Trap Edition
>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
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>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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Trap Edition
>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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Tell us about the most clever or interesting trap you've designed or encountered in D&D 5E. Hard mode: no monsters.
>No question
You know, we only ever had a pit trap once.
Most of us succeeded the obvious spot check and saves, except for ironically the halfling, who managed to save for not getting impaled in spikes just barely and ended up only mildly hurt.
The explanation ended up being that he totally fell down the pit as planned but because the trap designer was such a cheapass he skimped on the spikes and so there were wide gaps between them. The halfling just missed them and so he didn't take any significant damage at all.
I had a posthumous glyph of warding go off on on of my players. The Killer Queen was already touching that cloak after all.
That's just Jiraiya. THIS is Kenichi Smith.
>his transformation device is a fucking hamburger
I dunno what it is with toku shows and casting cowboys as ninjas.
I'm making a 6th level multiclassed character (3 Rogue, 3 Monk) and I'm wondering about some of the bonuses. I'll use Expertise as an example. It says at 6th level I get to choose two more skills for double proficiency. This is meaning 6th level Rogue, not 6th level overall right? How do I distinguish between the two for future reference?
My PC had a penis but acted like a woman.
you gain class features based on your level for the class. the two exceptions are proficiency bonus (which is based on your character level) and spellcasting (read it yourself if youre going to multiclass a caster).
The players enter a room that is totally empty except for a button on a pedestal in the middle. As the players walk in, the door shuts behind them and magically locks itself.
A mechanical whirring is heard and a clock-like structure on the pedestal begins to count down from ten. The room shakes more intensely as it gets closer to zero. When the players push the button, the clock spins back and resets.
The only way to get through the room is to let the countdown finish so the doors can re-open. The shaking is harmless.
No. Traps are neither clever, nor are they interesting. Also are basically a lazy GMs way of saying "I am too lazy to come up with a real challenge so here you go faggots." Traps are a worthless vestige of Gygaxian dungeons. Gygax was shit at running games outside of his contrived dungeon crawl bullshit so he has to add things to make the game last as long as possible. Thus traps were added, despite being impractical and barely any use on their own, expensive as fuck, might as well build a fucking golden instead of spending that much cash. Like alignment and Armor Class, they remain in the game for nostalgia purposes only. Any DM who unironically uses traps to any degree of commonality is a piece of shit who needs to be gassed.
*golem not golden
>How do I distinguish between the two for future reference?
By not being retarded. If you're unable to remember mentally, write it down on your sheet like Rogue3/Monk3
>Like alignment and Armor Class, they remain in the game for nostalgia purposes only.
How would you play without AC? Honest question
I think you misinterpreted my question. I wasn't asking about that, I meant when I'm supposed to use class level vs character level. Maybe try not being so hostile?
I'm sorry for assuming the worst. You'd already demonstrated an inability to read the book so I decided not to take any chances.
What the fuck did I not read, exactly?
>attack rolls versus dexterity score
>armor as DR
Also would max out at 4, with much steeper penalties for wearing heavy armor. Try wearing a real full plate suit one day and tell me how easy it is to fight. You should auto fail any stealth or jump check you make while wearing armor. It is quite literally impossible to sneak in armor, my friends and I tested it.
Imagine being this dude
For a Cleric, does casting a domain spell use up a spell slot, or is it a free spell?
Trying, but I can't exactly undo my "I've moved past my edgy teenager phase".
It costs a spell slot.
Every class has a table that lists what you get at the corresponding level for that class. Any feature based off total level will say it is. Any feature based off of class level will say that it is. All you have to do is read.
>Do spells cost spell slots
>WIS is always my dump stat: the person
You suck, shut up
>Shittiest taste on the entire thread
>Try wearing a real full plate suit one day and tell me how easy it is to fight
This must be bait
Read the first paragraph the Multiclassing section of Chapter 6 of the PHB, page 163. If you've the reading comprehension of an 8th grader, you should be able to piece together an answer to your question.
Again, this is assuming you aren't too autistic to figure it out and need to have it spelled out to you explicitly.
By this point I usually see things along the lines of 'shut up Virt'.
>Try wearing a real full plate suit one day and tell me how easy it is to fight
Holy fucking shit
You can easily do things like jumping jacks or cartwheels on a full suit of plate armor. Maille was often more cumbersome because it was unevenly distributed unlike plate
>new player wants to be a ninja and insists on it
>ask him if he wants to make a homebrew
>"no, too much work"
>ok. let me think of something
>tell him to make a thief or assassin
>says he wants to be a ninja not a rogue
>ask him what the difference is
>says that he doesn't steal things and wants ninjutsu
>tell him to make a monk since they have ki points
>says that he hates the very idea of monks
>running out of options for this guy
>ask him what he wants to use as a weapon
>says he wants to dual wield two scimitars
>suggest fighter with a dip into rogue for the sneaking proficiency's
>pauses and reads over fighter
>decides to make a barbarian instead
I don't know what to feel.
