/cyoag/ - CYOA General - We're All Going To Die Edition

Previous Thread: Resources and Drives: pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
Let's distract ourselves from our ever approaching end with cyoas, escapism, and waifus.







Guess I'll keep the Sci-Fi theme going.


Pallas-senpai, where are you? Don't leave me, we need to be together! You won't believe the things I'd do for you.
To you.

Comfy Spacehip CYOA v2.2

V2 Changes:
>A small change for differentiating between ships
- Small ships gain additional Wonders
- Medium ships gain additional Facility points
- Large ships gain more Special features points.
- Swapped Mining ship and Yacht
>Clarification of Tier points system.
- Made it easier to understand (Please tell me if it is still somehow confusing)
- changed amount of points given for choosing ship features.
>Some changes with choice descriptions and tiers.
- Fixed as many typos as I and other anons could find.
- I tried to change up the Nanorobot AR tiers to be less powerful and have more clear descriptions. I think what I have now works better.
- Added a choice to choose one or all Leisure Activities(Now 'Recreational Activities')/crew members/Pets(Now 'A Loving Being')

V2.2 Changes:
>Tbh I've kind of forgot some of them.
- Changes the points system again, should be even easier for people who don't know how to read.
- 1 New wonder replacing a different one which has been merged with an existing wonder of a similar nature.
- Added clear to see points costs
- Made Hazard lines more visible.
- Slight tweaks to descriptions

This should really be the last version. I plan on no more minor changes.

Thanks for all the feedback and help.


I you appreciate posting my cyoa I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to save it, but I have new versions, keep the Ship DLC if you plan on deleting them.

I'm glad you're taking feedback, but I personally think that some anons with reading comprehension issues have resulted in a general decline in asthetics. All that yellow and the emphasis of the hazard lines is not comfy

I share this user's opinion. It's getting too cluttered, and I think on Veeky Forums basic literacy can be assumed.

On the previous versions, I could barely see the hazard lines on some options and the small text at the bottom was nigh invisible, so it's an improvement for me. I'll agree on the yellow tier costs though

I like it, thanks.

>Alien scout
I dislike big ships and I think the healing metal thing will also mean this thing will last for long without maintenance.
Futuristic would do me fine but a tiny bit of aesthetics I don't mind. Functionality is most important though.

>Plant Garden 1 (19)
While VR would be nice, I also would like to sit among actual nature. Plus, gardening is a nice hobby.
>Fabricator 2 (16)
Very useful device. Not only tools and other gadgets I'd need at a time, but also an ability to make me tasty food? I'm sold.
>Expanded cabin 1 (15)
I don't know what's the qualiy of regular cabin so that's just in case.
>Medical lab 3 (9)
Again, very useful and able to provide me with certain long-lasting boons.
>Augmented Reality Room 1 (8)
I just need decent net connection to fill my time and HDD with libraries of books, games, anime, movies and other stuff. Also, contact with friends and family.
>Crew Quarters (Robot) 1 (7)
I've considered humans for having actual living companions but reliability and smooth functionality of my ship for my enjoyment takes precedence.

Still got points to spare? Wow, that's a lot.
>Bathing amenities 2 (4)
Quick and easy way to maintain hygiene. Good.
>Library 2 (1)
I'd assume that most of it would be provided by net access, just with me having to find the books on my own. Oh well, got points for such a luxury.
>Training complex 1 (0)
Don't care about training much but this way I am guaranteed an armory "just in case".

The yellow points costs does seem abit much, I wasn't totally happy with it myself. The good thing about cyoas is at least I know I can consistently please myself and I suppose that's all that matters. I'll delete it and post a one with out the point costs.

What are the thoughts on forcing in some sort of immortality clause onto Med Lad T3 before I do?

I'm against it. I hate being forced to be alive when the black holes are tearing the universe apart.

Against. Leave it to our creativity.

If you think it'll shut the unimaginative morons up, go for it.

>Special features:
>A.I. Companion 2 (7)
Together with...
>Synthetic Android (you've made a typo, creator, in "andrioid") (1)
...to have a set of bodyguards/servants/harem waifus all in one.
Would take a lover but I believe those should be achieved by one's own power, not given with a ship, so:
>Powered armor (0)
I wonder what's difference between it and EVA suit. Is the armor not hermetically sealed? Or just worse for longer EVA activities? Either way, I'd take it for some defensive potential mixed with EVA necessities.

