After latest dip decide it might not be a bad idea to get a job and a steady income for the first time in years

>after latest dip decide it might not be a bad idea to get a job and a steady income for the first time in years
>have been living off of plasma donations, crypto, and selling pot to friends
>realize getting a non-shit job may be a bit difficult since I haven't held a "real" job since 2015
>put "blockchain asset manager" as my career since 2015 on my resume
>have an interview next week for a comfy office job

If you don't have a degree relevant for that "comfy office job" prepare for a world of anguish. I thought I'd done well scoring an office job and the environment broke me within weeks... The pay was good, the benefits were great, and I had weekends off. Seemed like a good gig at first...

Maybe I'd spent too much time on /pol/, or the autism was too much to bear but finding myself surrounded by upper-middle class and lower-upper class young adults with zero real world experience and nothing in the way of hobbies outside of watching the latest Netflix series was awful. The work itself was more demanding than a fast food job, but somehow took even less skill. It was mind-numbing.

The opportunity to "climb the corporate ladder" seemed nice. I saw what the higher-ups were doing and it seemed like a solid gig I'd be able to skate by in, but it would take a decade to even get anywhere close to be considered for those positions...

Finally, I was forced to sit through an acceptance and diversity seminar. I quit the next day. I'm welcoming of people of all walks of life, but I realized I was so much happier working blue-collar jobs where I could tell black jokes to black coworkers than I would be joking about my privilege to a group of MtF trannies.

Ditched the job and worked in a factory for half a year while using my downtime to build my resume. Ended up getting a job with my degree and I've never been happier.

Just don't be surprised if you hate it user - if you're posting on Veeky Forums, that's already a red-flag that the office environment (specifically at the entry level) may be a very toxic environment for you.

I wonder if companies pay people to daytrade crypto, do research, and keep their portfolios balanced.

Is that something they only hire ex stock traders for?

>I realized I was so much happier working blue-collar jobs where I could tell black jokes to black coworkers than I would be joking about my privilege to a group of MtF trannies.

This is seriously what makes the difference for you? That's it? The kind of jokes you can tell, and what the people you tell them to look like? That's your golden treasure at the end of the rainbow?

>misses the point

oh wait, I get it now. You feel happier telling "black jokes" to your black coworkers because it gives you an opportunity to condescend to them and feel superior, but you can't use self deprecating humor around transsexuals, because it hurts your pride or something. Got it.

Yeah, you've got /pol/itis. Probably terminal.

when you are spending 40-60 hrs a week around a bunch of soft people, yes it does make a difference to your well being and mindset.

some of the best times ive had working were in my military years, it becomes a competition of insults to see who has the thicker skin.

No, I got it. He finds diversity and tolerance "pc" culture insulting because muh /pol/ "culture" and he wants "freedom" to make fun of minorities to their faces without being held accountable in a social setting that he sees as needlessly concerned with pampering people's delicate sensibilities.

Sorry, I could have worded it better but thought you could handle the bantz lol. How about "If I'm gonna work a shit job with low-qualifications I want to be able to have some fun and not have to worry about hurting other peoples' fee-fees"?

This guy gets it.

I had the same, got a office job, nice benefits etc good pay.

But fuck man, the normies all early 30's fucking boring, only watch tv/sports/ talk about their kids/mortgage/wife and other bullshit.

I quit after 6 months. Bought some ETH. Now balls deep in Link. Fuck being a wage-cuck, if you can help it.

Soft people can be annoying sometimes but I wouldn't want to be stuck with a bunch of dumb army grunts hurling slurs at each other like a bunch of mindless orcs either.

Why can't people just keep their stupid opinions to themselves? Be respectful and don't worry about other people's sexuality or ethnic backgrounds. Why is that so hard? Is it really so interesting that it must be a constant point of fixation?

Not OP, but in more prestigious jobs, everything becomes a performance. Boss likes that sports team, half the fucking boys at lunch are sucking up to his fav team, to get extra browny points.

Fucking disgusting. In retail-blue collar you could atleast kick the shit, and flirt with girls on work-dime and get laid after with hot tourists. And the pay difference wasn't even that much desu. If you count all the unpayed OT fucking Corps charged.

