The comic store girl is cute

>The comic store girl is cute
>but recommends the worst games
>and thinks everything you say is 'problematic'

Wat do?

Change her mind? Find other fish? Introduce her to weirdo indie RPGs? Other?

>Wat do?
stop saying problematic shit

Find a better store with a cuter girl one with a dick

Stop being a douchecanoe and get better taste in games.

She recommends the worse games cause the store has inventory to sell. As for the problematic, give me an example, is she an sjw or just dumb.

She's the one with bad taste, user.

>The comic store girl is cute
Don't care. I like games more than girls.
>but recommends the worst games
Don't care. I am more than capable of picking out games I'll like.
>and thinks everything you say is 'problematic'
Don't care. I'm not interacting with her on a personal or daily basis. She's a means to an end.

So overall I don't care. Just take my money and give me my games.

>she an sjw or just dumb.
That's redundant.

See there's no fucking way this isn't made up because you'd have to be an autistic sperglord to SAY problematic things.

>>So what are your thoughts on the Fuhrer's Final Solution?
>T-that's a little problematic...
>>Really though, all jews and niggers ought to die.
>Could you stop saying problematic things? You're scaring me.
>>I'm about to lay waste to the coons infesting this neighborhood.

It's too late for her user

You missed your chance. Either get them while they are young so they don't ever believe the lies or just slowly redpill them once they trust in you more than bullshit that other people spout.

Spotted the nu-male.


whats a new male

Anyone can get Absolution. The Question is, in which Way.

Maybe the guy is just purchasing MtG packs or something? And her "problematic" complaints are comments on those?

How dare she get annoyed when I explain why women get -2 Str in my campaign!

It is what /pol/ calls anyone who disagrees with them.

>The comic store girl is cute

Who gives a shit, ring up my purchase, please.

>but recommends the worst games

Who gives a shit, ring up my purchase, please.

>and thinks everything you say is 'problematic'

Who gives a shit, ring up my purchase, please.

Thank you. Have a good day.

There are a lot of dumb people who are in no way SJWs.

>Wat do?

Pump and dump.

Wait, sorry, I mean this one.

I don't know, mate. There's a bunch of "problematic" shit that makes no sense, do you honestly think everyone is "MUH HOLOHOAX, HITLER 2020" memesters?

I can't see SJWs playing in my current campaign, where all the players and characters are minorities (well there is one white guy) yet the comments would trigger the hell out of them.

No, it's faggots that bow to SJW wrongthink protocols.

I'm not going to treat you like less of a person because you're a woman. I'm going to treat you like shit because you work in customer service.

>do you honestly think everyone--
Do you honestly think OP is saying enough remarks offhand to "trigger" this "SJW chick" that works "at comic store"?

You understand "problematic" language now encompasses so much more than extreme racism right? I work at a private liberal arts university. We have mandatory micro aggression seminars once a year now. Remember, just because you've never made a racist remark or been consciously biased in your life doesn't mean you aren't unconsciously a horrible person with unavoidable implicit bias baked into your psyche by corrupt societal norms. It's pretty easy to see why the far right counter culture among teens and young adults is a thing these days.

I'm not from /pol/. I do live in Portland, however, and can call them as I see them.

Do people think sales clerks are interested in them for sexual? This is no. They are interested in you for sales.

>We have mandatory micro aggression seminars once a year now
Boo fuckity hoo. Weird bullshit seminars have always been a part of academic life.

You show up, sign your name on the attendance list, and then proceed to ignore whatever bullshit an 'expert' in social 'sciences' has thought up this time around.

>this person is cute but their personality is completely unappealing to me, wat do?
shit this is a hard question

You do have a point.

Bring a messy sandwich into the store and when she calls that problematic make it a Firefly reference. If she gets it you're clear for forming a relationship based on your individual quirks and tastes clashing with each other but it's ok because at the end of the day you still get each other on some level, but it takes 3 seasons for you to really start dating but that's ok because the side characters are way more interesting anyway and the whole show just showcases new and different games from various licenses that fund the show through in-episode advertising.

We'll call it Dice Games, and it will last for five seasons.

There will be a Goth chick everyone ships with your leading lady. Fan art will be made.

