Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Sanguinus Did Nothing Wrong Because He Did Nothing At All edition


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Dark angels are homos
>mfw a dark angel says he isn't gay

Second for the Archon!

...and now it's a d6

You have to be 10-man to take a second weapon.

I'd honestly start taking a look at Scouts.
Your choice of Bolter, Sniper Rifle, Astartes Shotgun, or Combat Knife. You can also take Cameo Cloaks, a Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher, and Combi-Weapon on the Sergeant.

Hell, rules-as-written even gives the Sergeant access to a Thunder Hammer at the moment.

If you're dead-set on Tactical Marines then do as others have suggested and have two 5-man squads share a transport, each armed with one special or heavy and a weapon on the sergeant.

Who's ready for the Guard Rise Up on Saturday?

Who won yesterday between the Deathwatch and Tyranids?

Why did you cut the roster builder from the OP?


Dark Mech when?

Fuck new Mortarion model. Will never use it.

Want Death Guard terminators!

Since AdMech aren't on the army builder yet, I've been doing this by hand.

My plan is to do two patrol Detachments that are both around 1k points.

How's this looking?

HQ: Tech Priest Dominus (135 pts)
Troops: Skitarii Rangers, 10 man squad, 3x Arquebues, 1x Omnispex (182 pts)
Skitarii Vanguard, 10 man squad, 3x Plasma Caliver (142pts)
Skitarii Vanguard, 10 man squad, 3x Plasma Caliver (142pts)
Heavy Support: Kastelan Robots, 2 man squad, 3x Heavy Phosphor Blasters on each Robot (210 pts)
Onager Dunecraeler, 1 Dunecrawler, Icarus Array (130 pts)
Elites: Cybernetica Datasmith (52 pts)
AdMech Total: 993pts

What's the most autistic fluff you've ever seen anyone write, aside from official GW, BL and FW stuff?

I want genestealers to step on my face with their strong flexible clawed feet

So, what in particular makes them gayer than the rest of the Space Marines?

Deathwatch, though general consensus is that the nids player was trash.

No Guard? Fuck them.

Not pictured:
>The number of times anything remotely close to this has actually happened: 0

Guy started talking to me about his twice blessed Daemon Princess of Khorne and Slaanesh

Loyalist Luna Wolves in 40k with Horus's loyal clone. All who work for the Inquisition.

I'll put my dick up your ass if that's what you want. Spread that boy pucci faggot.

But user, nobody every placed his models that way.

Unless if the game of warhammer was part of the hot date, and the person was doing it in preperation of spreaing his asscheeks in a literal sense rather than a figurative one.

You are fucking kidding me, we actually won? How? Are Deathwatch anywhere near good in this edition?

>implying anyone ever once in the history of 7th edition got a shot off that good
Even torrent weapons that could manipulate the direction of the template would only hit like 4 guys with proper spacing. I remember my GSC laughing off hellhounds.

That is retarded.
But templates on a bad day hitted only one thing. Most of the time they hit 3+ things.

D6 is rather disapoitning. Maybe if it was D6+X

Carnac's headcanon.

they seem pretty solid alot of elite armies infantry got a bit cheaper also 1 termie in a squad makes them really durable

Their faggotry

Top kek

someone please give me a link to the Dark Imperium novel!

Fuck, new perspectives. Where can I find the Deathwatch list used? I want to get a few ideas from it.

Subscribers only. GW only advertises to those that pay for it user :*)

>That pic

So that's how it happens ...

Google for a torrent, you lazy bitch. Up for days.

He just told you how, the nid player was terrible.

Bad players don't win in this edition regardless of their army.


Because it's broken and incomplete.
Also, because I just copied it from the previous general, where that OP cleaned the chaff out of the OPasta.

It hasn't been put up yet, lots of subs complaining about that during the stream today.

You know how all the indexes for the armies got leaked, what about forgeworld indexes? Did anyone manage to leak those?

Tank Shock. Deep Strike. Emerging from a wrecked/exploded transport. Whiffing a consolidate roll (or simply not getting to consolidate, ex. Mindveil).

It was more possible than one thinks.

More unusual is if that if that was a blob of solo acolytes, it would be "one model, hit d6 times"

I heard that Conscripts and heavy weapon squads are getting a point increase day 1.

Why do 2 Patrols instead of 1 Battalion?
You clearly have enough troops and HQs to do it.

Of course it was a bad play. My Deathwatch never seem to catch a break.

Their desperate desire to put their pee pees inside other men.

See how the dark angel craves to it's man meat inside the behind of men, what a homo.

No, because FW doesn't get sent out to shops.

None that I know of. Warhammer Community had an article about a trio of units from the FW books but there has been nothing beyond that.

There's no basis for this rumor as far as I can tell.

How does a 500pts AdeptusMechanicus/Skitarii list deal with many models, considering it only has the units from the standard box (dunecrawler, rangers, tech priest dominus)? What are decent weapon choices in the 500 pts range?

We've heard "nerf", we don't know what form that's taking.

for some reason the game is not even on their twitch im subed and it's just not there

From a GW worker or another user here?

I thought Battalions have to be all of the same army or you lose bonuses or something.

Eventually that may be the case, but there are no bonuses to lose right now.

Thanks for checking man

Man I keep asking myself this. Basically all it needs is tech cultists and it is playable, using all of the different cult bots.


Some dude at my lgs tried to explain his shitty Chaos marine / Tyranid kitbash models. he used gaunts/genestealers as possessed (this was years ago before cultists existed as they do now)

Basically the nids were just sprayed metal with red claws, every Chaos marine had scything talons/death spitters badly converted onto their arms and of course everything was painted horribly

The worse part was his Biker-Lord, who he insisted was a woman beneath the armour and like, gave birth to swarms of Nid-chaos fuckers or something like some kind of Alien homage maybe, i honestly don't think they guy knew how reproduction works

What do the tier lists for 8th look like?

