But really, that's a hell a lot of models. Its very cool to look at.
Evan Wood
Needs more guardsmen.
Owen Taylor
what rules ? just wondering if my speed freeks are good or not
James Peterson
How do I pick a faction?
Dylan Rogers
I mean... it's photoshopped duping of a small group of models. So I guess that's impressive. Somehow.
Aaron Garcia
Do you guys make special characters for your armies?
Anthony Hughes
bro its the same 20 models cut and pasted all over
Luke Perez
Anyone got the art of the terminator fighting the armless space marine in the rain?
Austin Nelson
Rolled 1 (1d20)
Just pick what fluff you like the most, duh.
Daniel King
>it's photoshopped I couldn't tell at first but now I see it. God fucking damnit.
Bentley Russell
>tfw I'm still torn about which army I want to work on and have actually lapsed into doing nothing because I don't know I actually want to do and its overwhelming
Colton Nguyen
I'm bored making lists, which is best?
Aaron Reed
Pick fluff you like, cross reference with play style, pick imperium version.
Like transhumanism? Like hard as rock units? Admech.
Like elites? Like fast and fragile? Scions.
Colton Barnes
>make special characters
Why when you could take OBVIOUSLY SUPERIOR NAMED CHARACTER WITH BETTER RULES as opposed to being able to make your own dude. You can't even fluff it anymore because of factions and named characters only buffing their faction.
Logan Price
Are you using battlescribe to do that?
Also I'd give feedback but I'm currently making my first list.
Joshua Thomas
>admech and scions >not Covens and kabal
Jack Morgan
Hive guard spam one ;^]
Nathaniel Edwards
Probably the middle one. I have yet to brainstorm a good use for Raveners and the list on the right has almost 0 anti-armor capability.
>no Imperials at all other than knights and marines
what kind of heresy is this
Angel Campbell
CC is greatly improved in 8th, probably the best it's ever been as far as I know.
Orks can go NUTS in close combat now.
Bentley Ramirez
It's not even remotely up to date, reading the news blurbs the maintainer seems to have had some computer troubles recently. You'll either have to make lists by hand or use the 8th ed battlesribe files.
Luis King
Its work in progress and has some errors, like with Tyrant Guard and Hive Guard.
Joseph Mitchell
>middle one Damn I was hoping you wouldn't say that one, someone else is already running mutliple units of hive tyrants and It'd feel like I'm ripping off of him >Raveners Same. They seem better than much of anything else for digging out those pesky sniper teams though. >0 anti-armor I was hoping I could get within range to put both stealer units' rending claws to use and perhaps the broodlord as well but they would be priority targets.
Thank you so much for this link user, it'll be useful for making my Space Wolves list. Russ Bless
Connor Wood
ran a parking lot list for IG no hatch to shoot out of is rough.
Charles Cooper
I guess, since it's a 40K-related game, but SWAG has its own general threads too.
Isaiah Richardson
>hive tyrants hive guard I mean.
Andrew Smith
That's the problem. I don't know which army I want to work on. I just sort of accumulated shit over time
Justin Sanders
What shit do you have? And what do you mean by work on? Modeling or lists?
Zachary Price
Link to the Battlescribe files? I haven't been able to find them.
Thomas Hill
It's literally one dude maintaining it in his spare time, be patient.
Carter Carter
Had Not anymore
Hudson Edwards
Roll a dice
Joshua Diaz
If I want to do a low-ish model count brawler combat army, what would the options be?
Samuel Cook
You could drop a unit of Hive Guard and some change for a Harpy. With their spore mine rule and two Stranglethorn canons they seem pretty strong.
Jaxson Smith
You'll need to possibly put Battlescribe on the alpha channel updates under options then download github.com/BSData/wh40k/tree/40k8eprep Put them in a folder or in your data folder
Dominic Powell
Just finished reading Mechanicum.
Do we know what the deal with the missing book will be, or is it a future mystery that'll never be answered because it's far more important to add more Marines v Spiky Marines lore?
Dylan Cruz
Also note this is only on the desktop version, you can apparently get it to work with android but it's more effort than it's worth.
Ian Green
A die, dice is the plural form. You cannot roll a singular plural because it is many. It's like saying they are a good friend.
Aaron Bennett
Ork Boyz are now perhaps the most cost efficient melee unit, with easy access to insane force multipliers
Jaxon Johnson
I have a bunch of dark eldar that I bought to start up and kinda hit a period where I didn't have time to work. Then, I was basically handed 2 Calth boxes (paid ~$125 for 2) and then a BoP box for about as much, so I figured I'd start CSM/HH, which was my other contemplation anyway. Timing was right because my one store also had a. Blowout sake and I got 40% off of some termies, raptors, and an actual CSM squad I didn't really need. As I'm working on those, I stumble on another deal from a friend who's cousin was selling some unopened dark eldar, so I paid another $100 for a whole bunch of unopened shit (2 raiders, warriors, wyches, and a bunch of hellions). On top of that though, I bought a bunch of shit from china to go with the Marines like weapons and upgrades.
