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Blood and Skulls Edition


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jesus, we already have 2 other threads up ass wipe

I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do Deldar or CSM for the global campaign at my store. We're incorporating our own summer campaign into it as well, which should be fun.

Is it just me, or does this datasheet not mention the Meka Dread actually having Rokkit Bomms?
Top Teir rules writing
shit this edition is fucked

First for the hivemind

Dark Eldar are higher-tier this edition with dramatically-improved gunboat playstyles. CSM are a solid but unremarkable mid-tier faction. On the other hand Berserkers are fucking nuts in CC now.

if it goes by the old rules, it's a 3rd option over mega-charga or kff, as it goes on the back/shoulders of it

Watch them remove Fly from all their vehicles during the next balance patch.

That is a very neat paint scheme but a very unfortunate weapon loadout.

I don't know why people keep thinking the balance patches are going to go as far as changing rules. They're just going to adjust points costs.

>Dark Eldar are higher-tier this edition with dramatically-improved gunboat playstyles

Truly these sorts of dark eldar players need to be wiped out.

>mfw these dumb cunts were crying about DE being shit in 8E and wanting to use the 5E codex
>mfw the 8E DE builds are just the 5E ones on crack

Yeah, there are some tyranid critters with rules for how specific guns behave, but no rules for how to obtain them on those critters.

Not him, and I'm sorry user, but I'm going to drive my archon's raider right into a melee, having him strut across the deck to the very nose, lean over, and fire his blast pistol right into some schmuck's face. And you can't stop me.

Until The Duke is back, I'm afraid I'll be fighting with darklight. As always, style over tactics.


>"If you're new to the hobby, this is where you want to begin to get all your miniatures ready for battle."
>"But, if you're more experienced, you might want to watch the video anyway just to LISTEN TO MY MOIST ASS VOICE"

Whoever told me to download GIMP....THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Yeah I made it up during early 4th edition and only painted it up the other day for fun. Its pretty annoying that the load out sucks ass but when i made it things were different and i didnt really fully understand wtf i was doing.

>was a recap article
>still no faction focus adeptus mechanicus

are we npcs now

Welcome to the fold fellow NPC!

You've always been NPCs. You were NPCs for over 30 years until you got models. Everyone's NPCs. Even manlet marines are NPCs now. The only PCs are Guilliman and Abadoo.

One of us. One of us...

>Implying literal beep boop drones ever weren't

We're no mere NPCs.
We're a fucking plot device :^)

In 7th edition, it was possible to stack leadership penalties and make a freakshow army. Is that still possible in 8th?

Gonna be playing with this for my first 8th ed game with tzeentch just to play with some of everything

DG with some spawn, an Icon and that dumbass bellend character in the starter can do -3, chaos might have a psychic power that can do some more too

Am I correct in understanding that Razorbacks are the new hotness and Rhinos are coffins with wheels in 8th?


So the Meka Dread lost character and can't join Dreadnought packs now?

That's kind of a let down.

And on top of that, it lost the ability to repair Ork walkers and tanks.

And Ramshackle Monster is overall less useful....

Rokkit-Bomms not running out of ammunition anymore is good I suppose.

Not sure I can justify taking the Meka-Dread anymore though. Seems like it just isn't worth it over the Orkanauts or more Kans and Dreads.

>new edition
>massive unit overhaul
>Tactical Terminators still hot dogshit

When was the last time tac-termies were worth taking? 3ED? 2ed?

Razorbacks for most lascannons+wounds per point.

Rhino for cheapest 10 capacity transport.

Predators for lolwhyaren'tyouusingrazorbacks

For Crons there is The Deciver and Flayed One for 1- each both with deeps strike like options

3rd onward they die to 5+ lasguns shooting at them

2E and 30K

Just take assault terminators.

Rhinos are stupidly resilient for their cost, any smart player will be able to maneuver them virtually to the front line.

>mfw no one ever talks about the super qt blonde on the White Dwarf team who always wears sweaters and jeans

If I wanted to play marine vs marine and maybe random shit. I would play AoS

Wait, what's with Fly?

Pls no. My Hydras have to have *some* use.

>he doesn't understand the power of massed rapid fire 2 storm bolters

Hey Veeky Forums, I picked up the Start Collecting Space Marines kit about a week ago and I was wondering what would be good options of units to add on for say, 1k point games? Keep in my mind I'm not looking for what is 100% optimal, just whatever isnt garbage


Conscripts become Ld1, thats just fucking savage.

