What would you even call Wolfenstien's technological aesthetic? Nazipunk?
What would you even call Wolfenstien's technological aesthetic? Nazipunk?
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Quasi-realistic retro-futurism.
I think it's dieselpunk with a... whatever the nazi style is called (hugo boss? hurrhurr) bent.
Usually "dieselpunk" is used for that sort of clunky industrial fantasy tech.
Probably retro-futurism, yeah.
It mixes electrical aesthetics like wiring and capacitors with an outline that seems like a mix between a WW2 naval ship and a panzer.
not-WW2 is a pretty common aesthetic in gaming. It's probably the most popular setting for wargames. Besides being the last point in history where entire countries could be glassed at the push of a button, it was also one of the last wars where western powers fought against an opponent with equal or greater technology.
It's all jewish tech though.
The -punk suffix on words is a retrofuturism shorthand. Clockpunk is Leonardo Da Vinci retrofuturism. Steampunk is Victorian Retrofuturism. Atompunk is 1950s Retrofuturism, etc.
The technology is, not the aesthetic. Pic related is the Jewish aesthetic. Apparantly.
Love the art in these games, I even love the look of the fucking 'Qabbalah power armour'
Any other good nazipunk settings? All I can think of are the GURPS elseworlds. Delta Green had the Karotechia, but they were explicitly meant to be a minimally threatening, 'last remnant' sort of foe...
Iron Sky is a spoof, but it fits.
I mean. It is gold.
Not every design aesthetic is part of some kind of broad movement with a name. Stop trying to make everything into a catchphrase or label.
Try to use actual sentences when communicating ideas instead.
Each hexagon is engraved with a magendaud from the inside.
plenty of space for the nose
The fuck is that helmet though?
Diesel Punk
Fairly solidly dieselpunk.
All 'punk' is retrufuturist though.
>Everything is powered by Nazis
Cyberpunk is not necessarily retro-futurist and it definitely wasn't when the term was coined. "Punk" refers to the tone, rather than the aesthetic.
Wolfenstein would actually still fit -Punk though, given that it is in fact about fighting against the powers that be with a band of colorful characters.
That isn't a cash register or ATM fees we're talking about.
>where ever nazis go in fiction they always end creating scientifically advanced utopias
What do they mean by this?
I mean in Wolfenstein new order they won the war, and looted the other jewish sience vaults or whatever are called so it makes sense as to how the scientifically advanced utopias are created
Fucking autocorrect
>the jews in the wolfenstein-verse are greedy zionist supremacists that hid all their advanced technology that could be used to save lives and make things extremely convenient for everyone
>only ever gave technology away when their own lives were at stake
Buncha pricks
>jews hoard technology
>that tech benefits no one in the world
>humanity was always 1 step backwards because of them
>nazis take that tech and advance the entire world with it
>somehow they are the bad guys
Stop adding punk onto the end of words.
>group siezes the technology
>instantly its used to create a dystopian mega-empire with an ongoing global holocaust of undesirables and dissidents
>average citizen spends time cowering in squalor
The technology was never intended to be used, it wasn't a power that any people on earth could be trusted to not fuck up and create a dystopia with.
I ain't defending them, just stating lore
I agree with you, but why not destroy said technology, at least the things like the bridge destroyer esphere?
> technology was never intended to be used, it wasn't a power that any people on earth could be trusted
Welcome to ad mech,please take your complimentary servitors from the maintnance bay.
Non-retrofuturist cyberpunk is bad cyberpunk.
One singular group couldn't seize the technology if it was available to everyone.
The super jews basically just set things up that only one incredibly dedicated extremist group could get their hands on it and WHOA an incredibly dedicated extremist group got their hands on it.
Even they just made patents like normal people, all of this could have been avoided and all that life saving technology would be in the hands of the people.
>The technology was never intended to be used
>artificial limbs for the crippled, anti-gravity, extremely quick setting powerful concrete for cheap housing, life saving bio tech WASN'T to be used
FUCK off
>Stop adding punk onto the end of words.
Did you mean to post this 25 years ago
I can't tell of wolfenstien is trying to be lowkey "The Nazis are actually better" or not. Cause that's the kinda shit that makes me suspicious.
Also because BJ isn't exactly a good guy, more like a psycopathic murderer.
I think the point is
>sure, technology may be 100-200 years more advanced under the nazis and almost every genetic ailment has been eliminated, but is convenience and technology worth giving up our humanity?
I feel the need to post a bunch of Nietzsche philosophy, but I don't actually remember any, cause it's kinda dumb. I'll just condense the shitposting to.
>Implying we give up anything buy killing the heebs.
Albeit, wolfenstien is marvel meme-nazi levels of hilarious devilry. Because Nazi necromancers and shit.