Rhe FLGS owner will be gay, but not overly so(the network's decision, not the writers), but they'll make it a running gag of him trying to get a boyfriend but he can't because he spergs out on RPGs, card games, and other stuff relentlessly which drives everyone away.

There will be an extreme controversy over the black guy enjoying !YGO and Anime, but the writers will throw in another black guy who doesn't for an episode or two to appease the SJWs.

Jack Black will make a guest appearance as That Guy, beyond even the recurring That Guy.

There will be at least one scene featuring a page on Veeky Forums on someone's laptop.

Tip your hat and call her m'lady at all times.

So you're saying.

Do you think you'd ignore as much if someone was physically stopping you from enjoying classes?

Or if someone was shouting over you at every turn?

Maybe if you suddenly lost the ability to attend college because of false allegations that haven't been substantiated by a police investigation?

I'm still pissed that certain groups were trying to remove voting power from people they disliked within my university, I'm not dropping this bone over some user saying 'boo hoo'.

The answer is: don't bother with pursuing because you'll end up harming or inconveniencing both parties.

> Weird bullshit seminars have always been a part of academic life.
>they was always propaganda
>therefore it's okay to push micro-aggression bullshit
>dude just ignore it, it'll go away on its own
It's fucking retarded logic.

Smash and dash

> I'm going to treat you like shit because you work in customer service.

You are what's wrong with the world.

>Trying to get a gf

I have been straight up told I was problematic for not agreeing that the show Silicon Valley was sexist

Are you implying rape? Because I think you're implying rape.

Castrate yourself. The last thing we need is losers like you trying to breed. Leave the girl for someone who actually deserves to reproduce.

You can be her problematic bolshevik boyfriend and she can be your petit-bourgeoisie intersectionalist girlfriend and together you can compete to see who overthrows capitalism first.

Oh user, seminars where you just sign in and zone out are a thing of the past. You must have been out of academia for a while. They now involved mandatory participation where you're called on at random (i.e. white guy) to describe a time you were biased or "hurt" someone unintentionally among other forced group roleplay. It's treated very seriously on campus since the election, let me tell you.

I think that means you can pilot a gundam

I was kind of antiwayne, but you've won me over.

The petit-bourgeoisie are class traitors and would be 3rd against the wall, comrade.

Correct. The white imperialist pig-dogs have to admit guilt in front of the student body, then sent to re-education camps so that their thoughts are properly formed.

"Let me tell you about racial bias. Do you know what a fucking kender is?"

Stop creeping on a retail clerk. Hitting on someone at their job is a terrible idea.


>treat you like shit because you work in customer service.

Why? Why would you choose to be a douche?

>I'm going to treat you like shit because you work in customer service.
Wow. We've finally found someone who loves cocks more than OP.

Either that or this is obvious bait. But hey, pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.

You sound like a nazi.

Fuck you, Wayne, I actually want this now.

You are scum.

>Hitting on someone at their job is a terrible idea.

Fine, then I'll--



Did I click the wrong board? Am I on /v/ or /r9k/?

As for OP, just take it easy nigger. If you already have developed at least a bond in terms of conversation and not feeling awkward go ahead and ask her on a date. Let her talk about the shitty tastes and try to suggest new stuff meanwhile. If she is the right person she will get interested in your hipster garbage stuff and you will get along and get laid eventually, if not rinse and repeat with the next appealing girl that you meet!

Just get prostitutes. Its the most efficient and honest process of getting your dick/cunt wet.

>The comic store girl is cute
Pic not related I guess?
Just fucking masturbate before you leave the house. Buy an onahole or something if you need it, you can afford one even if you're poor.

It's problematic to imply that loving a fat cock in your facehole somehow makes you a worse person.

Eugenics is optimized natural selection.

Welcome to Veeky Forums threads like this happen sometimes enjoy

Is that a bondage dog collar she's wearing?

Do you think she likes to be gagged?

If you can't even tell the difference between natural and artificial selection, don't try to use it in an argument.

It just makes you look like an illiterate pleb.

I think she'll like more then just some gaging

Wow, fuck this guy.

What the fuck is this thread!?

Hi, I find the N-word problematic. If you could edit your post that would be great.

A mistake.

My bad downloaded on the board and it is small

Wait around a couple days and see when her shift ends, and just before that just ask her out for coffee sometime. It's the end of her shift so she can just leave if things get awkward, and make sure you make it clear that you asked just to ask opportunisticly, and that you won't make it a thing.

