I for one, welcome our Grixis Shadow overlords
>Metagame thoughts
>thoughts on the recent tournaments
I for one, welcome our Grixis Shadow overlords
>Metagame thoughts
>thoughts on the recent tournaments
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Will SFM never see an unban literally because swords are too strong when tutored?
This is some bullshit. White cant have anything but sideboard material.
4 Mausoleum Wanderer
4 Judge's Familiar
2 Phantasmal Bear
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Leonin Arbiter
3 Selfless Spirit
2 Rattlechains
4 Spell Queller
3 Aven Mindcensor
1 Restoration Angel
4 Path to Exile
4 Smuggler's Copter
>Land (22)
4 Hallowed Fountain
3 Adarkar Wastes
4 Seachrome Coast
2 Plains
2 Island
2 Moorland Haunt
4 Ghost Quarter
1 Cavern of Souls
I did some testing with this pile of shite at my LGS earlier and it actually held up fairly well despite being a rough deck.
>Living End
If you can get down anything disruptive to mana early on, they struggle. They also have no real answer to Spell Queller. Went like 3-2. Might have named Bear on Cavern one time.
>Grixis Shadow
Pretty tough matchup if they can get anything big down fast. Would probably come down to sideboards honestly. Went like 2-3 though.
>Counters Company
Pretty bad matchup just because they rely on their creatures quite a bit. Went like 2-3 I think.
>Bushwacker Blitz
I cannot touch this deck. Daaaamn. 0-3.
>RG Scapeshift
Tough matchup, though multiple Arbiters and some disruptive dudes really help you out. I won a game by GQ'ing a Mountain in response to Scapeshift which fucked up his land count. 2-3 I think.
The Leonin Arbiters really underperformed. Mindcensor felt too slow to be impactful. And before you ask, Phantasmal Bear is there because I really want to curve out smoothly, and he's the most aggressive thing there is. Could've used Dryad Militant, but wanted style points.
You are now realizing that Vizier is white.
Your waifu is never getting unbanned. Get over it.
So is anafenza. But do-nothing cards unless you're comboing off aren't strong. Vizier does LITERALLY nothing unless you get your combo pieces down.
...and? What are you expecting, mono-white midrange?
I want DnT to be an actual deck and not one that just folds to itself.
That's all.
Eldrazi & Taxes is a thing.
Modern is not Legacy.
Eldrazi Tron
Not sure what to go for next. Death and taxes? Dredge? Abzan coco? UWx control? Something that's more decision-heavy than Eldrazi Tron.
did not get a response last thread
how good are manifest decks?
Modern might as well be legacy considering how expensive it has gotten.
>Modern Jund still costs less than a single Tabernacle
Is it worth dedicating extra sideboard space for the Lantern matchup?
I thought you said spice at first. Now I'm not answering.
For reference, I already board in Kataki, Rec sage and little Thalia. The matchup is making me consider a Stony Silence on top of that but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
In a tourny meta probably not, locally if you have a decent amount of lantern and affinity then maybe.
Unfortunately your card is pretty much the best one. Somebody took me by surprise at casual night by manifesting then flickering emrakul but that's seriously not a deck
I made combo deck based around me not being able to read and missing the "may" in this card. But, for a few games neither could my opponents.
>have a leveler, lol
You've been whining about this for weeks now. You should probably try and move on with your life.
To be honest you're probably better off just going as aggro as possible and hoping you kill them before they find the bridge. You can't win the long game.
You realize it's cheating to intentionally miss your own triggers, right?
>see all around GBx lists running Tracker even as a one of
Ok, did I miss something? Or is Tireless Tracker seems to get more and more attention both in modern and legacy.
well i figured she would if your a fan of artifacts, she can pump em out like crazy.
I have a one of of her, i think i might trade it away if it doesnt rise in price
I meant, I made the deck over me actually missing the "may". Then I realized what an idiot I was after someone actually read it.