Maybe stop being a lil bitch and allow your player, who has legitimate interest in playing the game, to play the game?
wh-what? I was trying to get him what he wanted
I mean I'm happy that he's happy that he's a barbarian now but it was a weird journey to go from ninja with "ninjutsu" to barbarian.
b-but okay user
>new player wants to be a ninja and insists on it
>says that he hates the very idea of monks
Does he have brain problems?
"THE COMBINATION Of ABILITY SCORES, RACE, class, and background defines your character's capabilities in the game, and the personal details you create set your character apart from every other character. Even within your class and race, you have options to fine-tune what your character can do. But this chapter is for players who -with the DM's permission- want to go a step further. This chapter defines two optional sets of rules for customizing your character: multiclassing and feats. Multiclassing lets you combine classes together, and feats are special options you can choose instead."
"Multiclassing allows you to gain levels in multiple classes. Doing so lets you mix the abilities of those classes to realize a character concept that might not be reflected in one of the standard class options. With this role, you have the option of gaining a level in a new class whenever you advance in level, instead of gaining a leveI in your current class. Your levels in all your classes are added together to determine your character leveI. For example, if you have three leveIs in wizard and two in fighter, you're a 5th-level character. As you advance in levels, you might primarily remain a member of your original class with just a few levels in another class, or you might change course entirely, never looking back at the class you left behind. You might even start progressing in a third or fourth class. Compared to a single-class character of the same level, you'lI sacrifice some focus in exchange for versatility."
First two paragraphs of the multiclass chapter copied straight from the PHB. Where does it specify what I was asking? Expertise did not say whether it was Rogue level or character level. All I did was ask for clarification on something that isn't explicitly stated. There was literally no reason for you to be such an asshole.
I mean, if I wanted to stop guys from finding my phylactery in a dungeon, I'd just put a bunch of walls in the way rather than traps guarding the passage. Have a whole dungeon that just goes all over the place and then there's 500 feet of fucking wall until you find one little chamber where my special item is and there's no fucking way in there, ever, without casting Teleport to a known location. And I'm not leaving scrolls of Teleport around or a note in my fucking lich journal about it.
This is such an obvious trick and I'm pretty sure I've seen it written about a thousand times across the internet.
Not only did you not come up with it yourself, I don't believe anyone is dumb enough to actually fall for it after pressing the button once.
10 seconds is far to short an interval and doesn't even make sense in the context of 5e where a round is 6 seconds.
A properly implemented version of this trap would require players to roll initiative and have the timer be a minute long. Giving them ample time to think and fail to come up with multiple failed escapes.
That is, unless the timer doesn't count down in seconds, but in rounds. Still, what an odd design that would be for a timer if thought about in anyway outside the context of initiative.
Also, it would be proper to add multiple red herrings, ones that potentially hurt the players if they go too all-in on one of those solutions.
>Going on 10 day vacation
>to yellowstone
>no D&D anywhere near me
Fucking kill me I know I should enjoy my vacation and all but I will go insane without any D&D, what should I do
Everything below Class Features is based on the class level.
Whoever replied to you managed to not understand your first post and somehow thought Rogue/Monk is a spellcasting multiclass.
Stay on /5eg/ and shitpost all day.
>You should auto fail any stealth or jump check you make while wearing armor.
>these are just overweight white suburban white dudes who work at desks for a living and not hardened medieval soldiers or even modern military
Shit, son, modern infantrymen wear BACKPACKS that alone way more than an entire suit of plate, and they're running fucking miles in those.
Thats the plan at the moment
Traps in combination with puzzles are the best way to go about them imo.
A simple "did you see the trap? No? Oh, you take 10 points of damage" is kind of lame and encourages dumb stuff like hyper inflating perception, as well as slows down the game when a player feels like they have to constantly say "I wanna check for traps, DM!"
Convince a bear to play D&D with you, it'll have the same understanding of the rules as an average player. Same social graces and concept of personal hygiene too
Ask him why he hates Monks.
If he says "Asian stuff", point out he's playing a fucking ninja.
If he says "makes no sense", point out he wants to play a fucking ninja.
If he says "I don't like the implied monastic lifestyle", point out that there IS no implied monastic lifestyle anymore, just training in esoteric martial arts secrets.
