As always, thanks for the advice.
So after doing some rolling I think I see that d10's really bear heavy on the "Influence" of the roll. While a little disconcerting at first, I remembered that was the idea behind them. It's a clear visual indicator of "watch out for this in the fallout"
As for rolling, it's even easier than FFG, just look for 1/2/3 and the highest number. No matching and sorting symbols. I'll have the DM do the challenge dice separately to speed things up. But its still feasible to do the whole thing in one giant fistfull and figure it out.
As far as probabilities, it really comes down to who has more dice, just like in FFG. Which makes the limit dice so interesting, because it's the risky stop gap the players can take.
As far as dice type distribution, it really comes down to 1.5 types for the player, 1 type for the gm, and 1 that straddles the middle.
Blue skill dice are always good for players. The Black/White dice are expendable booster dice.
Red challenge dice are a bit boring, but the d10s wind up being a little frightening because they can so easily trump the Influence of anything else in the dicepool.
The Yellow Limit will most likely help out the player, but also has the chance of boning them as well.
That said, I would like having a little more GM variety than "add MOAR DICE" Any suggestions?
Also, this dice pool seems to allow for multiple levels of success (like getting a net win of 3 successes, which might be able to be spent).
Alternatively, to pull a page from Dungeon World or The Sprawl, abilities/feats could be scalable with different levels hard written into "if you succeed with disad. get X, if you flat succeed get Y, if you succeed with adv. get Z" or something written a little more streamlined.
This is some great stuff to work with.