Why would you have to worry about hurting other people's fee-fees in the first place?
Is the compulsion to use ethnic slurs and tell off-color jokes so strong that you literally can't resist? Like if you go two hours without saying "nigger" you start grinding your teeth?
Is life a soulless void of no-fun unless we can all rip on each other for being gay or brown or whatever?

no its because transsexual autism activates at the sight or sound of any humor not stemming from an Amy Schumer Approved Jokeā„¢

When you don't have shit in common with people, heritage is a great way for EVERYONE in the environment to get along. If you're not from the US or never worked garbage jobs you might not be able to understand.

When you're blue-collar you generally don't have much in common with your coworkers aside from knowing you've got to wipe the shit from your shoe and make things happen for yourself. If someone is soft in that environment and they can't handle the bantz, they quit and either go NEET or get that cushy office job with a thriving HR department and discard their personality at the door. The people who stay tend to stick to their guns about where they come from and who they are.

I've worked with trannies in factory jobs and they could take the banter. Same with whites, blacks, chinese, mexicans, whatever. It's part of the environment in a lot of jobs and in the end it really does bring people together better than any "diversity and acceptance seminar" ever could.

Sorry for taking your b8, but if you actually believe this you need some life experience bud.

this makes plenty of sense, but it isn't what OP said. his complaint was about not being able to tell nigger or tranny jokes in his office.

your missing the point, in that kind of culture your judged upon your merit. the reason sexuality, race, religion, family, etc is all a joke is because everyone realizes how pointless it is

>blockchain asset manager
Oh this is gonna be good

user, after the interview, I hope you learn that it's just better to lie on your resume

Yes, you faggot/woman.

n I G E R R

hahaha okay. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I have worked factory jobs all my life. I supervise the shipping department in a warehouse that employs thousands of people. I have held that job for six years. My employees come from all walks of life. I have Indians, Bosnians, African Americans, African Africans, and Burmese in my crew, as well as regular white rednecks.

I don't rip on my employees for how they differ from me or one another. I hardly notice it anymore. I meet so many people every single year that it barely even registers. In fact, the only ethnic shit-talk that I ever here on the job comes from my white employees. Everybody else just does their job and minds their own business.

Life experience? Go fuck yourself. You don't know jack shit, kid.

I think you're all taking what he said too literally. If you can't express yourself and ideas in a place you'll be at 40-60 hours a week it is literal torture. You wouldn't know because being a dude and having dicks up your ass and wearing a tutu is normal now.


I hope this is bait

Part of having "merit" means that you treat others respectfully. If you can't handle that then stay in your /pol/ hatebox.

Yea you fucking kike, it's called being comfortable and chill in the place where you spend the vast majority of your time. Kill yourself

You don't get to decide what hate is faggot


Been selling pot to friends for years... I (recently)) doubled my 2+ year pot sales with crypto in less than a week. YOu must be doing it for fun.

N I G G G G G G E E E E R R R R R Rs

>/pol/ hatebox
Unironically take a firearm and blow your brains out with it, you don't belong here, you've obviously and blatantly have never worked a blue collar job before where that type of shit-talking shit-giving banter makes up the vast majority of the small talk but a faggot like you wouldnt get that you cretinous bugman

I don't have to. Merriam-Webster has a perfectly sufficient definition that most everyone agrees on.

>i can't be comfortable and chill unless i can use ethnic insults and hate speech whenever I want

Yeah, you sound really chill...

From what you just described, you've been working for a massive corporation that has extremely rigid corporate outlines for all activity. Amazon, amirite?
Did big corporate daddy in his big office in the city teach you how to think good and friendly, user?

Get fucked. If being anti-social is part of your ideal work environment then just start living off my taxes.

Believe it or not, some people hate that kind of environment and will go along with it because they feel too uncomfortable to speak up about it. You might also find this hard to believe, but your presence is likely torture for some people. But then again, they can work in the pc office setting you first described and be happy talking about only insignificant things during office hours. I'm just saying that your perspective might not be the only truth there is.

>you've obviously and blatantly have never worked a blue collar job

Refer to
I've also been on Veeky Forums for ten years now.
Just because I come here does not mean I have to internalize the ridiculous anti-values that are espoused here. Get your own personality. You don't have to let the hivemind think for you.

Again, you small souled bugman faggot, get the fuck off this board, go back to your shit tier office job where you and the other soyboys can talk about the latest netflix exclusive.

>projection; the post

If you had to do my job I guarantee you would give up in a week. You could not handle the pressure.

It's amazing how brainwashed people are on this website about these big leftist conspiracies to make them tolerate minorties or whatever it is they think is going on in the world.

