A Blank Empire

The Emperor of Mankind is given a vision of mankind and the dark future that will befall it and the fall of the eldar in the 30th century. He realizes that the Warp cannot be extinguished by making people less religious, because human emotions, not belief, feed the warp. And that the Warp not only corrodes people, but machines two.

With two exceptions. Those humans with the Pariah Gene, "Blanks". And the Machines of the Necron's made of Necrodermis, immune to corruption by the Warp.

He decides to make a different campaign. He will engineer all humans to be Blanks, so that they have no effect on the Warp no matter their emotions and that the warp will have no effect on them in turn. In addition, he will campaign to kill and collect as much Necrodermis as possible and weave it into the fabric of an army of Iron Men, to allow the "Golden Age of Technology" to propel humanity safely into the stars, and one day, drown out the Warp by humanities nullifying radiance and lack of feeding it. Not by Warp Travel, by Gravitic Drives, on ships of Necrodermis loaded with Nulls to ward away warp phenomenon.

He himself will remain, the last human Psyker in existence.

How does it fare?

Worse than before.

In Vanilla the gods wanted to get even with Emperor because he got buffs in exchange for spreading their word then went back on the deal.

In this one he has just decided to poison the feeding ground that they all rely on. Congratulations, very well done. Now not only have you got all of Chaos united against you but also have pissed off the C'tan and almost certainly woken up the necrons early.

Imperium dies in it's crib

>30th century

What is this Warhammer 4:000?

You, newfag above me, that would make it warhammer 2900, you doofus

Chaos isn't very active before the Eye of Terror is opened no? And it seem possible that rampant Blank proliferation might even delay the birth of Slaanesh.

>with Emperor because he got buffs in exchange for spreading their word
Let's stick to the original canon where he's the amalgamation of mass shaman cult shall we?

Which is stronger.

A Necron or a Man of Iron?

Plus, Men of Iron can make more Men of Iron. Necron's can't build more of themselves.

The two backgrounds aren't mutually exclusive. He could have been the product of a mass reincarnation of shamans, which would have still needed to be born of human parents. Then later in his life he goes for the deal with the Big Four, later reneging.

Not that user, but considering that we got that information from a lying daemon, in furtherence of the plan to corrupt Horus completely and empower him so that he could actually fight the Emperor and win, we can hardly take it at face value.

That he tortured a daemon to get the information isn't convincing either. That's the kind of low-level xanatos gambit that big bird thinks of while drinking his morning coffee. Considering how the Perpetual he got to guard the place said he was 'changed' upon his return, it's just as possible, and more likely, that he did the same thing that Horus did. Kicking ass.

I'm reminded of some dubious information an inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos wrote down. I believe it was the one who did "Xenology" in universe.

Where he stated that in order for Eldar to conceive the father has to continually deposit sement throughout the pregnancy. This information was, naturally, taken from one of the eldar captives under his study and probably put to the test.

>deposit sement

Belief feeds not the form, but it forms its creations. This is why Machine Spirits Exists.

One of the big concerns of the Primarchs and the Space Marines was that the Emperor was going to Thunder Warrior them when they had outlived their usefulness.

Now you have justified that.

More Primarchs and Legions would go over to Chaos, or at least fight alongside it, along with way more of the Imperial Army because the Emperor is genuinely going to ethnically cleanse mundane and psychic humanity away when he is done.

>More Primarchs and Legions would go over to Chaos
They are blanks. Why on earth would they do that.

Especially since they wouldn't have been spirited away from birth.

>because the Emperor is genuinely going to ethnically cleanse mundane and psychic humanity away when he is done.
He would already have done that long before when Humanities population levels were mostly limited to a single planet

Guys, The Emperor was always this powerful.

He went into the warp to get warpstuff to make Primarchs. Because they're essentially his Daemon Princes. Making them from his own genes gave them incredible power and intellect, but it wasn't enough. He needed to put pieces of his own essence into them, just like the Chaos Gods create daemons out of themselves. But doing so would reduce his own power, and he wasn't about to do that shit. So he went into the warp like a pimp, took a bunch of the raw stuff while the gods y-you too'ed, and then shaped it with his power to give it the properties of his essence and split it among the Primarchs.

>trusting daemons
>ESPECIALLY on matters concerning their greatest and most feared enemy
A daemon saying ''The Emperor totes got his powers from Chaos Gods'' is the equivalent of cringy fanfiction buttblasted autists write about Chad after he gives them a swirlie and makes out with Stacy. Can't believe people actually believe a word of that shit. ESPECIALLY with the Gods whole plan being ''lets completely put aside our differences and subtly undermine this fucker, also at no point will we face him directly except through his own son who's already doped-up on warp stuff''.

tl;dr : the Emperor is Malal

Not long ago someone put forth an idea that Emperor was the biblical Cain. It was quit compelling.

