I dont get it, how come when bitcoin goes up a hundred dollars or so, I gain like 50 cents to a dollar? doesnt make sense to me. how am I not gaining/losing at the same speed bitcoin in general is? I'm new to this obvi
I dont get it, how come when bitcoin goes up a hundred dollars or so, I gain like 50 cents to a dollar...
good one
I'm serious lmao how does this shit work?
Depends on how much u buy faggot
if you're this fucking stupid you shouldn't have access to a computer
I just bought very little.. like $25 dollars worth. bit coin is going up hundreds and I'm gaining cents.. wtf? I know I'm retarded, but someone explain this to me, please
stfu bro, I have a vague idea of why this is happening, I just want someone to explain it to me so I truly get it
You only own a fraction of a bitcoin, so you get a fraction of the gains.
holy fuck you're retarded. pajeets and womyn have more common sense than you do.
Unless you own 1 bitcoin ($14000usd give or take) you won't go up and down by 100$
Your raises and dips are proportional to how much bitcoin you have
just look at the percetages bitcoin fluctuates by, they'll be the same as what your amount fluctuates by
This is your first and only warning: lurk for the next month or so or kys. Don't ask what fud or hodl or fomo is, google them or keep lurking and you'll pick up on how stuff works. no one here want's to baby you
its based on the percentage it goes up and diwn you shitslinging mongoloid
alright . I get it now. u know how sometimes with a concept, its not clicking, you need that last piece of information for it to click in your head.. well it just clicked.
and I'm not asking to be babied, ass. it was just one simple question.
$25 isn't much but thanks for the money when your weak hands fail.
Kill yourself
had to be a krusty krab poster
top fucking KEK
I fucking hate you so much. I don't even care if you're serious or trolling. I fucking hate you.
If you're not larping and couldn't figure this out until someone told you then you are the biggest brainlet on this entire board.
OP, not to be a dick, but you're retarded.
I dont care, dude. I'm not gonna be scared to ask a question because a bunch of virgins fizzing at the mouth with crypto memes might see me as stupid.
>grade 6 math
>bunch of virgins fizzing at the mouth with crypto memes
Troll confirmed. Nigger.
>I dont get it, how come when bitcoin goes up a hundred dollars or so, I gain like 50 cents to a dollar?
You're on a leveraged platform which uses contracts and you do not own the full coin. Therefore any profits are in proportion with your initial outlay.
You are going to lose.
Almost as retarded as OP. If he's leveraged why would he be seeing less price movement than the underlying asset?
He just owns a lot less than a coin.
>If he's leveraged why would he be seeing less price movement than the underlying asset?
Maybe his leverage is set to 1.
wait wtf.... bitcom doesnt rise a million dollars so how do people make millionare off it? I kind of understand I just need someone to tell me why so it clicks
Don't care if troll, this thread is fucking hilarious OP. If serious, you're autistic.
Well OP, you're a fucking idiot. That's the good news. The bad news is that bitcoin would have to go to about 50k for you to make back what you plunked down for the fee to get your 25 dollars of bitcoin.
Run along now, and tell this to all your idiot friends.
Get out of here you retarded whore.
i was planning on holding for years, anywa
you guys and your superiority complex. its hilarious. fucking neck beards, when will they learn. this is literally
>look at how smart I am
the board
I'm not wrong, though. I'd bet 90% of this board are virgins. stay mad kid
> Superiority complex
No user, we just know what the fuck we are doing instead of putting money on the line waiting for a fucking miracle.
>I'm too retarded to understand decimal places and percentages, it just dun clik!
>lol stay mad kid, you understand basic math, ur a virgin! xD
Roastie detected. Arguing with holes doesn't work online, whore.
Im not waiting for a miracle, kid. whether it does good or bad doesnt matter. its $25 ffs. I was just curious. if it goes to $20000k, cool, if to $.00000001, thats cool too. doesnt matter. jesus fuck, chill out, who cares?
im not calling you a virgin because youre a virgin, im calling you a virgin because you're so undesirable that no chick in your entire life has wanted your dick inside of her. ;)
Troll or actual dumb cunt who can't do basic math... Its actually hard to tell at this point
lmao you all seem like angry ass neckbeards. anyways, I learned what I had to learn. peace
hope you make enough off your .001 bitcoin investment to buy some nice buds at the next gather of the juggalos bro.
low effort shitpost
Great work OP