What is it about YGO that is so attractive to black players and how come other trading card games, specially MTG...

What is it about YGO that is so attractive to black players and how come other trading card games, specially MTG, don't have it?

Anime and popularity. For some reason black people are more likely to become weebs, and since Yu-Gi-Oh is popular they tend to go there first.

>black people
Never in my life have i met a black weeb

But maybe that's because in my whole life i have met only 2 blacks that weren't trying to sell me a lighter or asking for some change

I don't that that it's more likely for black people to become weebs, just that it's more culturally noticeable.

If a white guy is a weeb they can still mostly blend in by hiding their powerlevel, maybe wearing a bit of merch or owning a boxed toy or something.

If a black guy is a weeb, because of how quickly your business gets out in a lot of black communities, EVERYONE will know that you're that weird dude that likes anime. It's harder to hide and therefor easier to just embrace and let it absorb you.

Not to mention most people will notice a black guy in a crowd of white people pretty easy, same as if you saw a white guy playing spades at the cookout.

Seriously, this.

It basically all stems from the fact that a lot of lower-income black families tend to use the television as a means of distraction for the kids, and especially during the late 90's-early 00's there was a lot of Dragon Ball Z and Yugioh on, thanks to the Kids WB and Toonami blocks.

The themes behind those anime, where someone who's been beaten up gets stronger and defeats their attacker, resonates with a lot of young black kids who may be bullied or otherwise abused (at home, maybe?). These shows provide an escapism power fantasy for kids of any color, but black kids tend to have more problems with their life on the average that they tend to dive far more readily into these fantasies than other kids.

Magic, on the other hand, doesn't have any anime, doesn't have any story these kids can really get into. Sure, there's the stories online, but even in 2017 America not everyone can get online. All it takes is a ~$5 cable splitter and a neighbor who may or may not know better and now you have cable to watch cartoons.

Where the fuck do you live where you've only met two black citizens?

Pretty much. Also consider that a lot of the underground hiphop and hiphop classics are full of references to Chinese kung-fu films and Japanese samurai movies. That helps too.

I don't know how much the "Attacker/Defender" power fantasy plays into it, but I know that for myself and the few friends I managed to scrounge up who were also interested in weeb shit, it was more about watching people do cool shit with a close squad of comrades.

Growing up in the fucking hood is tough shit, and most of the time the friends you do make are all either trying to use you as a scapegoat for some dumb shit or just playing nice so they can fuck you over later. That concept of having friends that just stuck with you because they were loyal was a pretty nice fantasy all by itself. That's also why I believe a lot of other black kids go for pokemon hardcore if they ever get exposed to it.

Dude, I had never even heard of wu-tang til after my otaku awakening. I don't know how much of an impact that really has on anything.
Something else I've always wondered is if the connection between black people and anime stems from the fact that a lot of Asian subgroups managed to fully integrate into American society with relative ease, whereas it's been 250 odd years and black people still get shat on pretty frequently. It might just be a fantasy of belonging to a culture group that acceptable to mainstream white America.

But that's just like, my opinion man.

>mfw I only ever really met two black guys and I can count on my two hands how many I've seen IRL.
>Yet /pol/ keep telling my country's being invaded by blacks.
I don't even live in the countryside.



Dude I have meet tons of black nerds there are two types. The hood niggas who like them anime tires and the fat black nerd that is full social justice and feminism cause even with a big dick white women won't touch him since he's got a gut and dresses like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle.

Whats the deal with blacks and white women?
I mean they have women too


Same as with white guys and black or asian women, I guess.

Utah. County.

I see.
Well the black fat nerds shouldn't despair. They'll grow out of their exotic phase

Mommy issues.

Their mothers were hideous abusive cunts so they stay as far away from black girls as humanly possible

But white womens can be abusive cunts all the same

I do play magic...

Sure, but ALL black women are angry and violent.
If you've ever wanted a convincing argument for eugenics, look at black women. Nobody wants to breed with them, not even their own men.

>But white womens can be abusive cunts all the same

True, but white women don't look, talk, and act like the hideous abusive cunts who raised many black men.

Open your eyes. Live Leak isn't fiction, over 2/3rds of black women are morbidly obese, and black women as a group are the nastiest fucking people in the US. Considering how many nasty fucking people there are in the US, that's saying something.


? In Yurop no one cares about them, unless some they are very cute.

I live in a town that used to be a KKK hotspot, but while I once saw a muscled black dude walking down city hall shirtless with a keyblade and mickey ear hat.
Black weebs exist where even normie black people dont.

Hilariously, a lot of black chicks are dating white men for the same reason.

It only makes you a light skin patricians instead of a coon pleb.

>Hilariously, a lot of black chicks are dating white men for the same reason.

Sure, normal black woman look to men of other races seeing as there are so few black men worth dating. However, you can't deny the fact that the majority of black women in the US are screeching, violent, obeasts named Squaneesha. Hell, there's a growing tourist industry between the US and Brazil aimed at black men who simply want to meet normal black women instead of psychotic hood rats.

cease and desist

You got any demographic data to support those statements?

I went to school with a dude balls deep into anime and with skin so dark we were in danger of losing sight of him on dark nights

We get it, you watch sitcoms and daytime TV, and actually know absolutely no black people.

Well, he is at least somewhat correct about black women being obese - the rate is a stunning 41,2 %. Caucasian women clock in at 24,5%.

As for the rest of it, I wouldn't know.

Yes, all the aggressive black women on Jerry Springer or memeridden youtube clips back this up. That or you've been a patronizing ass to any remotely attractive black woman and she responded as normal people do: get the fuck away from me.

Alot of black women look like shit and have the shit personality to boot. On top of that they too come from poor families
This user also makes a damn good point

Ok this is getting interesting

What the hell is live leak?

>Inb4 where the hell do you live

It's like youtube for war, violence and all the other crap that youtube would usually ban.

I'm assuming he's one of those types that watch jerry springer and assumes all black women are like that as if the opposite isn't true and white women who appear on those shows arn't also worthless trailer trash who'll readily have sex on stage for the sake of some skinny ass dude.

I'm not going to say this is /pol/ but simple ignorance and lack of actually going outside and seeing different sorts of people.

Leave your house once in a while mate, the vast majority of Asian subgroups are not integrated and don't want to be integrated. Instead they go for tightly knit communities where they can trade and barter services with each other's families. There is nothing there for blacks already coming up in the hood - the shonen squad of loyalty is much more familiar and relatable to them even if its resonance comes from it being an easily digestible moral lesson than some sort of universal Asian mindset (which it is NOT.)

>muh burgerstani hellhole

Lol at this meme every time

Probably something to do with the Egyptian themes.


As a darky I'll say the main thing that kept me from going into Magic was the cost. TCG's are an expensive hobby and when yugioh came out I was in middle school and I could at least afford booster pack of YGO cards but magic was always way above my budget limit. Mind you this was years back, in like 2000 so I don't know the costs of YGO at the time but that was why a lot of the minority kids were playing it over Magic since it was just cheaper, simple to understand, and there was a popular show based around it.

Oh no, there right now.

Crap I live by Wayne.

Go to any fighting game tournament and you'll find them. That's where they congregate a lot of the time.

>black or asian women
It's usually losers who couldn't get something else.