
I would like for it to get banned, though. Then I can buy 2 more sets and make weirder decks.
Is it even realistic to expect an unban?
Wizards seems so hesitant to do one and would rather solve the format with more bans. Heck this has now carried over in to standard with their ban mania approach
Considering what happened with GGT, they're probably gun shy.
Dredge dindu nuffin!
Less than 9 hours to go
Unban Twin or Mind Sculptor
My hope is that SFM gets unbanned because it can help slow down some of the better, non nut draw hands out of the Death's Shadow and Dredge decks in game 1.
I admit it does make most decks running white end up automatically slotting in 7-8 cards for every list (4 SFM, 2 Batterskull, 1-2 Swords of X and Y) but that frees up other colors to be more supportive and rely more on the artifact beat down plan.
Not to mention that if SFM gets too big, Kolaghan's Command exists and can deal with the SFM artifact package easily enough. There's also better artifact removal in Modern than Standard, along with stuff like Fatal Push seeing play right now.
The twin ban is correct, it is the deck that straddles the line of the turn 4 rule. In terms Chris Pikula would appreciate, "ban stuff so twin is the best deck, then ban twin and you're done."
Marvel the last two weeks has been under 30%.
A cheap tier 1 Modern deck is going to cost you around $500. A good standard deck costs $150-$350.
The saddest part about equipment in general is they are next to umplayable without sfm, even batterskull itself is too weak on its own. Only jitte and skullclamp are good enough and they are straight up broken.
what if they banned ulamog?
Unban Eye of Ugin
Ban OGW non-Legendary Eldrazi
The more removal and interruption gets printed and played the weaker Twin gets
If it was unbanned tomorrow it would be a good deck but it would still be a fight with the other tier 1 decks
The only reason it got banned is because timmies no like playing around interaction
>What will be banned or unbanned tomorrow?
Marvel might eat the ban hammer. Nothing else changes.
I expect a deaths shadow ban
For the same-ish reason Twin was banned
>playing UR? Might as well try Twin! Grixis Twin! Temur Twin! Jeskai Twin! or just good ol' UR Twin!
>playing black at all? Try Jund Shadow! Abzan Shadow? How about Sultai Shadow. Grixis Shadow! Actually fuck it just play 4 color Shadow!
It's obvious it's gonna get axed at some point
Its 2 late m8, twins ded
nice digits fuck you retard hope shitforge shitstic never gets unbanned
speaking of modern...
dci sure doesn't like free spells that give a solid advantage, that's why i think they could ban street wraith, seriously, everything this one does is an advantage: 2 life to grow DS, one creature in the graveyard for goyf or delve, recycles it's draw.
if they really want to bash storm they'll ban past in flames and i hope they unban bloodbraid elf
i'd love to see either thoughtseize or inquisition banned (tons of discard in the format plus turn 1 deck identity/strategy revealed)
I think that there is chance that cloudpost can be unbaned. I Don't realy belive that this card will do big impact to this meta.
If they ban out storm i am going to blow a fucking gasket.
The deck is tier 2 ffs
BBE and Jace unbanned
Jace is never being unbanned
They literally have a scale of "shit we won't print again" that's named for Storm, user. The official stance is that the mechanic was a mistake, and that they don't want it to be strong in Modern. In many ways I would prefer a ban like Pod or Twin that would kill the deck outright. Get it over with and let us play with all the cards that don't have the mechanic they hate.
>what Twin did
Made the format a lot better and more interactive while never reaching an excessive share of the meta?
You're such an idiot. UW control had a great matchup against Twin, it preyed on Twin, and Twin sure as hell wasn't keeping it down.
Not that guy, but you first, faggot from Hearthstone.
I'm thinking maybe Stubborn Denial gets banned? Something to weaken Death's Shadow but not cripple it entirely.
Either DS gets banned or nothing changes at all
Dragonstorm is literally the only version of Storm people love though
Well I don't want to see DS banned. At least not yet. It's top dog but it's not oppressive, without it around there's a chance the format could warp into something uglier
Banning Stubborn Denial is an awful idea.
Dragonstorm is cool, I agree. But if wizards wants to ban storm they're going to ban every card that reliably wins via storm.
Wotc continues to agree with me. No changes to Modern.
ayy lmao Marvel banned.
Can Standard be any more of a joke format?
The choice becomes simple:
Are you a blue-fag? Play Legacy.
Are you not a blue-fag? Play Modern.
Well, you're a retarded, cancerous faggot anyway.
Wotc considers you the cancer. Feel free to leave our glorious twin-free format at any time.
>Are you not a blue-fag? Play Modern.
>grixis DS is best deck
>black red and blue
>not a blue fag
>Take out Marvel and Ulamog for a few powerful creatures that use energy and swap Chandras, and it's virtually the same deck.
Does WotC really thinks anyone falls for this crap?
lol WotC is such a joke
This is the most cards banned in a single Standard since Combo Winter, right? We've passed Mirrodin if you count the artifact lands as a single ban?
Don't be so entitled
How is WotC this retarded? Why do the have to ban all of this shiy?
Mirrodin bans were Skullclamp, Ravager, Disciple, and the artifact lands. So yes.
Whys WOTC so banhappy in standard lately?
Because wotc has been fucking about in Standard lately, changing rotation, pushing cards, etc.
Because they're printing dumb shit but not printing any reliable ways to deal with said dumb shit. Aside from redirecting burn, there is no fucking instant speed planeswalker removal, Summary Dismissal and Disallow are the only "answers" to Marvel, but having no fucking way to interact with energy just means you're delaying the inevitable.
>but having no fucking way to interact with energy just means you're delaying the inevitable.
There really should have been some sort of energy syphon mechanic where you steal it from your opponents.
Poor innocent Timmy would slit his wrists mid-game if his opponent interacted with him
It would be nice having some way to slow/gimp Marvel and not have to worry so much about a random Pummeler getting flung at you for 40 damage.
What if I told you
Energy was a mistake and never should have been a mechanic.Also Energy is parasitic as fuck
syphoning energy sounds parasytic as fuck.
they just decided to make energy inherently not interactive , which is fine as long as it's fun and the cards that play with it are interactive...and ofc some of them weren't.
just make it like the monarch, whoever is the energy king gets all the energy counters in play
It's funny, back in the day Modern was the format where WotC would just arbitrarily ban a deck if it was doing to well or got too popular (Storm, Pod, Twin, etc...), now it looks like they've shifted that stance to standard.
I don't even play the format (not worth investment as I only get to go out and play maybe twice a month) but this is fucking ridiculous. Wizards is doing everything it can to eliminate combo decks as an archetype.
The more I think about the more I think an energy stealing or destroying effect would have been cool. Plus it would have been pretty appropriate in an "Aether Revolt".
>implying a non-interactive mechanic is cool in a game about interacting
You are a bad person
Marvel wasn't a combo deck, it was simply the best deck in the format by a distance.
The only version of Marvel I ever liked WAS a combo deck. WHALES!!
No, for the same reason a card like Leeches was a mistake. You can counter the cards that make energy and you can counter the cards that use energy, but destroying energy would be bad.
I think yoinking energy is a bad design.
However making cards that prevented energy from being gained in the first place is good. Some sort of artifact or small creature that says neither player can gain energy counters while he is on board.
>Playing Aggro: Minimal counter support and Snapcasters Ediyion