Seriously, too many points. Too many points anywhere. (6)
>Ruined civilizations (5)
>Megalisthis structures (4)
>Alien spaceships (3)
>Stunning technology (2)
To see a bit of the world that's not just human. To expand horizons.
>Natural Wonders (1)
>Earth (0)
Because just because it's something closer to human like me doesn't mean it has no value to appreciate.

Don't. Retards are already making it look less comfy, don't spell things out for them. This isn't Stardust, you don't need autistically detailed mechanics

I am also against forcing it. I've said last thread that descriptions themselves mention some procedures that open plenty of possibilities. If someone is unable to explore them without being directly told to, they shouldn't be given those possibilities.

Underlining this bit in case the CYOA creator won't give a crap about my build and may miss it:
Typo in "synthetic android" option

Not sure how you'd fit it in. I'm perfectly happy being able to just imagine that it can extend my life even if it doesn't specifically say so.

Maybe you should remove the mention of immortality from the Mind Upload choice, so that people don't think it has to say 'immortal' to be the immortality choice? I would think most people assume being uploaded to a robotic body is immortality without being told.

I am all for taking the mention of immortality from mind upload but for different reason - the fact that people often argue about this trope (given that data isn't really moved, only copied between devices and that mind upload likely wouldn't really grant immortality, just create a digital copy of the user even when specific "copy" command won't be chosen).

Put in a mention that you can do it with that lab.

I agree that immortality should be removed from mind upload and the clones. They're not immortality options.

Yes please. The only people against it are saying so out of spite (essentially saying 'fuck you people who don't like clones!' and such.)

>Being killed and some data copied into a robot

Catgirls > Elves

I think they're confused by what you mean with forcing. Put the information in, but don't make it mandatory, essentially.

Comfy Spacehip CYOA v2.2

V2 Changes:
>A small change for differentiating between ships
- Small ships gain additional Wonders
- Medium ships gain additional Facility points
- Large ships gain more Special features points.
- Swapped Mining ship and Yacht
>Clarification of Tier points system.
- Made it easier to understand (Please tell me if it is still somehow confusing)
- changed amount of points given for choosing ship features.
>Some changes with choice descriptions and tiers.
- Fixed as many typos as I and other anons could find.
- I tried to change up the Nanorobot AR tiers to be less powerful and have more clear descriptions. I think what I have now works better.
- Added a choice to choose one or all Leisure Activities(Now 'Recreational Activities')/crew members/Pets(Now 'A Loving Being')

V2.2 Changes:
>Tbh I've kind of forgot some of them.
- Changes the points system again, should be even easier for people who don't know how to read.
- 1 New wonder replacing a different one which has been merged with an existing wonder of a similar nature.
- Added clear to see points costs
- Made Hazard lines more visible.
- Slight tweaks to descriptions

- Removed references to immortality in Mind upload, desu it should be obvious.
- Removed reference to clones ensuring your survival, its got bad wording and isn't entirely correct
- Removed Yellow Tier Cost circles.

This should really be the last version. I plan on no more minor changes.
I said As I made more minor changes

Thanks for all the feedback and help.

I save and appreciate all the builds people make to I can improve the cyoa based on feedback.
Thanks for spotting that, when I spell checked I didn't do titles because it would have been tedious.



Though I know you're not true Pallas. Pallas-senpai wouldn't advertise herself like that.

>Remove the immortality lines from the options that don't give it.
>Don't add one to the option that does.

Yes, how astute of you. Now the ability to become immortal is left solely to your discretion, with the option of even getting it without an option somehow. All in all, a vast improvement.

It's genuinely unnerving that people know me this well

I've noticed that you need tier three of mind upload to be at 'true artificial intelligence levels'. Does that not mean that unless you pick that option, you are uploading your copy to a NON-SAPIENT vessel? Reducing it to an animal or computer play-acting, essentially.

How the fuck would you get it without an option? And no, all it does is make it impossible, essentially. You'd basically be wanking yourself to think that you'd get it.