Oh wow she actually is cute.

Most of the females working at GW are on the DO NOT WANT side.

Are you new?

When they have a qt trap waifu material Veeky Forums might care

Except 30k managed to make 7th more enjoyable, more balanced, and more diverse despite the Marines vs Marines

Eat shit loyalist dogs.

is there a template for Cadians?

Except you just daisy chain them to the commissar outside of the leadership debuff bubble and they're Ld 8 and can only lose one guy to failed morale regardless.

>Conscripts become Ld1, thats just fucking savage.

>still only loses one to morale

Commissars are still a thing.

You need to shoot them to death and kill the commissar. Or just shoot them to death and ignore the commissar

if you want that then take 10 sterguard with storm bolters they are way cheaper, more shots, and faster

>he doesn't understand how worthless 20 S4 AP 0 shots are on a unit that can only move 5 inches a turn.

If you want deepstriking dakka, Inceptors are far and away superior.
>more shots
>more AP pen
>higher toughness
>over DOUBLE the movement stat

Does Chaos even have a good way to deal with commissars?

It's hilarious how much better the game is once you remove everything that isn't space marines.

Dread: fist, lascannon, autocannon, assault cannon, missiles

Cpt: don't think it even gives you any options

tacs: grav gun, lascannon, missile launcher, melta gun, plasma gun, maybe flamer and heavy bolter but we'll have to see

A lot more options are viable in 8E compared to 7E.

It fails immediately because it was marines vs marines.

I've playing this thing for decades now. I don't even play marines and have more than one hundred of them. They show up in everything.
I'm sure there where marines inside the fantasy kits. Because I don't recall intentionally buying marines

After spending ALL DAY fixing up some old Termis and converting some of the more far gone ones into new HQs, I have all the models for this list.

What the fuck were they thinking with Decurions and Formations?!
I know they want to sell models but the decurion era was the absolute worst period for 40k.

Yeah but they're utter shit in close combat, have worse armour, no invuln, and can't take special weapons.

Thoughts on this list? I'm only running 5 inceptors, in a squad together, not 6 but this builder won't let you change their number.

Chaplain and Assault termies deepstrike into trouble. Inceptors deepstrike and blast away with 30 shots S5 AP-1.

Gollygeeman, and hellblasters footslog it with the apothecary keeping them alive and the ancient letting them attack when they die.

Intercessors holding home objectives, or footslogging with Gollygeeman depending on the mission.

Dreadnought fire support.

No idea. You should had stay loyal son!

Am I correct in understanding that a Terminator Ancient with a Banner is a character so he is able to survive longer than the regular terminators in a squad? The buffs that the banners give are pretty fucking impressive.

>mfw Veeky Forums has women play games of pretend
>"it's okay, when I'm wearing pants it means I'm a boy"

The concept was okay, had some flaws but there were some really fun fluffy formations.

The execution was a disaster.

It was a nice idea, but GW gonna GW.

I'll give GW 4 codex release before fucking up 8th

You can simply withdraw from combat and blast away without penalty because they have fly.

They're also M12 so maybe don't let yourself get assaulted by something that will mulch you.

Okay, listen up Leandros, you can take any of the following wargear for your next mission.

- Combat knife
- Bolt pistol
- An ork choppa
- This large branch
- A Warlord Titan
- Two more Warlord Titans (requires at least one Warlord Titan)

That's a lot of terminators walking 5 inches a turn across the board because they can't deepstrike

Well, the battle of skull pass booklet did show people playing battle for maccrage.
You're not wrong.

Is death is not enough any good now that characters can't join units?

Serious talk: What is the realistic future of SoB? Are they going to be squatted? Will their 20 year old moulds turn into 30 year old moulds? Will they be replaced of SoS because GW are lazy fucks?

As a fan, I'm not feeling very optimistic.

>Is death is not enough any good now that characters can't join units?

>he only takes 5 terminators
My teammate last game dropped 10 terminators and weathered 2 army's worth of shooting (IG and Orks), and 2 rounds of melee against a morkanaught (gorka? The melee one) before finally going down.

They're nowhere near as durable as 10 termies. Cheap, sure, but they're not a distraction carnifex with the ability to cast fist.