I mean, I get it it's a "decent" body that gets you card advantage for playing bodie also
>typing when drunk
Well I just can't process how people run it in GBx lists since it's a 3/2 for 3 mana.
Yeah, he grows with time and gives card advantage but still
>3/2 for 3 mana
I love the card but I can't figure it out why.
Even folks at my LGS catched up and run it more and more often.
It's decent card drawing engine and turns into a monster/a bunch of cards if unanswered. Has nice synergy with fetches too.
maybe a 3 mana arifact engine is just that good
Maybe I should get myself a playset even just in case.
I still remember getting called a retard for trying to run BA and TT despite their value.
i would pass you mine but i cant exactly reach through my computer screen.
And plus i would want somthing for it too.
Blessed Alliance, even as a sideboard option.
I love the card tho.
this card is awesome and so is whisperwood elemental
unfortunately neither are actually good enough for modern and the rest of the manifest cards are worse
Because if your opponent doesn't kill it you end up with 5-6 clues and the part of the game where you would go to topdeck mode gets pushed back a few turns.
BGx is really stupid when they get to draw cards on top of everything else they do.
>thoughts on meta
Twin should have been unbanned.
filename time
// 60 Maindeck
// 1 Artifact
1 Vedalken Shackles
// 13 Creature
4 Vendilion Clique
4 Mistbind Clique
4 Spellstutter Sprite
1 Thing in the Ice
// 21 Instant
4 Mana Leak
4 Remand
1 Spell Pierce
4 Spell Snare
4 Cryptic Command
4 Hieroglyphic Illumination
// 24 Land
4 Mutavault
3 Faerie Conclave
16 Island
1 Pendelhaven
// 1 Sorcery
1 Ancestral Vision
// 15 Sideboard
SB: 3 Vedalken Shackles
SB: 1 Engineered Explosives
SB: 4 Delver of Secrets
SB: 3 Threads of Disloyalty
SB: 1 Dispel
SB: 3 Ceremonious Rejection
Can I get some C&C on this deck?
Serum Visions is better than Hieroglyphic Illumination.
Storm too stronk for modern
I think the main issue is batterskull tutoring. Being able to slam batterskull turn 3 is immensely powerful.
Yeah. Or you can just run Think Twice
>Ash Zealot
>Harsh Mentor
>Grand Abolisher
>Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
>Magus of the Moon
>Mirran Crusader I guess
>Thalia's Lieutenant
>Champion of the Parish
Humans and punishing creatures are my two favourite things to do in magic lately.
Can any combination of cards above act as the backbone/sideboard to a deck? Those all happen to be some of my favourite cards in the entire game. Harsh Mentor is new friend.
You want to know how I know you've only been here a few weeks?
Your deck is a meme
Your format is a meme.
I'm honestly just curious.
What do you think of human CoCo decks?
It looks pretty cool. I played Standard during the CoCo era so I definitely know how it plays. Was hoping to branch away from that, but yeah, it's worth looking into.
I'm a new-ish player. Can someone explain to me how this card is good?
You cheat it with effects like cascade, then play it for free after you've cycled a bunch of fatties into your yard.
What about building it sort of like a RW Stompy variant? You could pile on Blood Moons and Magus of the Moons along with some Ensnaring Bridges. You could try Thorn of Amethyst along with Thalia. It's a shame that Human's don't really have any good lords.
But what if it brings out a huge board for you opponent? It still sounds terrible for me. I just don't understand I guess.
Living end typically doesn't put your opponents creatures in the yard.
You can use cards like Faerie Macabre or Leyline of the Void to get rid of unwanted cards in their graveyard if you need to.
Alright I watched some YouTube videos and now I realize this deck is insane, thanks
That actually sounds pretty dope. It'd be a fun thing to tinker with, since I'm sure human lords in white will eventually arrive, or have other cards to slot in.
Glyphs is moreso a 4cmc instant draw like Gimmer, with an upside of cycle instead of 2 scry+energy.