>The only people against it are saying so out of spite
Are you rusing or retarded?

>I save and appreciate all the builds people make
Glad to hear that. Can you please then explain the two things I was wondering about when making my build? Specifically, I mean the difference between regular and expanded cabin since the regular one isn't mentioned and difference of EVA potential of powered armor vs dedicated EVA suit since I've chosen the former hoping it'd have at least some EVA usability even if only for short periods of time.

''True artificial inteligence'' as something like supercomputer smart not human smart

Please Ignore these, can't delete them now unfortunately.

No changes made to Ship DLC.
All this whining about wanting """REAL""" immortality and complaining when it isn't shoved in your face. I would have expected that such philosophical geniuses on the subject of immortality would know straight away that Genetic Engineering does that.

Are you reading the same thread? All the replies against it are basically insults about how everyone is stupid for wanting clarity.

That's not what those terms mean.


And what does it mean then?

How is asking for clarity 'shoving it in your face', exactly? You might as well say mentioning the library has physical books is shoving it in your face.

I'm going to become immortal with combination of Bath level 2 and Library level 1

I basically never use a name unless I'm posting my cyoas

An artificial intelligence is just a computer capable of self-writing code and thus reaching a level of true sapience. You'd by necessity have to upload into a system capable of AI or its not a person.

I think you are overthinking this

Default Cabin
EVA suit is specifically made for Extra Vehicular Activities, (Moving outside of your spaceship) and hence has a MMU (Space Jetpack for maneuvering in Zero-G

Powered armor is primarily for fighting, comes with defensive systems, super strength hardened armor for defending against weapons and such. No zero-g maneuverability.Mag boots at most.

>Probably show up with a lamenated "date plan," and be terrorfied of boring you.
Missed your response. That's adorable.

I'm just busy being right.

Pick Stunning Technology, Alien Spaceships, Ruined Civilizations, Prime Cynosure AI, or Dimensional Entity. Get it from one of those sources.

And of course you're wanking yourself getting it. That's how CYOAs work. You wank responsibly, and if you're too far beyond the bounds people laugh at you until you stop describing your build. Think you can get it with T3 medical lab? Evidently you can. Think you can get it with T1 cloning? Justify it. Think you can get it with T1 Gardens? Prepare to be mocked. CYOA is working as intended.

Of course I'd differentiate between true Pallas-senpai and fakes, since not only Pallas is an unique, beautiful star shining in my life with her warm glow but also in her loveliness she belongs to me and only me so we can love each other eternally
or at least for a few minutes more while I still shitpost about it till I get bored of it - not that I have against Pallas but you know, I don't know the person and I am not a thirsty groupie

this man speaks wisdom

Genetic Engineering is a broad, broad subject. Selective breeding is, on a level, genetic engineering. The word genetic engineering gives people exactly zero ideas of what it's capable of, and essentially using a virus or nanomachine to inject plasmids into the nuclei of every cell you have for the sake of granting yourself biological immortality is on the very extreme end of what it can do. Without further information, nobody would have any idea that the option can go that far.

>Getting immortality by T1 Gardens
>If i plant myself and then i plant the seeds i will make i can get cloning for free thus getting inmortality without buying cloning!

>No zero-g maneuverability.Mag boots at most.
Wouldn't anti-gravity flight work as well? I mean, gravity exists also in space, at least outside of "deep space" - something makes the planets orbit the suns and so on.

You need to justify that any of those options possess such a technology then you need to clarify in exactly what form it comes in.

>alien ships now not only possess fuckable locks and other control panels but also gardens in which you literally are meant to grow your seed

It's impossible to cater to everyone, we all have different personal beliefs and philosophies so I can only do soo much clarifying without forcing my own beliefs onto the cyoa.
I'll primarily be making this CYOA for myself but I want others to enjoy it and be able to make up their own minds.

I've given you the choices.

But I'll leave the philosophical debates to you guys.

This isn't even a philosophy debate, it's a matter of information. Putting in the capabilities of genetic engineering isn't inject philosophy into it whatsoever.

No, you don't. CYOAs are an exercise in imagination. If your imagination requires specific details on immortality and the science justifying it to work, that's an issue with you. Not the author and not the content.

Reminder that you'll eventually die and rot in your ship in only a few decades.

