Math Lesson Time

Sup you retarded faggots, daddy is here to remove the veil of ignorance that shrouds your tiny brains.

Do you see the picture I posted? It is the app PEIWO, which already has over 10 million users in China. It is like Snapchat, instagram and youtube combined, just to give you the idea of it's potential.

I have spent a lot of time in Asia because my parents are rich and can afford to send me around the world for my education, unlike your parents that give you brain damage by destroying your metabolic pathways with sugary drinks and hotpockets. The Chinese don't use a million different apps like Americans (tinder, snap, facebook, yelp, grubhub, etc), the chinese like to use single apps for many purposes, for example Wechat is facebook, yelp, grubhub, whatsapp all combined together. You can literally order food delivery on wechat. So now you understand the magnitude of Peiwo, which is snap, instagram, youtube.

TRX (Tron) WILL be implemented into Peiwo very soon. Justin Sun, the creator of Peiwo was called the next Jack Ma by Forbes, and is one the watch list of 30 under 30. He is a genius, but more importantly he comes from a very powerful and politically influential family in China, which in Asia culture is EVERYTHING. He would not have been able to launch his app within China without some serious connections.

Tron is going to a dollar. It is 3.8 cents right now.
You can literally buy one dollar for 3.8 cents. Think about that for a moment.

>muh there are a 100 billion coins lol will never go to a dollar

TRX will burn over 20% of the coins in January.

So let's say Tron is 4 cents right now for ease-
4 cents after the token burn will be worth 4.8 cents.

4.8 cents at a 2.5 billion market cap. Needs to go 20x to hit one dollar

2,500,000,000 x 20 = 50,000,000,000

or $50 billion. That is UNDER the marketcap of ethereum (now) and bitcoin cash (yesterday). 50B is only 3x the cap of Litecoin. It is very easily achievable, and will be achieved.

Other urls found in this thread:陪我-元气声优等你来撩/id893101926?mt=8

The chinese don’t fuck around. Justin Sun is their super star prodigy and his product will not fail. There are already 10M Peiwo users.

I’m like you, I saw this Justin Timberlake looking faggot and said PASS before even reading about him or the white paper, and after it hit 8 cents I was so disgusted at myself for missing out that I psychologically conditioned myself to hate the coin, but this dip was a miracle, I took this dip as an opportunity to jump the fuck in. Justin has publicly stated that his coin will go to 1 dollar.

I bought 5MM TRX. Meaning I will have 5MM dollars in 6-8 months. And $2-3 is not out of the question.

You’re spending 3.8 cents for a dollar. Figure it out you fucking idiots.

>CEO listed in forbes 30 under 30 & Jack Ma's protoge
>Top 20 coin after being started in Sept. '17
>$2.6 billion market cap
>314 million 24 hour volume

my picks for this week, SONM, BNT, MCO, DCORP, and maybe a blue chip like ETH


go celebrate some xmas

I'm giving you a christmas present. The chance to turn your pathetic, fucking useless, resource sucking, brain dead existence around, you FUCKING. FAGGOT.

Literally kill yourself you worthless shill faggot

Thanks for the heads up, I will unironically buy 100K. Not gonna bump because it's good to keep secrets away from Veeky Forums.

Unironically in for 10000 TRX

i want to believe but i sense the bait. its been shilled to much on here

>buying a high marketcap coin that's ALREADY PUMP
You're a retard dude.

Thanks for the math lesson OP
ITT, shitcoin hodlers salty because bitcoin bear market is raping their anus raw.

I have 47k TRX.

Am I going to do it?

mad because you missed the train? Don't try to overthink it, just imagine, "how many dollars would I buy if a dollar only cost 3 cents? How many COULD I buy?"

Trust me dude, this is happening, I hated Tron at first too, but it's fucking unstoppable. Gonna happen whether people like it or not, might as well make millions.

You've seen nothing yet. Wait until it's integrated with Peiwo

OP is a faggot but obviously TRON will hits the dollar because is one of the top 20 coins. And every single coin of the top would hit the $1.

I’m already in at 1MM Trx. I foresee a Lambo in my immediate future.

This Justin faggot was the rep for ripple in China. You can’t even give these biztards free money lmao

Not true, Tron will hit a dollar because of the reasons I stated, not just because it made it in the top 20.

the bagholders in here lol

can anyone actually confirm number of peiwo users or downloads it has in itunes store?

i can't find any info on this peiwo app seems fishy

yeah seems real fucking "fishy" doesn't you fucking pajeet

read this -

sorry its not in hindu faggot

Peiwo seems like it's still highly in development stage, at least as far as English searching goes.