You haven't even been following my posts. I don't work in an office. I don't watch netflix. I have probably been on this board much longer than you have.

Shove your projections up your ass you toxic mouth breathing neanderthal.

hahaha wow you managed a factory? Boo fucking hoo wow i bet it was even a bit nippy in there too? You literally wouldnt last ten seconds in wildland fire, youd drop dead from the toxic masculinity before you even started the shift.

Nah, granted. And you're absolutely correct. In those jobs most of the people got along really well but some people definitely were not comfortable and quit after a short time. Many of those types were the types that would do very well in the office setting.

I guess what I wanted to express (and sorry for letting this get so out of hand) is that when I got the opportunity to try out an office job I got the chance to feel that myself - being suppressed, keeping quiet, and knowing that you were not going to make it in that environment.

I've worked a lot of different types of jobs and I just think it's very important for people to know that some environments that are great for them are toxic for others and vice versa. And it's not a bad thing to walk away from a job that is bringing up a lot of negativity in the individual. There should be no unemployed, instead "jobseekers" and when you work full-time as a jobseeker you can find something else fast and you very likely will find yourself in a situation better suited for you.


You are retarded. He clearly doesn't want to be in such a nonsensically restricted safe space that cunts like you are constantly jumping to conclusions like that and running to HR to tell on him.

>toxic mouth breathing
Unironically the day of the rope is coming for people just like you.

you obviously dont know how respect is earned in a blue-collar world. there is no place for softness in any sense when the job is inherently dangerous. people need to be competent and confident, whether your drilling an oil well, operating heavy machinery, crewing a ship, busting into a burning building, etc etc.
feelings are meaningless when a mistake can cause serious injury or death.

You're fucking spot on, there is something soul crushing about office jobs.

You don't know me. I bet I'd do fine. I've worked in car factories before too, I've worked twelve hour shifts seven days a week for months in smoke and fumes and had welding machines set my clothes on fire several times. I'll bet I could do your job no problem.

Also what the fuck does masculinity have to do with anything.

You are wrong. Follow my posts. I come from a blue collar background. I have done dangerous jobs. I have operated heavy machinery. I simply refuse to concede that making fun of people for their culture or ethnicity or sexuality has anything to do with the job. I do my job and mind my own business. I give others the respect that they are due and I expect to be treated with the same basic human decency. I refuse to buy your narrative that men are not free unless they are not disciplined from abusing and debasing one another.

I have said my piece. Goodnight.

>the trafficked slaves stay in line

Nice, where do i get some of these burmese and bosnian factory workers? Do you have to feed them?

they come to seek employment opportunities of their own free will, like everybody else, idiot.

>Autistically stares at shoes all day at work
>"Y-yes sir..."
>"N-No ma'am..."
>Long term-employees tell newbies to watch out for "that supervisor".
>"He's a real tight-ass... Just say 'yes sir' and go about your business til' he walks away


Commie larper confirmed. Shut the fuck up soyboy your "workers paradise" is a myth.

I can't speak for him but I want to share my experience since I have similar thought to him.

The problem for me, is being around people that are very 'surface level'. And by that I mean, same little small talk, same regurgitation of whatever they saw on le.ddit, same circlejerk of the same opinions and ideas. This, combined with having to change your whole behavior to conform with such people is mind-numbing.

I can compare the changes in behavior I had to make when I moved to my current office job from my time in construction. I cannot say "these plans are fucked" now it's "Please advise on the current end-goal for this project". Now I cant share my options honestly on politics or society without fear of firing. Now there is no feeling of fellowship or togetherness as there is working with honest, confident people doing a shitty job together, instead there is a constant attitude of passive-aggressiveness and meaningless office gossip about bullshit. Now, I cannot have frank conversations with my boss, my boss is not a neurotic middle aged woman that only communicates to me over Skype and email even though she sits literally behind me, simply to keep a paper trail of all our conversations.

It sounds like little things, but these and more add-up to really make it an uncomfortable environment for anyone that wasnt introduced and raised in it straight from college.

>my boss is not
*my boss is now

Did not realize there were people with work ethic and/or social skills posting here

Tbh you cant manage literal niggers for a living without munching bluepills from a feedbag. If you dont, you go insane.

Its a coping mechanism. The pinnacle of his "blue collar career" was being sent off to manage literal street shitters, actual african niggers, and various slavic human waste.

Of course he has to convince himself its totally fine and normal. What else could he do?