I have never seen a CYOA argued over by a bunch of illiterate, small minded assclowns as this one.

But those decades may be worth more and bring more fullfilment and joy than lifetimes of regular living!
Death hurts little when you have no regrets and plenty of accomplished goals.

Yes you do. How are you 'wanking responsibly' if the option is magically giving you everything you want without any justification or indication that's possible? I guess the fucking lamp in your bedroom has a genie because it just does so you get everything you want, huh?

Spoken like a twenty-something idiot.

>posting just to call people names
Welp, I guess that means you fit the argument and its parties as you described them very well.

Is it worse than the debate over whether the Everyday Life with Angel and Demon CYOA meant to say 'choose from row' or 'choose from column'?

Well, regular "wanking responsibly" involves not leaving a mess in the shower stall, and keeping the noise down if your housemates are around. I'd guess it would be similar.

See This is a Comfy cyoa. It does not need explicit detail about immortality. That's for the player to describe or ignore how they see fit.

If it continues into the next thread it will be.

>you're silly and I am edgy so I will try to establish superiority
While I am still barely in my twenties, this is a belief members of older generation in my family hold, including those of them who don't have much left and are able to face it with surprising dignity and peace of mind. Maybe it's just excuses, but they seem to work.

Don't respond to idiotic posts like that.

You'll see differently on your deathbed, dear.

It being 'comfy' doesn't mean you instantly get everything you want. You have yet to justify how any of those options possess immortality technology and in what form it would be. Without that justification, you might as well be saying a space fairy randomly stopped by and made you immortal.

Spoken like a pretentious teenage idiot.

Space fairies don't go and give people inmortality silly

Or he won't - you need some growing up on your own if you think you can keep your head firmly between your butcheeks and assume everyone goes by your mileage.

But mooom, just this once.

>you might as well be saying a space fairy randomly stopped by and made you immortal

Both are equally valid because none of it exists in the first place. If someone wants to write into their build "I use Tier 3 Lab to make myself immortal" that's fine. If someone wants to say "I meet a fairy Space Creature that makes me immortal" that's fine too. That's for the person playing the cyoa to decide, and us as a thread to make verbally abuse them for it.

>Removed reference to clones ensuring your survival, its got bad wording and isn't entirely correct
as in you still die, you just appear on your ship again?
i don't want to ask the big question regarding this and i'm assuming it's up to the reader to decide

Neither is valid because it's unjustified and stupid wank.

Why do kids try so hard to pretend they don't mind growing old? You know you're lying.

Clones do not possess continuity with you. They are not you. So they are not immortality options.

is this an official ruling or are you just some guy

You've clearly spent a lot of time around space fairies to be able to know this.

Of course, if they're anything like non-space fairies, any immortality they gave you would probably not be the kind you'd be able to appreciate. Fairies are not nice people.

Your 'existence' isn't exactly 'ensured' if you die.

I would disagree. I was with you as far as "you don't need explicit detail" goes, but by no means explanations pulled from one's butt with no basis in actual choices and fluff presented by CYOA are on par with a person considering possibilities actual choices provide. The fact it's not real doesn't mean it's not meant to be looked at in boundaries of some consistency with choices and setting presented. Otherwise you can as well ignore every choice of every CYOA ever and just make up shit which, yes, would be wrong.

I very much prefer attitude expressed in - there's ingenuity and creativity but then there's stretching believability of offered choices up to the point of it looking stupid which can and likely will invite disbelief and mockery. Deserved mockery.

What's the difference between falling asleep, and exploding into thin mist and getting out of clone pod 8h later?

The entire concept of create your own adventures is stupid wank. I'm not sure why you're trying to apply your own preconceived notions about what is justified and what isn't to the author. If you want to ask someone who posted a build how they achieved immortality, that's fine. And they're perfectly welcome to either explain their logic or ignore you. But you're an idiot for trying to insist the author include that when they don't want to.

Not him but isn't that a common sense? Immortality means you don't die. With clones, you very much die, you just have a copy thinking they're you taking your place.

That they don't possess continuity is canon. He said it last thread.

Your mind doesn't shut down during sleep. Why are there so many idiots that don't know how sleep works, goddamn.