Well he might have been, but certainly not just that
He supposedly incarnated an innumerable amount of times throughout human history/prehistory/posthistory
That being said I'd rather have him be a timeless god in his own right, with domains pertaining to contradiction and obstination, that jumped on humanity as soon as he realized the potential those fucked up monkeys had to piss off the other gods

It's also dumb, since it's all but confirmed The Emperor is Abel's son and that he killed Cain.

Confirmed by who?

>I'd rather have him be a timeless god in his own right

Does anyone remember that AU we made where the Emperor's assholery was dialled up slightly and the Chaos gods weren't all that bad once you got to know them?

Siege of the Eye or some such. This could work for that.


Cheeky cunt.

I said ''all but confirmed''. The Emperor's powers and purpose awoke when his uncle killed his father in front of him. It could be just a coincidence, but it's silly to assume they didn't intend to at least reference Cain and Abel
>ancient as fuck times, literally the dawn of humanity
>dude killing his brother was important enough to be mentioned

>In this one he has just decided to poison the feeding ground that they all rely on.
You mean like what he literally did during the Great Crusade by extinguishing Chaos wherever he found it?

As in, where he was already in canon marking humanity as an enemy of Chaos to be united against?

Except he didn't in canon. The gods fed on emotion, they just liked belief and the thing about fanatical fedora tipping atheism is that it is fanatical.

Emperor had insulted the gods and then empowered them.

Emperor was not as clever as he thought he was.

>The gods fed on emotion, they just liked belief and the thing about fanatical fedora tipping atheism is that it is fanatical
Kek, what a retarded statement. The gods feed on emotion, true, but they wouldn't place so much emphasis on ritual, belief and worship if those things didn't matter. Unless you're pulling the ''lel omnipotent chaos created everything and is just having fun'' in which case i already told you to kill yourself, Aaron.
>Emperor was not as clever as he thought he was
>was about to cut humanity off from warp and starve the gods
His sons were not as mature as he thought they were.

Your argument is based on the premise that the gods got their asses into gear, put all their differences aside and engineered the entire Heresy, not because The Emperor was a threat, but because... he insulted them? Stellar writing, expect a call from Black Library any day now.

Probably a Necron, to be honest. They're more technologically advanced than humanity ever was.

With Warp-based AIs going rogue all over the place AND the Men of Iron rising up the Age of Strife was more due to everything falling apart at once rather than war machines turning against their masters alone.

You're right about Men of Iron being able to build more, though.

So it wasn't really so much SKYNET terminators waging war on humanity, but more like "shit we REALLY relied on these guys too much and now we don't have them"

That's the impression I got, anyway.

In current canon he did both. Born of Shamans, then got more power later.

>Deposit Sement.
>It's like Sperm, but it hardens immediately in the womb.
>in this way, he 3d prints a baby.

wow, that makes sence

I do like this idea, though I agree with in that he'd probably start much earlier manipulating the heredity of mankind, though, if he did, and created a race of blanks, they would do well.

The level of genetic engineering required for this is beyond the pale and I don't think the Emperor could truly manage it even with a 10k year head start. Plus the pariah gene didn't even begin appearing until psykers started appearing IIRC so he could only start shortly before the age of strife anyway.

The best way to do this would be to start a mass gengineering project similar to the astartes but instead of creating superhumans he makes pariahs and then just releases them into the population to breed the gene into existence. Over a few thousand years he could probably change Terra into an almost purely blank planet and from there it's just a game of slowly spreading out and encouraging the spread of the null gene which would in all likelyhood probably take a lot longer than the original great crusade as well

Following from this, in the time period of 40k what you would be looking at is one of the following:

A much smaller Nullperium with scattered pockets of other human interstellar territories that are politically unaffiliated because they grew up following the age of strife (like ultramar, etc.) and have yet to be conquered.

A middling Nullperium that has genocided any non-pariah human it can find amongst the stars

In both scenarios the Emperor would still be alive and Chaos would be somewhat diminished as a threat. The Eldar and Tau are likely stronger and the Tyranids are either the new big bads (because there's no central faction to fight them off so they're even more of a threat) or don't exist because there was no astronomicon to draw them towards the milky way. Necrons would either love humans or hate them, hard to tell which.

The galaxy has much less clear battle lines and while there are less massive campaigns of war there are more small skirmishes