What would an empire of Orcs be like?

Let's say Orcs unify their tribes and BTFO humans and elves to form an Orc empire. What would it be like?

I'd like to imagine it as a mix of Turkish and Mongol culture.
>Vast township that hold the emperor's harem
>Vast number of princes who have to fight it out amongst themselves to establish claim to the throne
>Humans are basically serfs and belong to various Orc clans
>Death is reserved for the blue bloods as punishment, everyone else is just maimed and thrown in open prisons
>Half orcs occupy a special niche in society
>Heavy focus on theology and philosophy, the emperor is looked upon as a philosopher-warrior

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Forgotten Realms has a lot of things to dislike in it, sure, but it's got a pretty good example of this in the kingdom of Many-Arrows. You could look it up for ideas. Maybe also Orsinium from the Elder Scrolls.

What you just said sounds good enough, but given how chaotic and warlike orcs tend to being, I don't see it lasting very long before it collapses.

Holy fuck nobody cares what you think because nobody knows what kind of orcs you're talking about, and I can tell you it's not any of the established versions, just your own fucking headcannon. The headcannon of a fat nerd in a basement dreaming of being a noble savage warrior in a noble savage culture that destroys things that challenge your view of the world, such as the elves which you probably see as either faggots or supermen, and humans, which you see as normies.
There's a reason for the existence of the All Orcs Are Different trope.
Also you have zero knowledge of what Turkish and Mongol culture are. Stop making shit threads retard.

I actually love to invoke the various steppe cultures for Orcs as I think they're fascinating, alien to most people, but fantastic too. Not just Turkish and Mongol, but Scythian and the like.

That being said, is right because what the fuck orcs do you mean, and nothing you really listed is at all like Turkic or Mongol culture.

> (OP)
>Holy fuck nobody cares what you think because nobody knows what kind of orcs you're talking about, and I can tell you it's not any of the established versions, just your own fucking headcannon. The headcannon of a fat nerd in a basement dreaming of being a noble savage warrior in a noble savage culture that destroys things that challenge your view of the world, such as the elves which you probably see as either faggots or supermen, and humans, which you see as normies.
>There's a reason for the existence of the All Orcs Are Different trope.
>Also you have zero knowledge of what Turkish and Mongol culture are. Stop making shit threads retard.
You seem like the worst. I get what he's going for. If you aren't going to be constructive go back to huffing paint and jacking off to anime girls.

To add to that, your dumb thread is among other things a poorly veiled excuse to unload your shitty homebrew on us. And it's just that, shitty. You haven't thought this shit out, I bet you've not read a single philosophical text in your life, nor historical for that matter. Your idea for half-orcs is they occupy a niche. Everything occupies a fucking niche you dumbass. That's like saying "humans exist". Go fuck yourself with a cactus

Too much autism in this thread 4 me.


I meant the default DnD Orcs. And I'm from the region mate, I think I have a good handle on what those cultures were like

I've barely written 5 sentences. I won't dignify ad hominem attacks with a reply.

>being this angry over absolutely nothing.

>I have a good handle on what those cultures were like

I know right, kind of how I'm a fucking botanist for living near a forest.
And guess what, you just did dignify them, and with a shitty one at that. Also, what are standard DnD orcs if I may ask? Which edition? And which setting?

I've seen what an orc empire can be like and it \came across as somewhat Roman with a racial/religous caste system in place the latter being more important.
The orcs in this setting were former slave warrior of the lizardman empire and enslaved their former masters, goblins(who were slave laborers in the lizard empire), and ogres.

modern day sweden

I'm not sure for what you getting so distressed and rude.

DnD 3.5/5e, I guess Forgotten Realms.

Saudi Arabia

Oh! You mean a democracy with one of the highest living standards on the planet, is this what you meant?

>I'd like to imagine it as a mix of Turkish and Mongol cultur

Orcs get culturally assimilated and turned into spurdos over the course of a 1000 years.


I'm not sure of that. This would have been a possibility if humans were given the rights of an orc citizen. I don't envision that happening.

Look at the Indus valley civilisation. The Aryans kicked the natives shit in so hard, they are still considered untouchable in modern south Asian society

A nation where the ruler has to keep several war chiefs in check. Even though its an empire, its new and tribal and clan loyalties are still a thing even though tribes may have been integrated. Tensions will shimmer for generations over the meritocracy system and clan rivalries and its your job to authoritatively keep a lid on it. The empire depends on it because the clans are too shortsighted to see the big picture and may end up returning to their tribal roots.