>wears light / no armor
>enters NINJITSU MEDITATION to deal +2 damage each hit but not really since he's dex-based
>takes reduced damage because he teleports logs in front of every blow that would strike him while Meditating
>keenly aware of all traps
>recklessly puts his life on the line to complete his ninja mission
>always gets the drop on enemies with his keen ninja instinct
Why would someone waste their time trying to figure someone else's brain when they pick Barbarian instead of Assassin Rogue because OP said "Thief" on the same phrase?
>bear makes a druid
>wild shape into a bear in-game
>is a real bro and helps your PC get laid by pretending to do circus tricks and be tame
>the villain sneaks up on you and is about to finish you off
>the bear runs up and takes the hit, sacrificing his wild shape for you
>gets back up
>wild shape's again back into a bear
>nods knowingly at your PC in a moment of solidarity
>bear playing a bear druid PC is your best bro ever
It's not the most clever thing.
But I liked it.
>players are entering a temple seeking ancient treasure
>they enter a main chamber that splits off two different ways
>they go right
>they enter a room with low burning lamps and at the far end of the room, coming out of the back wall is a golden snake statue with large gems for eyes
>player notices pressure plate in front of the snake statue
>"Don't step on that!"
>Players immediately get greedy and try to take the gems
>The gems crumble into dust which then ignite into a small fireball as the dust hits the lamps
>they say let's try the other passage
>it's the exact same room, but gems still in the eyes of the snake
>one player thinks "oooh..."
>pulls the snake statue forward in both rooms to rest on the pressure plates
>opens up hidden door in the main chamber
It went pretty well.
Shouldn't a bear druid have to wild-shape into a humanoid?
I think the rules somewhere state that you can't start as an animal PC but I could be wrong
I feel like my parties are way too tuned in to common dungeon tropes.
>come across loot in the dungeon
>just a bunch of gold or some spell scrolls or things that need to be sold
>ignore em
>find some more loot later
>it's a +1 sword
>there's already enough magic weapons floating around in the party
>ignore it
>kill everything and the boss
>go back through the dungeon and pick up all the loot on the way out
>don't give a shit about traps because if someone gets seriously injured you've already completed your main objective
Why are you giving your party so much irrelevant loot? If the loot excited them they sure as hell would have picked it up.
>Let me just explain these rules to a fucking bear.
>keenly aware of traps
This would have saved my human paladin that fell in love with a cleric of Lathander
It doesn't matter what the loot is if it's not immediately relevant to improving their combat or problem-solving capabilities in the dungeon. If they don't need it NOW, they don't pick it up until they're done.
There was no boss in this dungeon. They were all level 1, so the treasure was the prime objective.
The only creatures they encountered were after the same treasure who they had to clear before entering the temple, and then a couple appeared afterward when the party was weakened.
I don't give out much loot in my games because I want them to remain meaningful. Gold/treasure is often used to make more mundane purchases to enhance rollplaying.
>Hey DM can we get some better canons for our ship?
Fuck yes you can. How much you got?
To solve your specific problem, just deviate from common tropes.
Funny, my human paladin really wouldn't have minded.
Then again, he was a follower of Sune and Liira with the Performer background who specialized in parties.
So instead of having them find a magic weapon, why not give that crazy hammer of the thunder god to your big bad at the end of the dungeon?
Eh, I can see it:
Katana -> Greatsword
Rage -> Ninja battle trance
Huge Crits
Decent unarmored defense
just like says
Totem has some decent scouting stuff
Zealot is literally Ichigo
Storm Herald has some DBZ shit going on
Hell, literally anything is better than the Assassin.
Ah, so a paladin of Weimar
...I might need an explanation of that one.
Ninjas don't typically mind
have their be a rogue NPC that stalks the party, picking up any loot they leave behind. dungeons have tons of loot but are dangerous. have the adventurers clear it out then take whatever they leave behind for yourself!
Yeah, so give loot that does help them get through the dungeon so it's not just
>quest complete +1000 gold.
>No boss
>level 1
Did you even read his post?
Not any of those guys, but just started DMing a game for a guy who is using ancestors barb to play a samurai. It's bretty fun, actually.
>Hell, literally anything is better than the Assassin.
An ironica statement, considering the "ninja" that guy was thinking of was probably best represented by Wot4E monk.
>With this role, you have the option of gaining a level in a new class (pg. 163)
>When your character gains a level, his or her class often grants additional features, as detailed in the class description (pg. 15).
I know it's too much to ask of you to remember information from two different pages so I took the liberty of putting it there for you. With the two sentences I highlighted there, it's rather easy to see that you get features for the class you have a level in, and so on.