>The technology was never intended to be used, it wasn't a power that any people on earth could be trusted to not fuck up and create a dystopia with.
I don't know man, if pretty much anyone BUT the Nazis got Uberconcrete into general production it would have been fine. I assume the same for most of the tech.
Same for some of the other tech.
Are you saying all cyberpunk before 1990 is bad cyberpunk?
God didn't tell them to. If you have a problem, take it up with the boss.
>I can't tell of wolfenstien is trying to be lowkey "The Nazis are actually better" or not
It's not. Highlighted during the few times you're creeping through the walls and you overhear regular Germans talking, and it's always involving someone snitching on their neighbor over bullshit or being paranoid about being snitched on.
>I feel the need to post a bunch of Nietzsche philosophy
It's good you don't remember any, considering most philosophers agree that Nietzsche probably wouldn't like the Nazis, crazy sister notwithstanding.
>Hey boss, the the nazis are taking our stuff and conquering the world with it, do we destroy the remaining vaults so they don't gain access to the rest of the technology?
>Nah man, nothing bad will come from it, now go get some Shekels.
God's an asshole
Go on...
Well, it was between Fascist assholes, colonialist assholes, communist assholes, and industrialist assholes.
Frankly, I wouldn't have trusted any one nation with that kind of technology and there just wasn't the option to give it to everyone. I wouldn't even trust a modern nation, mainly because I don't trust the government on a conceptual level.
A fair point as to no one nation being above the call to abuse that power if it wasn't universal, but how were they NOT able to spread it around?
Really, now? And here I didn't know that cyberpunk was retrofuturism.
You don't have global instant communication and even with that you can't guarantee one country finding and closing it off first.
You're always gonna end up with an imbalance of technology, even if it's just in research speed between major powers. The power of the technology being thrown around is immense and any imbalance is likely to set up one group to dominate or try to dominate.
Even if you get it perfectly spread out you're still just gonna end up with a Cold War except the people involved will barely comprehend what they have.
Remember, the Da'at Yichud technology was mostly created before the outside world had gotten close to weapons of mass destruction, so they really couldn't trust anyone to understand the gravity.
fuck off
Im really dissapointed New Colossus' setting is New Orleans with some Nazi Banners instead of a city where they could go crazy with this style of architecture.
>You don't have global instant communication
The Da'at do.
What's his face also stated that once the nazis started winning the war, they started distributing tech to the allies. They have the ability to distribute technology properly, but they didn't do it because they think the lives of people are just a game where you can develop the cure for cancer for funsies and stick it in a vault.
eh, maybe you take the fight to Berlin
>in the wolfenstein-verse
Also IRL.
Yeah, they should at least add SOME of the Nazi megastructures, though the mold may have caused them to stop building so much of it.
>The fuck is that helmet though?
Probably a universal design so the armor can be one seamless unit regardless of height or head shape. More importantly, the helmet being a tall rectangular piece is reminiscent of old great helms worn by tournament knights, which would mean the helmet cannot move so your neck can't snap from the force of a blow.
How big is that dome supposed to be? It looks massive.
No, they just know that people can't really be trusted with this shit regardless. Like I said, even if they gave it to everyone it's still gonna end badly. The same way everyone having nukes almost ended very badly repeatedly.
Look on the bright side, we might get a gigantic bronze colossus-esque end boss to fight in New Orleans, like the London Monitor.
From the conversation the Elder Jew gives about Da'at technology, it was never about "helping" Humanity, it was merely the pleasure of creating technology for the sake of creating technology, bringing a deeper understanding of the nature of God through discovering His secrets.
The London Monitor fight was boring as dick.
If I have to see to that blaxploitation soul sister commie for more than half of the game, I'm gonna be mad.
I don't have much hope for the game after that lackluster trailer.
Full stop, the da'at technology wasn't about helping anyone. Their reason for not sharing the technology was ultimately selfish. They only created technology as a religious thing.
So again, hiding the cure for cancer for funsies. How do you defend these fuck heads
Yeah; it's 1980's retrofuturism.
Neon and stuff, the whole punk (in the sense of mowhawks and leather jackets with safety-pins in them and such) aesthetic, corporate types in American psycho/wall street style power-suits and what-not.
It wasn't retrofuturism at the time and it doesn't have to be now.
Why not metal?
That would be the Volkshalle. Designed by Albert Speer but (obviously) never built.
>Their reason for not sharing the technology was ultimately selfish
It's only selfish if they're consciously hoarding technology for their own use, which isn't what happened. They built something, admired the process, and locked it away.
I never said it was meant to help people or wasn't selfish, but giving people some things and not others would probably have ended the same as giving them everything. People would start asking questions about the whole operation and then the vaults would have been found even quicker. Queue either one power having world domination or Cold War ending in probable apocalypse.
