What's the cheapest way to eat healthy my dudes?

What's the cheapest way to eat healthy my dudes?

Not asking Veeky Forums because I don't care about gains, not asking Veeky Forums because it's full of overweight women with asthma.

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fucking shit monaco is mooning without me better buy some

skip breakfast and lunch and eat a big dinner that you cook yourself

this isn't a joke btw, i did this for the last year and it's great, sip free coffee at work all day, maintain clear and steady focus, hit the gym, then plow through a big homecooked meal for gains and fall asleep

sound scammy to me try dcorp or bnc for this week

>What's the cheapest way to eat healthy my dudes?
Veeky Forums: Business & Finance

That aside, learn to cook and buy your own ingredients. Cheap and healthy, but you'll have to put some effort in.

Vitamins and protien shakes.

Opt nutrition fish oil
Opt nutrition multi vitamin (2 a day)
Whey Protein (one scoop = $0.60), 7 scoops a week.
Peanut butter ($4.50)
Oats, rolled organic ($5.00)
2 packages of pasta a week ($8 good quality)
2 jars of good marinara ($10)
3 packages of ground beef, low fat ($15)
12 eggs, brown from farm ($3.40)
Olive oil, virgin ($9)
Spinach, 2 organic packs ($7)

That's all you need, the protein, fish oil, and multivitamins will last you 2-3 months. They also take a lot of money out of necessary items like more veg, fish, etc. This allows you to get some nice carbs, protein, and vitamins, easily. If you are a "no exercise" fag, than this should be plenty sufficient, just lessen or increase your serving sizes. Eat the protein, peanut butter, oats as a smoothie in the morning, or just eat eggs. Eat the rest for lunch and/or dinner.

Don't eat processed garbage. Just buy fruit (bananas grapes apples etc), vegetables (potatos onions carrots peppers etc) and make yourself breakfast with quality cereal with no sugar added or go eggs n bacon. Buy whole cuts of meat, at worst ground beef, but stay away from pre-packaged items, especially pre-packaged meat. Greek yogurt is really good too. As is tea. All of these old world traditions, be it the Nords eating their yogurt or the Chinese with their herbs have lots of benefits. Getting in touch with your roots is a great way to stay healthy, and diet is no exception.

The reason for the protein is so you feel better in the morning. If you don't eat anything, it's really bad for your body and it will break down proteins in your muscles and ligaments. So, drink or eat something in the morning.

That's too expensive.

Rice and a multivitamin. Also pure white sugar is unironically one of the cheapest ways to get enough calories, the carbs/$ is really some of the best out there.

believe it or not but thanks to millions of years of evolution and survival of the fittest your body can deal with not fucking eating for a few hours in the morning

Low Carb, High fat.
No procesed.
Don't buy bad food. if it's not home, you won't eat it.
If you go eat out, only salad.

Oats, brown rice, veggies, just buy a garlic/lemon seasoner

I could prolly live off

Well for starters drink a lot of water. You can make tea or coffee for pretty cheap, also. But skip the soda, juice, and alcohol.

For staples: oats, eggs, bread, pasta, rice, beans. Meat: pork chops/ground beef isn't too expensive. I'd advise getting a slow cooker/crock pot and looking up recipes. Great way to save money and time.

Next, find what fruits and vegetables are cheapest, this will vary based on where you live. Go to snack for me is a banana or carrots and hummus.

Depending where you live, I get about 3000kcal of rice for about .5e, nothing compares to the cost efficiency. Only buy in season fruits and honestly don't worry about protein, you don't need it.

>What's the cheapest way to eat healthy my dudes?

Learn to cook. Use cheap filler ingredients like rice, potato, pasta, beans. When you add proteins, stick to ground beef and chicken...

You can skip lunch and breakfast tbqh senpai.

Your body is adaptable, but if you're going to do intermettent fasting, aka not eating breakfast or until late at night, you can fuck yourself up. In the health/fitness community, it's a standard to have branched chain amino acids if you're doing an activity like that because it can have some serious mental deficiets after a while. Your brain needs nutrients before it sleeps and when it wakes up, otherwise yoour just starving it from activity.

It's about efficiency, not adaptability to worse conditions. Like I know we can survive like that and our bodies can, but it's not optimal.

Keto and fasting

It's litteraly god tier, can eat only one plate a day without any problem or hunger. You could even eat only once every two days.

It's litteraly god tier for your health, make sure you have enough electrolytes m, protein and fats tho.

It also spare you a lot of time eating, dishwashing, groceries...

your staples will be legumes and vegetables. buy the fresh stuff in bulk, cleaning and prep is a bitch but you'll get used to it. traditional protein is expensive so you're going to want to cut out red meat and pork. when I am craving protein, it's an easy choice - for me it's the mcchicken, the best fast food sandwich.

Eggs are a great substitute. They have all the required aminos you need as well. Ground beef and chicken thighes are relatively cheap as well.

Vegetables and fish; as few processed foods as possible. Cook for yourself.

Is there anything like high quality dog food designed for humans

Just some kind of biscuit that's everything a human needs, protein, fats, carbs, vitamins... you name it, the right quantities.

...perhaps I should just get high quality dog food

Maybe you should try to make a business out of that idea.

soylent :)

I've been thinking about it, but I have no idea how to design the food itself, Im not a chef.

>animal products

Eat a whole foods plant-based diet OP, read this to avoid deficiencies: nutritionfacts.org/2011/09/12/dr-gregers-2011-optimum-nutrition-recommendations/

>Im not a chef
You mean nutricionist/chemist.

First time I actually realized that this word is made up of soy and lentils. I feel dumb now.

Yes, but it also needs to taste ok... I'll investigate it. Not doing anything with my life other than playing with digital Monopoly money anyway

Veeky Forums Veeky Forums here

You're a faggot.

Interesting, can you tell me any more?
I've literally been living off of canned food, ramen and pizza for the last few years, and I've only been eating at night.
Recently started thinking this probably isn't healthy.