I think what you meant to say was Happy footslogging, Brother!


Soda pop miniatures gets hired to make new plastics.
So ultra slutty bolter bitches.

If you don't have an army already don't bother.

If you already do have one. You should be used to be the abused housewife.

Celestine, Vyridian and 8th rules are the equivalent of a pity fuck while also getting pass around between your husband "friends"

Either of those things are enough to wipe a 10-man termi squad.

Either you're lying or those were the absolute worse rolls to-hit/wound rolls in history paired up with the best saving rolls in history.

Instant death no longer exists.

Feel like they're gonna be rolled into Inquisition so GW can get away with simply releasing a single plastic kit instead of an actual range. Maybe they include two heavies and two specials of all types and backpacks for ground and jump units, and charge a high amount, just to dick over customers with tons of excess bits.

The realistic future is the popularity of Celestine and Veridyan stunned GW to the point where they still can't meet demand for the latter. For the first time ever, I feel confident that plastic sisters will happen, HOWEVER, they are not on the foreseeable horizon because GW just realized they're popular. MAYBE next summer we'll get something if they're quick about it. Don't expect anything sisters related besides another bad copy-paste for at least a year.

I'm not sure what you intend with the list, but it's not very efficient. Sternguard are universally better then numarine tacos, and HS beat out the hellblasters almost every time.

On top of that, Interceptors or whatever are deceptively awful. Just grab vanguard instead, cooler, quicker, cheaper, and killier. Simply put a 1st company assault force is just a better version of a primaries strike force.

So Raging Hereos?
I'm not even mad. Maybe disappointed but not mad.

Like being a father that learns her daughter does camshows for a living, but she is actually making more money than you ever did at that age.

I remember the one time I took meganobz.
They were shot by a leman russ, half of them were instakilled because ap 2 and instant death and the rest panicked and ran off the board.

Models take at least two years to come out, MINIMUM. One year to design, one year to produce. For example, Primaris are stamped 2017 on the sprue but have been in design for at least 3 years according to an official interview.

Dump Berserkers into their units and watch everything die.

Yeah I could absolutely see a generic SoB set containing 5 sisters, and 1 of each heavy and special weapon, along with 5 bolters.

Another set that's just 3 of their jump troops.

And a web exclusive vehicle upgrade kit. Actually I think forge world already sells those so maybe not even that.

Conscript spam is pure math hammer. No one is actually going to paint 500 conscripts and playing against it would be really boring.

What's an HS?

And if the rumors are true we are getting a Hrud like race this year.

That is the extent of the rumor from a GW representative

Whatever you say, champ, but 20 2+/5++ T4 wounds are pretty fucking durable, especially when you can fuck with wound allocation. By that I mean if you have 2 shots that went through, and one for for 1 and the other was for 6, you drop the 1 on one guy, and the 6 on the same guy because he's already wounded.

>Actually I think forge world already sells those so maybe not even that.

They went OOP over a year ago.

I have painted over 500 orcs, it's possible.

Sorry, let me clarify:

The Harlequin Death Jester unit has an ability called "Death is Not Enough". The ability lets you choose the first model to die to a failed morale check if the unit that failed the check was attacked by the death jester.

I would like to know what you think of the tactical applications of this ability, now that characters can't join units. It seems to me the most you could get out of this is destroying some heavy weapons models in a unit.

Oh, sorry, I'm thinking 30k. Devestators. They're called heavy support in HH

Haven't gotten a clear answer on this, how are Red Terror and raveners when supported by a trygon prime/devilgants?

2016 was last year. They went Out of producting in 2014 if memory serves me right

Possible, but god damn what a way to suck the fun out of a game.

The point is that units which can't do work in both shooting and assault this edition are crap unless they're really REALLY good at one of those two things. Terminators can charge after shooting and actually get damage done, Inceptors are basically only good for shooting.

Also if you really think 12" Move is going to save you from getting charged this edition you haven't seen what Tyranids or Chaos can do yet, and you can't fall back and shoot without penalty if you're fucking DEAD before you get the chance to fall back.

That's not "fucking with wound allocation" That's how allocation works.

You assign wounds to wounded models until it's dead then you pick a new model.

This isn't what was it, 5ED Draigo wing where every termi had unique wargear so you had to wound every single one of them +1 before any started dying?