Also make sure you're actually spending money at the LGS and doing something OTHER than waiting around for her shift to end. Reorganize your card decks, spend time reading supplements and magazines, comic books. As an employee she'll be much happier and more comfortable if you're spending money and not being dead weight to the store.

I don't understand what you're implying with that pangolin. Is that what kids use to refer to anal sex and marihuana?

>"That Jenny, she really likes the Pangolin, eh!"

>The comic store girl is cute
Then she's either spoken for or related to the owner. Comic stores and "Help Wanted" don't go hand in hand.

>but recommends the worst games
Definitely related to the owner or fucking an employee. She has no interest in the store's business, only punching the register.

>and thinks everything you say is 'problematic'
When her boyfriend dumps her and she quits working at his job, you can have your go at her OP.

Stop caring about what people believe if you're getting angry when people care about what you believe.

Why are you setting this up so it sounds like I should be trying to bang her? Can't I just try to get along in a friendly way, and continue on with the fact that having a girlfriend isn't even quite something I want?

But goddamn, how is everything I say problematic? I don't act in real life like I do on Veeky Forums, I keep my powerlevel hidden and nod politely at SJW stuff, because you don't fucking sperg at random people. It's not right.

Ok, wait, wait, wait. Imma back up for a second here, and see if OP did the first thing that you're supposed to do with a AT.


If you didn't then you're not even at the first step yet.

Go make a thread about it. I'm sure you'll be met with every inch of personal empowerment and sensitivity that Veeky Forums can offer. /b/ is particularly understanding about this sort of thing, I'm led to believe.

Just do it

What's that got to do with her bad taste in games?

I usually try not to hate people on the internet, but I hate you.

You should still be anti Wayne. The post would have been just as good without the namefagging.

Definitely bro
*Sarcasm intensifes*


We've established OP wants to ask her out, Satan. Shit Tastes in games, contrary to this board's beliefs, are not necessary for a relationship to work. Or even for the girl to like games. If you're compatible for a relationship that stuff will work itself out based on mutual interaction. However, she needs to be single first and It'll be exactly this board's personality to have someone start a thread about a chick who turns out is alread engaged or msrried.

>People who think differently then me are stupid
You're fucking autistic

All SJWs are dumb, but not all dumbs are SJW.

Stop seeing another human being as a shallow extension of myself.

Of course she'll like pangolins. They are fucking adorable

Not sure you ever got your degree but if your school is hosting these seminars now then your degree is as functional as toilet paper to me. And odds are if you're posting on Veeky Forums you are a potential hire of mine.

She'll also like

>not -4
There's your problem, mate.

The structure of that particular sentence is sequential, not an overlapping set. Saying "sjw" already implies "dumb", therefore it's redundant. Do you grok the logic?

>you are a potential hire of mine.

Yeah I'm sure you're a big time CEO right? You hobnob with Trump all the time? He invite you golfing?

It's great how easy it is to make shit up on the internet

I'm the Pope btw

How many neckbeards do you think fantasise about her on a daily basis, and in what way do you think you are unique, special, or in any way remotely appealing to her compared to the rest of them?

Protip: you aren't. Every fa/tg/uy wants themselves a nerdy gamer girlfriend. They don't realise you've got to find yourself a nice neurotypical girl and introduce her to the nerdy stuff you like so she's still a well-rounded, functioning person.

Or, you know, just be gay, it's easier.

Fucking faggot

>just be gay, it's easier.
Is it? Are gays more likely to be gamers and like nerdy things? Seems unlikely from my subjective observation.

>Owning a medium sized business is now the same as being a corporate CEO for a multi billion international

Oh dear, you really didn't finish school, did you?

Actually, yes. Fetlife is full of nerdy gay/bi men. Fetlife is full of nerds in general. Their Leather maintenance groups and showcases are our WIP threads.

What line of work? I'm looking for a new job.

>claiming to be a business owner is the same as being a business owner

Uh-huh, that's cute dear. Shouldn't you be off posting frog pictures somewhere?

If you can't tell the difference between someone making an obviously sarcastic response and someone honestly arguing in favor of Nazism, you should just keep to yourself.

>twas merely a jest
>Poe's law

sign me up