Are you a woman? You write like one. Maybe that's why you don't understand the bonding experience that bantz provides. Women don't belong in the workforce anyways.

Why is armchair psychology such a favorite past time of females?

Now that actually makes sense.
I might have understood OP better if this is what he had said. I just don't really see how "black jokes" fit into it.

Lol I like that I'm OP now because I accidentally hijacked the thread!

This was a fun one guys bahahaha

I don't really count factory and warehouse work as blue collar. Its not hard, just boring. Unless of course you're working with massive heavy machinery, those guys are bad ass. In most factories everybody sort of puts around until its time to leave. Logging and doing tree removal for 1 day made me realize how much of a walk in the park factory work is. The hardest part about it is managing your depression.

I am a 29 year old man from Tennessee and I grew up on a farm. I don't want to project, but I probably know more about being "manly" than you do. Can you ride a horse? Shoot a gun? Ever go into the woods at the crack of dawn with deer piss on your shoulders and wait in trees with your snot frozen to your nose in the hopes of bringing down a buck? Ever stripped tobacco all day in the hot sun?

What's wrong with the way I type?


t. virgin

Lol fag if that's your background and you're a supervisor at an Amazon warehouse you don't know shit about being manly

Do tractors count?
What about tow-motors? The propone ones, not the electric ones.

your assuming "black jokes" consist of white guys saying nigger all the time. which is completely untrue.
whenever i was assigned a duty with a team of blacks/spics, there was always banter back and forth, alot of times coming from them about stereotypical shit like robbing me or stabbing me.
same shit would happen if it was a black guy with a bunch of white dudes; typical "hide your wallets" "guess we eating chicken for lunch" shit like that. if you havent lived it, you wont understand

So tell me what you know about it then, dude.

I guess so, if you're producing that stuff you're probably working with some heavy shit. The factories I'm talking about are the ones with oceans of CNC machines and assembly belts.

Maybe it is about racism for OP, I do not think so since I feel the thoughts are similar to mine and my thoughts are more motivated on being around people I can be honest with. There is a big discrepancy between the world view, ethics, morals, motivations, and just general living in most people that thrive in a office job and those that do not.

To sum it up, it is not that I want to yell slurs all day. It is that I want to be able to have some common ground with my coworkers beyond "we both work here". I want to be able to work with people where I can have genuine conversations with my coworkers. Not attend 1hr long meetings weekly about "process improvements" that only exist to say it exist and is attended for example.

I am sorry if this post is rambling, I do not get to talk about my thoughts on this often and it has been troubling me recently.

But sadly, this is not feasible at the moment

Where do you live

I will confess that I have never been part of a group that just light heartedly jabs one another with mutual off-color humor directed at one another's culture or ethnicity without getting hateful or starting a fight. It sounds so naively idealistic that I'm tempted to believe that it almost never happens. It sounds like the Breakfast Club; something that would only happen in a movie or novel.

You type like a fag and your shits all retarded.

Nice meme

I'm not the one bragging about how manly I am. I was just trying to say some jobs are awful for some people.

So in regards to manliness, if that's the road you want to go down, I do take a bit of pride in that I've been able to leave jobs with promising prospects because I felt they left me in chains. Like I said, nowadays I'm working in my field and that leaves me with a lot of freedom. I'm not rich by any means, but I think the freedom that I now have outweighs wealth in many ways. When I have kids I'll be able to be there for them and I won't need day-cares or nannies. They'll have what they need and they'll have a parent with them to help them grow.

Harvest all the tobacco you want, asshole. Masculinity comes in different flavors. I set myself up to be a dad in world and environment where I knew I'd either have to marry a job, marry a rich woman, or marry a working woman. Shit sucks but don't sell yourself short and don't let people tell you that you need to obey their rules to succeed. There are plenty of jobs out there.

I don't have a problem with anything you wrote, but none of means that you know anything more about "manliness" than I do. Your whole point was supposed so be that I didn't know shit about it. Looks like you're not all that different from me.

Nah dude that's how shit works out in the real world where you're forced to interact. I went to a nearly all black high school for awhile and it was just like that. The dudes in my class would always try to get me to do some black shit like give them some dap and when I wouldn't play along they'd say "hahaha he like FUCK YOU NIGGA LOL"

Then let's just agree we made a badass mess of this poor faggots thread?

You've never once made a basic connection with the people around you to the point where you can mention differences between you in a humorous way without worrying about it seeming awkward or offensive?