#1 priority is convincing other nations that your not just the next invading orc horde and that your part of the big boys club now. That may mean sending orc diplomats straight into the heart of civilized nations and your not sure if you just sent them to their deaths and you know that all the other orcs are watching this situation closely. You also have to ensure protection for merchants coming into your lands. Guards will be necessary for the traders and it may be awkward because these same guards may have ended up raiding the same merchant they are currently guarding a few years back.

I think he's talking about the /pol/ maymay rape capital.

The way I look at it, the problem of war chiefs could be resolved by creating a mixed standing army instead of relying on tribes for levies. This would put more power in the hands of the generals than tribal chiefs.

Original turks did not have a harem.
The khan ruled jointly with hatun.
They were pretty gender equal for their time.
Also since they were a society that migrated regulary prisons were not build. You either paid a fine, expelled from the clan or just gotten killed.

Given that tribal identities are still strong the war chiefs would prefer to lead their own armies like they were independant forces rather then vassals of the king

The Ottomans had harems, so did the Moguls.

True, about the prison thing. I just liked the idea of a vast space where blinded, crippled convicts are sent to, but are free to leave if they want, but are given free food. I donno, maybe it's a stupid concept the empire would just end up bearing the costs for no reason.

Unless a single, efficient army like the Mongols is created that answers only to a single leader, would Orcs even be able to defeat humans and elves?

>projecting this hard

lol @ u

The only proper way to do it would be a fantasy version of what The Beast did in 40k. The Orks were bigger, better and more "civilized" but remained just as bloodthirsty and brutal as ever

Humans and elves are not immune to suffering and chaos thrown on them by bad luck. And they definatly arent immune to civil conflict which would make a nice opputunity for an Orcish invasion.
How would you do that in fantasy if you didnt have warhammer orks?

Why not have the punishment just be blinding/crippling them and riding them on horseback like, a mile away, then dropping them off.

That or you could go the cliche route and have it be a gladiator fight-for-your-freedom thing, but depending on what crime you have different cripples

Murderers of men are just sent in like regular
Murderers of women and children are sent in with no hands or something severe, like one eye.
Thieves are sent in with one hand, or none if they manage to fight their way out and then get caught stealing again and get the other one cut off
Rapists (if that's a thing anyone cares about) with like a torture cage on their dingus making it hard to move, or they're castrated and made to fight with their scar in full view so everyone knows they're a eunuch
Horse thieves are made to wear hooves on the bottoms of their feet, and have their ankles locked in place

Cant think of any others

>The great hordelord Dronk't'stab unites the tribes and etches out a small kingdom by destroying a small human city-state.
>From there the kingdom turns into an empire, reaching outwards and taking over all the villages, cities, elf-tribes, dwarf-holes, and hobbit-squats with sheer force of numbers.
>Dronk't'stab has 13 INT, and knows the orc tribes will revert to infighting eventually, so he revamps his territory, putting the old tribe leaders in charge of various strategic and civic locations, but assigning them troops and lieutenants from various tribes.
>Dronk't'stab then allows all the non-orc subjects of his empire (vastly outnumbered by orcs) the same rights and freedoms, as well as a supply of food. They can vote alongside the orcs now.
>He also gets into boarder skirmishes with a neighboring kingdom, provoking them to war. The repositioned tribe leaders are forced to work with their old enemies to hold their fiefdoms.
>The war is won. The tribes have started to trust one another after fighting off a dangerous foe. The subjects of the empire have been treated fairly, and the new influx of goods and provisions keep them happy.
>Dronk't'stab successfully creates a democratic republic that has taken over and mixed the existing technologies and infrastructure of multiple civilizations. He takes his standing army and continues to raid and provoke bordering lands, continuing the influx of new riches and keeping his more bloodthirsty warriors busy (or getting them killed) while he trains non-orcs and orcs alike to defend his territory.

I once imagined an orc civilization that had a very utilitarian view of life. After generations of getting the shittiest places to live, they learned to value usefulness over appearance, and saw beauty in functionality. Orcs would be oddly less prejudiced since they view even other races based on their productivity. But they'd still be brutal, killing off the weaker of their kind.

>using anything but warhammer Orks
What are you, some sort of scrub?

I said original turks not ottomans or mongols. Ottomans are ilamified and arabified turks that later got mixed up in the ethnic soup that is anatolia and balkans.

Look up to Turkic khaganate as a reference for original turks.

Dude... I mean sure OP hasn't speculated what orcs he is talking about etc.. but holy fuck you sound like you are in the middle of a fit of spastic autism fuelled rage

You might get your point across if you weren't spazzing out in a fit of autistic screeching