I'm a mobile app developer in China and I've literally never heard of this shitty app

Even if it does have 10M users, 10M in a country of 1.1B is fucking NOTHING

Justin Sun is an 'elite', but it's pretty obvious what TRX is: yet another scamcoin pump and dump, there's no app, there's no tech, there's no reason to buy this garbage


288 reviews ya real legit u pajeet

truth look at this more chinese mobile app developers never heard of it fake ass app fake ass scam. people blindly buying because some clown with a forbes article has 57k followers hahahaah.

>muh two relatives in beijin never heard of peiwo

Oh really? Your fucking 80 year old chinese grandparents never heard of Peiwo?? ohhhh shit better sell because obviously this coin that got into the top 17 coins within 2 months of it's ICO is such a scam!

10 million / 1.1 billion

nobody in China has heard of this nor cares about it, get this scam off the board

chinese gooks out shilling in full force tonight. go fry up some dog you retard

it just came out you tard. Tron already has more wallet users than bitcoin or ethereum, read the forbes article.

I'm shilling because I want my 5 million USD sooner than later faggot. You get to benefit from my shills if you buy. Actually don't, kys instead thats a better plan for you.

>t. copywrite for letards

>chink shit
not sure i can believe in the chinese to not fuck me over desu

Stfu and go all in on the bobnvajeen (xbv), pajeets.

excuse me i'm actually fucking chinese

let me show you some chinkmath

10 million users / 1.1 billion people = ZERO FUCKING REASON TO HELP YOU UNLOAD YOUR BAGS

Chinese as well. Don't listen to this cia nigger. Buy the BCH dip later tonight. I don't care about your stupid coin politics, do it if you don't hate money.

10M users in China is literally nothing

The peasant chinese (you two) have never known what was good for them. They must be lead by the white man. Now the white man is leading you to be lead by Justin Sun, because you are unable to make decisions for yourselves due to years of opium smoking and communist propaganda

there is no proof they will be burning coins

>10 millions users in China
Isn't that equivalent to like 10 people in the west?

I'm excited about trx but I think you have the facts wrong on token burn. I'd love you to prove otherwise though!

Angry white males are not realizing that this IS the Chinese/Asian Century... you leaders have sold you out to low IQ cultures already... it's over you can't fix that. Best thing a white man can do is CONCEDE to China and get on. Oars a project like TRON. Whites may have lost but some smart white men will succeed in an Asian 21st Century

Nice blog, Justin.

Do they even have a working product yet?

last time they were led by white men the entire country became drug addict and their economy ruined, why should they listen to you?
neither chinese nor white btw

>he thinks a working product is important to a coins price

>just imagine, "how many dollars would I buy if a dollar only cost 3 cents? How many COULD I buy?"
THIS EXACT LINE has been shilled in posts on here for the last two days.
Fuck. Off.

>because it's true

Deep down you guys all know that the current price was only reached because of all the shilling Justin did during a huge bull month. His app isn't a big deal, there is no real association with alibaba and the white paper states a roadmap that is far far away. Enjoy your 5 million cents

Did you even read the whitepaper? Tron can only sustain itself by monetizing content and forcing users to pay fees for each stupid cat video and tweet they look at so the peers providing the decentralized storage space and bandwidth can be paid. They also take a 10% cut of any tokens exchanged to content creators on their platform, 2x higher than Patreon. Any company using the Tron protocol is gonna go straight into the red. Users get privileged access and distribution based on how much TRX they have in their account, which puts content behind paywalls and goes completely against net neutrality. They don't even address any risks or security issues besides offhandedly mentioning click farming, which isn't even an issue really because in a sustainable implementation it has to be pay per view otherwise the whole network will go down in a DDOS attack. Their whole selling point was to get rid of annoying advertising from content and they have no way to pay for it.

Their claim of 10 million users in the Forbes article is also a lie. There are only 300k TRX token holders, I imagine mostly speculators:

It's also retarded they put TRX on Ethereum blockchain because it can't even handle cryptokitties. It's ridiculous. If users lose their private keys or have their accounts hacked. What are companies using Tron suppose to say to them? Sorry can't help you. Bye bye account, no support to help you. Tron is gonna go down in history as an example of early adopters misusing decentralization and crypto.

Anyone can burn their coins using the burn function. It will be recorded on the blockchain if they do:

This guy gets it.
Get in XRB now.


>20% token burn in January
I would like sauce on this.
I was gonna get an MCO card but this stupid bot made me hate it. Now I getting TenX. I wonder if thats why he does it...

Good post and saved for later when tron inevitably collapses

This guy fucks!

u r one salty bagholder please kys :))))

>we’re the ones with tiny brains
>it is potential
stopped reading there

so why do you shill so hard.. i mean why are u trying so hard to prove something. if u thinki it will rise just open a thread, discuss your facts and fuck off.

lol?? you didn't read the white paper yourself, that's not even what it remotely says.

This is a fucking bubble within a bubble.

only retards would invest in this shit.

>Jack Ma, Wei Dai, Chaoyong Wang, Binshen Tang, Shuoji Zhou
>yuge bubble