That's actually pretty sad.

Hahaha, agreed.

/thread for me
Now let's kiss

Suck a large pee pee

Its a legitimate complaint.

>Maybe I'd spent too much time on /pol/, or the autism was too much to bear but finding myself surrounded by upper-middle class and lower-upper class young adults with zero real world experience and nothing in the way of hobbies outside of watching the latest Netflix series was awful.

I think you're just describing normies at this point user

I'm always in and out of normalfag circles so this isn't a problem for me

I guess I haven't man. In the little cow town where I grew up I was one of the few brown kids at school and got picked on a lot for the way I looked. I pretty much had to fight for the right to be left in peace and almost got expelled for it.

I learned from an early age that it's not cool to make fun of people for being different, decent people don't do it. As an adult though I find that people rarely say shit like that to one another's faces. Obviously at the warehouse I work in that kind of behavior isn't allowed anyway, but I notice that the white people often grumble amongst each about the minorities they work next to, especially the Muslims.

>tfw get blue collar job
>fapping gets less enjoyable because rough hands

I need to run my hand under warm water before I can have a fap. When I worked in a machine shop I would even get little metal flakes lodged into my dick skin because they were stuck in my hands from work.

anybody know this feel? i wish i had soft girly hands again

>I'm welcoming of people of all walks of life
That's where you lost me

t. pussy

>summerfag doesn't know how to hide his powerlevel

They're not strong or innovative or particularly intelligent so they go for social manipulation instead, it's their only strength

Shot I forgot there's ids on biz

you are retarded my man, you are exactly the kind of office faggot freak that would be breathing down this poor guy's neck constantly for thinking differently than you

Thin skinned nigger detected

So you're a FUDD, you do typically masculine activities (which I do too) but think with a feminine mindset. Honestly get off this board if you can't handle words from the meanie bobeanies

see thats some legit blue-collar work banter that would have you in HR so quick in an office job.
I remember talking banter at work about how i almost burnt my dick off after fucking some slant-eye bitch in the barracks and wiping my dick off with a rag that i had previously used to wipe the Skydrol (look it up fags) off my hands after work.

I don't know what you mean by "feminine mindset."

They mean be proud of your heritage and be able to joke about it. People are shitty, but when you can laugh at yourself, it gains you a lot of cred.

>came here for a comfy wagecuck discussion thread
>it's another /pol/ vs tumblr debate episode
I'll see myself out.

There may be a difference in size of workplace. I've always worked in smaller independent places. I can definitely see it as a problem if the workforce gets divided up across racial lines like if there's a bunch of white in the office and Mexicans in the shop and they start to develop animosity. Also depends on the pay overall. I think the good natured joking is going to be more common when everybody is making low pay. When I worked those low paying jobs, line 10 per hour and lower I know I worked with all kinds of people and we got along well with the same kind of jokes people talk about. One reason is in that situation nobody can really feel superior to another, you're all losers working for nothing. but now in the office job like OP complaining about its all the same yuppie whites and Asian immigrants. And the fear over certain topics is way higher even though minorities are way less.

>In the little cow town
That's its own issue, I grew up in a small farming community with most of my interactions being with extended family and friends of family.

>one of the few brown kids at school and got picked on a lot for the way I looked
Kids are dicks, teenagers are dicks.

>had to fight for the right to be left in peace and almost got expelled for it
This is why it continued. I get that it's way too late to say it, but they kept at it because they liked the reaction, probably more than they felt actual animosity toward your appearance.

>it's not cool to make fun of people for being different
Joking with people you get along with isn't "making fun" of them, you only feel that it is mockery by default because of your experience.

>decent people don't do it
Yes, they do. Does it make them terrible people? Only if it actually affects their treatment of people. I went to a Baptist school with a lot of people who are fine people, who also happened to think I was garbage for not being part of their church. The only ones who let it set their tone with me were the adults.

>I find that people rarely say shit like that to one another's faces
Because you probably telegraph that it makes you so uncomfortable that people actively censor their behaviour around yourself. This is also part of why you may never have felt "part of a group" because people can't be themselves near you just in case - they don't know and can't risk a misunderstanding or assumption on your part could ruin them.

>that kind of behavior isn't allowed anyway
Because of self-important people defending their lessers who clearly can't defend themselves against these horrible words.

>I notice that the white people often grumble amongst each about the minorities they work next to
Because you're actively looking for it from white people after it happened to you.