I'd like to remind you that you are either too autistic to deduce this from the information present or just didn't read the book. Your choice, but all of this was easily preventable.
speaking of traps I had an idea about a pc that pretend to be a girl to get out of getting conscripted into a king's war and is now in too deep to stop now or is that too magic realm?
I'd let it pass.
>Ninjas don't typically mind
That's only when the ninja's ARE the traps...
Maybe you could have shown him the mystic, for similar anime shenanigans?
There is loot in the dungeon that'll help.
I'm just saying that when they do come across loot that's not on some creature and could conceivably be trapped but isn't necessary, they just pass on by.
>Did you even read his post?
I think you seriously misunderstood my post.
I was talking about MY game. Explaining why they didn't have to worry about bosses and why loot was the primary objective, and that's why there was no ignoring of said loot as was the case with his group.
Some Like It Hot was one of the greatest movies of all time, user. Embrace it.
>Male Kunoichi
I'll be in my bunk.
It depends on the execution.
Do they keep pretending to be a girl even when around trusted party members?
Perhaps could lead to funny shit when they reveal they've got a dick.
And then after that they only act like a girl when around city officials or others who might be tied to the crown.
Maybe the king is kind of tyrannical and it could be a plot hook as to why he should be taken down.
Imagine, a dude with five o'clock shadow in a dress cutting the throat of the big bad.
Not an argument.
You find traps using intellect, numbnuts. Unless that's another think Mearls fucked up in D&D 5e.
Those arent traps though, you stupid nigger, they are just normal magical defenses and countermeasures.
>not using common sense to know that this featureless hallway is where every architect would put a trap
>His game doesn't have save or die traps
where's the fun?
Perception to see/realize there's something amiss, Investigation for figuring out the mechanisms/setting the disarm DC, Sleight of Hand/Thieves Tools for disarming it.
>posts are about not even bothering with traps when other things protect things better
that's the point?
Perception is used in 5e, which is tied to wis.
Often investigation is when discerning how a trap works/if it can disarmed.
Some DMs use both for both. It really just depends.
I use passive perception a lot in my games for just about everything. But the traps I use are often obvious, or hiding in plain sight. No amount perception reveals much more than what is plainly visible. But a proper investigation might.
Tangentially related, I've been wanting to play either an incredibly gender-ambiguous kobold, or a human male turned into a kobold and slowly shifts towards being a female kobold.
The latter is notably more my magical realm.
From my experience, DMing games get a lot more fun once the cleric gets Raise Dead but is a cleric of the Raven Queen and a good roleplayer so he hesitates to use it.
I may unironically have some of the best players around.
>Traps in combination with puzzles are the best
>"traps" and "best" in same sentence that isn't "anyone who thinks traps are the best should be forced to masturbate to his own daughter being raped and if he can't come to it she gets shot in the head
>thinking traps are anything but the most pleb- tier dungeon design.
Stopped reading here.
Valuable input. Here's a (you)
>five different skills for basically the same fucking thing
Wow Mearls and his dev team are fucking retards. This is considered a well designed RPG?
I visited the 40k general. I thought you morons were autistic, but now I've truly seen.
And yet somehow, thanks to that image, you're now the worst person in this thread. Funny how that works.
Female gnoll with penis or something
>these three completely different things are the same thing
Wow. Did you dump int as well?
If you roll to check traps you are doing it wrong. Players should use their own intellect to avoid traps, they should discover the patterns and act carefully while dungeon crawling
Hyena pseudopenis is overdone and you should feel ashamed.
It's literally only one kind of hyena.
Ha, wait 'till you visit /ppg/. At least the 40kids can post pictures that aren't directly related to their fetishes.
I DO feel ashamed, hence the spoiler.
Can't tell if you're baiting it retarded.
Spotting something, figuring out how it works, and actually disarming it are like three completely different things user.
But user, there are a dozen different 40k generals clogging up Veeky Forums.
What image? I didnt upload an image....
I agree to an extent.
DMs should offer good enough descriptions and player's should be on their A-game to discern if a trap is present by interacting with/looking closer at those elements that were described.
Not by saying "ayyo DM hol up I wanna check for traps." and then rolling the dice on their own volition. "Are there any traps here dawg, I rolled a natural 20?"
I made it clear to my players that you'll never find anything like a trap by just saying "I roll for traps." The most you'll get is a "cool."
Yeah, and climbing running and swimming are 3 different things but they are all covered under athletics skill because, like a stopped clock, D&D does something competent once or twice per edition. Usually only when nine other RPGs have done it first, though.
>these things are all based on athletic ability
>these other things are based on different abilities, so we tied them to different abilities.
Wow. Amazing.