Is it just me, or does the power from pain chart suck ass?

Don't forget: this is legal due to Hover Jet.

Fly your Valkyrie into your opponent's Fortress of Redemption, and try to melt steel beams with it. Or just smack it with your passenger doors. Just don't miss. :)

It opens endless possibilities for utilizing daemon engins, xenotech, "creative" conversions and bioheresy too...

Does your dad work at GW?

Are wraithblades solid now?

>t5, w3 with a 3+ 4++
>hits at s7, 3 attacks on the charge
>stick in gunboat wave serpent to circumvent 5" movement

Obviously not as good as wraithguard who are still broken as hell, but damn, they might be worth taking in regular games now. They're a pain to remove.

Okay user, you've posted it enough. I think it's time to retire this (you) farm and look for some OC.

from what i can remember because i watched it live they had a 10 man in a flyer with 2 frag cannons a termie some power weapons and bolters, a bick squad, a dread and a foot slogging squad, and a captain who refused to die

What's your favorite Forge world, either fluff or colors?

Shut up faggot, I know you want your asshole to be spread by my cock. Clean it or you'll be licking off your own shit off my cock when I'm done with you.

Top Tier: The army you like the most
Mid Tier: No one knows because not enough data has been collected to determine a Tier list
Salt Mines Tier: Tau

I can't stop laughing

Radium carbines & plasma calivers on the vanguard for infantry, neutron laser on the dunecrawler for tanks.

It wasn't implied before that you intended to mix armies with your Patrols.
I guess it makes sense now, in context, but I genuinely thought you wanted two separate AdMech Patrols that were in the same overall list.

You're right to keep them separate though, because Canticles has a special requirement which states that, "units only receive the bonus if every model in their Detachment has this ability."
Meaning if you combine AdMech with anything else in the same Detachment, you lose Canticles.

So yeah, keep em separate, unless you're planning to run two AdMech Patrols, then combine them for more Command Points.

Wraithguard are still broken?

Tell me more....

I think he was an ex-GW employee, but either way he said he had ties with some people in the know. He didn't specify what it was that was happening, but that they would be changed somehow.

Pretty sure it's a points increase. Maybe 4 points per Conscript, I doubt it would be as high as 5. Infantry squads I could see being bumped up to 50 instead of 40. Heavy Weapon Squads are way too fucking cheap.

I see.
>It wasn't implied before that you intended to mix armies with your Patrols.
Ah, sorry, that's my bad.

Yeah, this image is the planned other half of the army.

I used Ultramarines since there's no blanket Space Marines option.

Is there a reason for Assault Termis to exist anymore? I know Termis in general aren't that great anyway, but it looks like powerfist termis just do assault termis job just as well

See It's just you, faggot. PfP is amazing.


Well, haven't exactly tried them out yet, but on paper yes

They basically get one steroid lascannon each

Any link to a full leaked 8th rulebook? with the fluff and those things? cannot see any in the repository.

dreadnaught, captain, killteam squad with terminator and bike, and a backline squad with heavy weapons of some sort, and some more bikes.

the tyranid player ran his MCs at the backline lascannons in the open, instead of tactically munching the killteam with his haruspex when he should have, and the killteam just shat all over the tyrandis backline after it broke through the gaunt wall.

Storm shields you stupid fucking faggot

Thunder hammers are also far better than fists in 8E did you think they'd just leave them as concussive fists when initiative doesn't even exist

Holy fuck that's scary.

>Radium carbines & plasma calivers on the vanguard for infantry,
Aye thanks mate. Thought about the Icarus Array, is it worth to get or should I stick with the Neutron Laser at low points and maybe upgrade later when approaching 1k pts?

Reminder, if you use this pic for any reason you are an enormous fag

WTF why do fists do D3 but the blades do 1 its not like a power fist its just a damn hand

Gotcha, that makes sense.

Its fine, most of the time you got something like 5-6 per flamer, sometimes less.

t. ork player

No clue, I'd never ever take the blades anyway. I mean maybe for wrecking t3 hordes? Maybe? 4 attacks wounding on 2+ with -2 AP is pretty nice against those.

But the axes just seem way better in almost all scenarios with the 4++ making them a complete bitch to remove and grants ability to put some serious pain to basically anything.

What are the greatest benefits of turning to Nurgle worship?

t. Unfunny enormous fag who can't deal with life now that his gay ass meme has been taken away.

The best thing about it is 6+ fnp. Everything else is for melee units in an army that wants to avoid melee as much as possible. I think it's worth giving up for soulbursts.

Immortality and freedom from pain.

This is the Manticore, best artillery piece in the Imperial arsenal! Say something nice about it

Dark Imperium I've painted for my LGS

I like its chassis


>Huge lumbering literally dead bone robots
>movement 5
>same with Necrons

They might as well just move 6 if they aren't gonna try and reflect the sluggishness of things. all Infantry should just flat move 6 so it's easier to remember.

Movement only "matters", reflects the fluff, and gets interesting on Bikers, Cav, Fliers, Jump troops, monsters, beasts etc.

D-scythe looks very balanced actually: Pitiful number of hits for a flamer and one wound each, but it's nigh guaranteed to score that wound no matter the target outside of an invulnerable getting in the way.

5 guard hit 10 times, fail maybe 2 wounds, roll invul or a 6+ if you have 2+ armour.

So that does -exactly- what a suck chunks of matter into the warp gun should (hurt nearly anything) without actually being overpowered.

Wraithcannon is a little more dickish, but ultimately not worse than a Melta. Easier to wound, doesn't roll two sets of damage and pick the highest.

Back to your basement, cunt.