should I even bother getting into cryptos if I only want to put in $500? seems like everyone has at least 10k going in. I just want to make some money.
Should I even bother getting into cryptos if I only want to put in $500? seems like everyone has at least 10k going in...
Might as well dude. It's all a learning experience.
Don't even bother. Even if the entire market cap reaches trillions of dollars like gold, You'll only x10 your money. It's too late for massive gains unless you're willing to risk it.
I put 500 in September and atm 12000$, 15k before BTC correction
>seems like everyone has at least 10k going in.
Those are LARPers. fyi, you can fake your entire net worth on blockfolio.
put 500$ in march, now it's 70k
x100 gainz in some cryptos and some that don't even exist yet are still possible
I went in at 8000 11 days ago and am currently at 11500. And this is after making a mistake during the BTC crash that cost me over 1500.
Just jump in with whatever you have
Most of Veeky Forums have
What are you talking about? Crypto is just getting started brainlet.
There's no problem with jumping in with that little. Call it a LARP but I hopped in and flipped $75 into about $500 in a few days chasing moon missions, but I will admit I was lucky. Your best bet at this point is to gamble hardcore and put it all in a low cost high volume coin and pray it goes up at least a few cents, sell, and then take your profits, rinse repeat.
can you help teach me your ways user
you guys too..ive been researching for about 5 days now and still kind of lost on where to start
Question, is it possible to get enough of those miniscule "satoshi" amounts of BTC to invest into other altcoins?
Getting started doesn't mean 100x in the future, son.
I never invested my own money in crypto and my profile is @ 24k after 4 months..So you will do fine with $500.00
Word of advice for you. Find a coin that isn't a direct trading pair with BTC. AKA if BTC begins to tumble they tumble heavily as well.
Nearly all coins react to BTC price fluctuations but some less than others.
Just do it to get a feel for trading, at the very least it is slightly more productive than jerking off and playing video games.
im investing 1000 dollars tomorrow. what's a good spread, 600 dollars in bitcoin, 200 in etherium, and another 200 in various shitcoins?
i keep hearing about ltc moon. i bought 1 @ 265
I started with 450, I was able to get 1.5 k from hodling for two weeks. I am spending 10% of it learning how to day trade and enter positions correctly. Do it, it's fun.
I put in 1k in sept. Have 7k now. Feels pretty damn good.
what did you hold in?
nice. how long did that take?
All in a coin that's going to give you 5x your gains, why do normies insist on throwing money at BTC or ETH like they're going to rocket now?
Stellar, Sia and Dragon. They're undervalued and will easily go up. Throw it in those 3, hold for a month and then sell. Read the whitepapers and invest in 3 more coins that're undervalued and repeat. Or ya know, throw it in shitcoins like BTC that're outdated and just waiting to be replaced.
Not true, if you bought xvg two weeks ago you x25 your money by today
It's never too late
Thats about what I started with, my coinbase account is worth $4200 now. Just dont be a pussy and do the opposite of what your feels tell you, i.e. If you go OH FUCK its down i lost everything, instead of selling - you buy more. And when it peaks, dont say "whooaa I wanna be rich its gonna go higher gonna buy more" instead you either HODL or consider selling and buying back at the next low. Its not at easy as it sounds, but not rocket science either, just takes time and patience.
Exclusively REQ from .8 cents to when it hit .25 cents.
Not too late. Find a coin you believe in (do your own research) and ignore what people who like or dislike it have to say (while again, doing your own research). Go with something smaller than ETH or BTC unless you're hedging bets, and don't hedge too much.
I put 900 in Iota in June and held. Just hit 20,000.
started with 500$ in september i'm at 18k$ and climbing i could have been at 50k if i holded
alt coins?
altcoin and bitcoin i day trade alot
get in, but at the bottom, and on the top into LINK
Started with $750 2 weeks ago, currently at $1400. I don't autistically trade alts I buy and hold.
>I don't autistically trade alts I buy and hold.
So you have unrealized gains...
ya but you need BTC to buy XLM
This is the most Veeky Forums post I've seen tonight
ETH/XLM on Binance dingus.
youre actually losing a lot money holding the peaks and dips. you sell at peak, or short a little bit, then wait for the inevitable dip, buy more than you originally had, for the same amount of money, and restart the cycle over again.