I like both, and that's the problem. I'm torn.
Dylan Cook
Orks are now arguably the best CC army in the game.
Gabriel Long
What happened? I could've sworn they were still around a few days ago.
Jose Howard
I really really like the harpy but the degradation worries me. When it drops wounds doesn't it get useless?
Jaxon White
Custodes, grey knights or some variation of a dreadnought army.
Julian Rogers
Sounds like an awesome fight waiting to happen, I'd start with the DE and then move onto the CSM when you need a break
Ryder Johnson
Grey Knights with Paladins or Dark Angels Deathwing, with Deathwing Knights.
Gavin Brown
Caleb Wood
>I What's this?
Jaxon Jackson
William Perez
>8th >initiative
Ryan Nelson
When it gets to 6 (half) wounds it goes down to BS 5+, its how all Monsters and Vehicles work now. But the goal is to have other big scary things to shoot at too. Pic sort of related.
Luis Jenkins
Austin Martinez
What the fuck is the purpose of intercessor marines? it seems like you would be better off with a 10man tactical squad or sternguard veterans.
Lincoln Barnes
They look fuckin' rad
Justin Sullivan
>tfw want to play as a modern human army but hate the imperium Life is pain.
Nathan Barnes
Luke Baker
Renegades that haven't fallen to Chaos yet.
Sebastian Roberts
Nolan Ward
deffdreads are pretty good. idk about their vehicles.
Jeremiah Murphy
>tfw some autogynephile has a shit opinion
Owen Carter
Here's what you do. Play Tau and kitbash so you have gue'vessa.
Blake Gonzalez
Looking cool enough to convince Timmy he should buy the same thing twice. Also serving as expensive truescale tacticals.
Adrian Edwards
Haha, tricked, noobz.
Bentley Johnson
Sometimes ill house rule special characters and I'll play non competitive games with them. Absolutely. I love custom modeling them too.
Charles Gonzalez
If you want to run renegades/rebels, just buy Anvil Industries bits. You're golden.
Parker King
>autogynephile That word doesn't mean what you think it means, you projecting pornfag.
Tau are too high tech though.
Noah Young
Is anyone using Lictors ? They can finally do lictor things
Luis Morris
>doesn't try to deny that he's an autogynephile
Daniel Murphy
Play bolter bitches then.
Lincoln Murphy
Battle Wagons are better with their deff rollas, but they're only T8 if you give them a cover. Gotta choose between Open Topped shooting or having a tough wagon in combat.
Ram those trukks into combat with their boyz, Sluggas can shoot into combat in or out of it.
Deffkoptas are good for fast flanking and dropping bombs or killsaw attacks.
Jordan Stewart
>BS 2
Renegades have Militia Training for BS 3, specifically for people who want renegade military instead of rabble.
Blake Campbell
damn, from the thumbnail I thought the trukk was his left arm
Charles Harris
>Betrayal at Calth >has MKIV marines not MKIII >Has cataphractii
>Burning of Prospero >has MKIII >has Tartaros not Cataphractii
They have to make things difficult, dont they
Christian Clark
Shut up you cock smoker, before I beat you to death with my balls.
Luis Johnson
Do what GSC does. Take Imperial Guard detachments, use different models, and call them something else.
Nicholas Rivera
Only thing I can see is that they are better as objective taker. They have better range and have two wounds unlike the normal tactical marines.
John Brown
Does artillery ignore cover saves gained by being obscured?
Xavier Bennett
This is my start to an Emperors Children army and I need some help finishing it.
Any suggestions?
Ian Thompson
Not unless it says it does
Justin Hill
Does it say so on the weapon profile? If not, no.
Austin Perez
Ah I get an error when I try to import the Necon data file.
Adrian Turner
>What the fuck is the purpose of intercessor marines? To be a reasonable argument against the people denying that Marinelets will slowly be phased out.
Also, they lack the special/heavy weapon operatives of 40K Tactical squads, so they're closer to the old, less tactically flexible wall 'o' boltguns 30K-era Tactical squads, just like how Cringeblasters are analogus to 30K Tactical Support squads. They don't have any additional rules for things like concentrated bolt rifle fire, so the just come out as a less flexible Tactical Squad with +1 W and A, and somewhat better bolters.
Ayden Robinson
I'm pretty sure you don't import individual army datafiles, try just importing Warhammer40k.gst
Andrew Walker
Yea, I might do that then. After watching a few videos, I'm kind of regretting only having one venom despite liking the appearance of raiders more. I also want at least one Razorwing, and holy fuck ravagers. Ugh. This isn't helping.
Jayden Bennett
Barely even that, since Objectives are determined by model number.
Gabriel Cook
Oh shit, I'm an idiot sorry.
John Kelly
You have very little anti-armor tranny bro
Jacob Kelly
I feel you. NL look so much better in mk4, but I fucking love tartaros armor and want to REEE shit with lightning claws.