The solution is to never create the technology in the first place or just fucking destroy it after it's been made instead of hiding it but they couldn't not do that because YHWH.
They're consciously hoarding technology that no one could use, but could save lives and prevent suffering. They have every opportunity to use it to help people, but instead they lock it away because muh talmudic doctrine.
Is that thing even possible?
It would always have caused more suffering than it could improve if introduced abruptly. They were probably trickling it into the world slowly as people became ready for it.
Who are they to judge what people are ready for?
By hoarding the technology, they set things up so that only one extremist, dedicated group would ever get it.
Keep in mind that the da'at have a hardcore talmud interpretation according to what we know from the game, so they're guaranteed to be jewish supremacists. Their actual reason for hoarding the technology was disdain for gentiles.
Anyone with any amount of historical perspective is who to judge.
I'm not saying they should have made the technology or exist at all, in fact I think they were assholes to do what they did in the first place, but releasing it all would have been equally or more disastrous than keeping it stashed away.
scret jew concrete they got from those vaults
(but it got sabotaged, so it gets moldy and breaks easyly when it takes hold, but they cant admit or fix it because they sold it as infalible nazi tech that it works forever and dont really know why is so super to fix it)
I'm proud of you Veeky Forums so far no one has made any mention of the /pol/ boogeyman
You know, if I was a clever man I'd be making some off-color joke about the Jews, the Holocaust, ashes, mixing concrete with said ashes and how that causes terrible building material.
Dieselpunk with Nazi Aesthetics.
This is basic shit and you're a faggot.
you know
it jsut caugth me but
if the nazis are using super tech, why not have the resitance get supernatural asitance and shit
i mean this happens after allt eh other games, so BJ must know atleast where to look for pontecialy good stuff to use
seeing that the the new order has a camp with crmatoriums, you could be into something, just that they arent all jews
It'd be deeply impractical in many ways (including, but not limited to: sinking, because Berlin is a swamp and it would be enormously heavy, and indoor rain in the main chamber)
He probably doesn't trust it after all the shit that's happened. He's supposed to be the same BJ that was in the 2009 game with the spooky ghosts and shit.
Gotta make room for the nose.
I dont think it would be rocket science to solve the mystery of concrete. When buildings start to crumble they will eventually accept it is due to conrete itself. And when they do that they will try and look at each substance the concrete mix has, removing each one by one and testing the results.
When they do that they will realise limestone was fucking it up.
That wont save the already built buildings so nazis are still in a bit of a trouble.
Wouldn't the modern equivalent be post-cyberpunk?
Post-cyberpunk is defined by themes, not aesthetics, though. You could make modern-based cyberpunk just as easily as you could make retro-futuristic post-cyberpunk.
Weren't all the big monuments planned for post-war building intended to be made from stone and marble and such, as specified by Speer's 'ruin value' ideas?
Dieselpunk, hands down. pretty sure that was obvious from the get go.
Diselpunk steampunk mix.
It's shit.
Doesn't even come close to RTCW.
Googlepunk, Dronepunk, Fidgetspinnerpunk.
one thing is ruin value, another is the dman walls faling apart and mold nearly killing the inhabitants
i think its a matter of pride, they took the formula as theirs, and the nazi scientist cant do no wrong in this setting, so they coever it as "must be the foolish workers" or something
Fidgetspinnerspunk: - youtu.be
Designs of TNO and 2 is just "The more polygons the better xDD"
Also the characters are fucking rancid shit.
Every goddamn cutscene is just absolute maximum beyond CWC-levels of cringe. "Geddit, it's tarantiinoesquee XDXDXD so deep".
Not to mention that every single fucking character is either an edgelord fedora tipper or an angsty teenager. No surprise, since devs were insufferable faggots with high pitched voices. Just check the damned interviews. Whoever thought that unskippable cutscenes of boy-grandma love were an enjoyable experience should suffer in large amounts.
The generator dialogue from the "Norway" level alone shits over all the content of Wolf TNO and 2.
RTCW and Wolfenstein 2009 were alright. BJ is either silent or talks little. Good fusion of occult and sci-fi with aesthetics true to the era, especially in RTCW.
Capeshit of the videogame realm. I am also starting to actually believe that all this wolfposting of late is genuine shillthreading.
Dieselpunk with Nazi overtones.
Heck, look at the atom bomb. All the nations knew about the theory behind it, but the Americans got to it first and immediately used it without thinking about the consequences. And it won them the war, plus a following 70 years of superpower status. Wolfenstein literally just takes what actually happened IRL, and swaps out 'nukes' for 'jewish sorcery' and 'Americans' for '/pol/'
Fun fact: Before the first test of the atom bomb, there was serious concern within the Manhatten project that detonating it would light the atmosphere on fire. Yes, the entire atmosphere.