Age: 19
Net income: 60K$/year
Crypto holdings: 300K$ (started with 50K$)
Bank account: 400K$ (+crypto = 700K$)
When can I realistically retire?
Probably in 6 months to a year depending on how you live.
take the time cool and pick your coins wisely, sonm, mco, drp are good moon missions
Cool story bro
how do you have an income of 60k at 19?
what kind of dumb faggot keeps 400k in their bank fuck you retard
Go all in on the best and you will be retired in 2 months.
Nobody believes you and there's another thread for this retarded bullshit. Stay in one place with all the rest of the trash.
your parents must be rich.
Man if I started with 50k in crypto this year
Fake blondie is hot.
Bro, I mean I really hate to break it to you but you need a min of a phd in hard sciences AND 300k/yr starting to post
I don't know how you made it through the filters but......
I have an internet business, it's pretty average desu, nothing spectacular
Low effort LARP threads like these should be a instaban. What the fuck are the mods doing?
even shitty bitcoin will at least 10x in the next year
>400k in the bank at age 19
hur dur I'm a master investor cuz mommy gives me money
Just retire now and put all your money on red until you have enough to live till 100, your parents will bail you out if you go broke
My parents are broke, I left them when I was 17
If you are making that money at 19 then I wouldn't worry too much about your retirement
You better tell your whole story about how the hell you went from 0 to 700k /w 60k salary in 2 years, or I'm not buying
Yo, internet businesses yo.
you have me curiosity,
now tell your whole story.
you're larping but if not you take your 700k, and just go all in on funfair before its full beta release
it will at a minimum triple. Move to a low cost of living area and invest your money in safe stocks and you may now retire before the end of next year.
> 19 years old
> Net income 60k a year
okie dokie op
shill me on drp user
the fuck did you do, start it from your city library?
>smacks lips
Yeh, you can say that
probably skid/carding or running "black hat" forums and selling memberships to edgy teens (HF rip-offs, etc.)
Damn. Howd you do it?