Neat design space but I'm still not sold, waiting for them to print the Glimmer variant without the useless energy.
Also I saw a Grixis control guy run Pull from Tomorrow with decent success as a sort of non-white sphinx rev for 15.
Guy did a minirev, discarded a lategame thoughtseize he drew, was some cool tech.
Grixis ninjas
rakdos control
>Metagame thoughts
DS and tron everywhere and it needs to stop
Here's what you do:
You get Thalias, Leonin Arbiters, a couple new Thalias and then just throw throw in anything you want and tune a little to the game you're expecting. Aether Vials and Path of Exiles are standard. There are a million combinations of creatures that will work. You can go the aggro humans route is fine and the slower hatier one is decent too.
Nigger haye
>Metagame thoughts
fuck black
>thoughts on the recent tournaments
No it doesn't, are you retarded?
>rakdos control
Why? Blood Moon?
What does UW fold to?
Was thinking about making a deck built around supreme verdict.
Jank, variance, burn, and CoCo.
Basically any deck worth running has answers to that line of play. White still lacks a real proactive early game play.
Hatebears doesn't work. Quit shilling that shit. Hatebears has been power crept out(teir 4 status). All of the major decks have newers cards that has made the game plan weaker, whereas hatebears is still playing with mediocre pre 2011 tech. They need to print newer relevant hatebears and not shit like vyrn wingmare, thalia 2.0 (god this card is shit) and selfless spirit. We need GOOD redundant thalia and arbiter effects and a GOOD game ending threat in white that's 3 cmc or less. Until this happens hatebears won't do shit, even at an fnm level.
Not that guy, but here's how you make Hatebears work in Modern:
You stop being a pathetic little cuck who believes everything he hears and cut your fucking Aether Vials because those cards are not good in Modern. Like holy shit what are you trying to do with that thing? Sneak threats past a counterspell? This isn't even considering that Modern Wx Hate generally has to play a bigger spread of CMCs than the Legacy version. And I cannot count the number of times I've seen the deck fold because Aether Vials are dead draws after your opening hand because Modern doesn't have the ability to fish up card advantage engines like Sword of Fire and Ice or grindy twats like Batterskull through a Stoneforge Mystic to compensate.
You want the deck concept to work? Drop the fucking green and add blue. Your new tech is Spell Queller, Mausoleum Wanderer, and Smuggler's Copter. Now Selfless Spirit becomes a better card and you get to cheese people out with Moorland Haunt.
Go play my list in and you'll see it has far better chops than GW versions. And that's just a rough first draft of a list. It's already dropped the Resto Angel and Mincensors for 2 Geists and 2 Lyev Skyknights (see: good cards no one plays because no one else plays them).
Not him, but I'm brewing the same thing. Red handles creatures, black does hand disruption.
>Why? Blood Moon?
>Not him, but I'm brewing the same thing. Red handles creatures, black does hand disruption.
Correct for the most part, I was playing blue moon and it has some extremely jarring weaknesses, it's really bad at handling threats if they should resolve and they often do since I eventually run out of counters or don't have the right one.
Not sure if this will work but I'm waiting on the cards to come in to try out since I don't mtgo. A general outline of the deck, LoTV & LtLH, Chandra, ToD, terminates, pushes, k-command, bob, grim lavamancers, blood moon, bridges, and a mogis cause he's kind of cute.
Forgot hand disruption is of course there as well, 3/3 iok/ts
You want hatebears to work?
Jam half your creatures as eldrazi.
I'm working on a b/w tokens deck. Why does no one play copter in it? It seems perfect. What am I missing?
Eldrazi Taxes is fine. Thought Knot Seer actually fucks with your opponent which is the whole point of the deck. Vial in a deck with CMC4 creatures in still feels retarded.
Nobody plays Copter because they netdeck. The card is a house honestly. Gets rid of Thoughtseizes you don't need, Sorins you can't cast, and gets in for good damage. Play it, friend.
You got it.
