Do you plan on trading crypto even after Trump's tax bill passes? If so, how?

Do you plan on trading crypto even after Trump's tax bill passes? If so, how?

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I will but I won't swing trade nearly as much, just a lot of buy and hodl's.

drp and sonm might get listed on coinnest and moon pretty hard

this will increase the demand for decentralized exchanges. that coupled with anonymity and privacy protocols on the users end and we should be just fine

I’d love to but I won’t. We have been basically trading tax free this year. I’m going to dump all my alts and hold a few for all 2018. I wish much luck to the guys that do trade and our international friends.
Also fingers crossed for the crypto fairness act but I’m doubtful.

It just clarifies it. They already expect you to realize tax on every trade. You can try to game the IRS but I wouldn't.

>If so, how?
Also just make the trades and make sure you don't do dumbshit like 100k from a shitcoin to 100k from a shitcoin without cashing out tax money.

For taxes you get the list from the exchanges and then run them through the crypto tax website and it will tell you how much you owe.

How this tax bill changed crypto trading and how it could relate to third world holes? This is the question. Could somebody explain more to your international friends, guys? It is the end of belle epoque of lamboland dreaming days all around the world, isn't it?

it has nothing to do with crypto.
Crypto has been repeatedly classified as a property, not a currency. It is like a stock where it doesn't qualify for like kind exchanges.
So every trade is a taxable event.

None of this is new. The IRS has just provided additional clarification for those who haven't figured it out yet.

I cashed out $8k this month and in January ill cash out $8k,

Under 10k nobody cares.... Right user?