Copter was tried by many people, it didn't quite match up with traditional lists due to not working with intangible virtue and making your opponents instant speed removal live. Tokens are good because you get more value out of a single card than the opponent does on their removal, and you maximize your tokens through anthems, and ESPECIALLY with Sorin, as he gives you tremendous lifegain. Many decks in modern just can't handle how much life you gain, allowing you to race them easily.
Also, most people run 4 Inquisitions and 2 Thoughtseizes. I have seen lists that have 8 discard, don't think that is very good. Check the mtgsalvation thread for tons of discussion.
Personally I don't run bitterblossom, mainly because I don't have money, but also because it allows me to play honor of the pure, giving me more anthems which are required for tokens. Also, Raise the Alarm is just much faster than Bitterblossom.
Can I see your list?
Copter doesn't work well with Thalia but they're still popping up in lists together.
I'm actually surprised how de-hyped the spoilers made me.
I've made the plunge and decided to just mainboard Leyline of Sanctity in my jank decks. With the meta so discard heavy, it seems like a decent choice.
Shuts down most of Shadow's interaction, cuts out burn, turns off Thought-Knot, destroys 1 plan off titanshift and as an added bonus, counters Gives Ungiven from storm.
That's the reason why i main revelry. That and 3 affinity player out of 8-10
I actually think that right now is a fantastic meta for some type of white enchantment/ideal deck.
Clean moon-safe manabase, creatureless core, ability to ramp via Nyx. With 4 Leyline mainboard, prison cards (Ghostly and Sphere) and some Nodes, Runed Halos... plenty of flexible cards too like Dsphere/Oring, Greater Auramancy, Journey to Nowhere (or even guardduty/chainedtorocks), and maindeckable hate like RiP/Supression. Could splash blue or red for Seas/Moon.
Sideboard a Starfield of Nyx too for when they board out creature removal, idk it could be decent
Just say fucket, and beatdown with Serra Angel
Yeah I was talking to a few friends about just building modern leylines/ starfield. You got so much haterade to go off with.
Luminarch is cool, too.
>I'll Fatal Push your Rest in Peace
Imho Nyx is a solid wincon, an amazing engine and an all around baller card, but truly shines in the board.
It brings back enchantments they've killed and generally doesn't turn on those Terminates that have been stuck in your opponent's hand more in postboard matches
been on grixis control/delver for years, just getting back into playing and realizing how much i'm lacking fatal pushes
not getting my fatal pushes in the mail yet
jeskai saheeli rai + felidar guardian, although i like how the 4 colour creature toolbox builds look too
>Metagame thoughts
hoping once i finish saheeli the white splash will open up maindeck space and sideboard space to sure up my deaths shadow matchup which is most of the meta at my FLGS
>thoughts on the recent tournaments
getting back into playing always means lots of losses to misplays that i would have otherwise won, especially with a deck as punishing as grixis delver/control. my turn 4 oops i won combo deck might be good to ride for awhile
Can I use this because I'm too poor to buy Karn?
Probably won't be as good as karn, but probably the closest thing you could get to it.
thoughts my dudes?
I'll get rid of Kiki Jiki and Nahiri. Put in another Evolution, 1 Reflector Mage, and possibly a Blade Splicer. 4 color saheeli is a dudes first then combo is plan B
doesn't matter. you pick out a flicker like Glimmerpoint stag or Flickerwisp and no matter what the opponent does, you get back your emrakrul and attack
im just curious (and new, yes laugh) but why is dredge good? i thought it was bad to put creatures in the graveyard.
I came back to magic like yesterday, why is OPs card expensive now? I remember when it was like 50 cents. In fact I still have like 2
But it's not expensive
isnt it like 10$ now?
We sure have a lot of Wendy's chefs in this general.
>he thinks paying 40$ for a set of cardboard is cheap
ypu still havent said anything about the increase in price from 0.5 to 10
>waaaah spoonfeed me
Obviously it became a top deck
dat 2000% markup though
welcome to tcgs