Tyranids 8th Edition

What are your thoughts about the space locusts in 8th edition?

And did I see that correctly, that every twin-linked weapon has now double the amount of shots except our bio weapons?

>And did I see that correctly, that every twin-linked weapon has now double the amount of shots except our bio weapons?

GW wants you to pull the gun arms off your flyrants and stick on talons just do it you big baby

flyants can't hide anyway just get them into combat asap

What about the dakkafexes? They lost a lot of their punch.

they got cheaper though

Hold the fuck up, does this mean tyranids can make daemons out of the hive mind?

+ 1 full magnetized swarm lord ready (not happy with his paint scheme yet though)
+ several flyrants in building process that still dont have arms
+ Genestealers seem to be good

- 2 tervigons in building process and not sure if they ever will be used
> 1 malantrophe still in parts and it seems I wasted money on a unit that will now never see play
- hard to execute a good paint scheme (not talking about washes only)

Im a total noob in wh40k and Im thinking of building and playing an Tyranid army now that the new edition is coming up. Any recommendations on what to buy or should I just go with a few start collecting packs?

get some gaunts (termagants, hormagants) and a maybe a warrior box. Those are all useful right now.

The only essential things with nids are plenty of bodies (to hold objectives and win games) and synapse creatures to stop your army falling apart.

These are good times, my Tyranid melee-themed army is actually almost viable now!

>And did I see that correctly, that every twin-linked weapon has now double the amount of shots except our bio weapons?
Our bio-weapons were cheating, they already got double the shots on top of the re-rolls. Now they're in line with everything else instead of having two benefits for twin-linked at once. Same thing happened to Leman Russ Exterminators.

Tyrant, gaunts and stealers are a good starting point

Depends if you wanna roll with CC? Speed? Shooty?

Thanks I'll look in to those.
Im thinking speed. It sounds like the most fun one.

Flying stuff, genestealers, hormagaunts, chuck a few carnifex in there and trygons etc... shrikes


> already double shots
How that?

That's ... pretty fucking cool.

I'd worry Hivemind demons step on Chaos' toes too much though

>they already got double the shots on top of the re-rolls
We had to take 2 pairs of TLDs to get 12 shots, and we got nothing in return this edition.

That box has no synapse creatures

Damn that is stupid. Just a warriors kit would fix that.

Do the math, what do you mean how.

Yeah, and 12 shots was 4x the 3 shots a devourer has. In other words, each pair was giving us double the shots, AND the re-rolls.

We never get double shots. We bought one or two pairs of twin-linked 6 shots devourers.
So how did you calculate the double shots? Because we had to buy the devourers in pairs and this was calculated in the prices we had to pay for them.

Now we lost the re-rolls and gained no other benefit like other armies.

Depends what you attribute the double shots to. The fact that it was twin-linked, or the fact that Devourers with Brainleech Worms were different guns than Devourers. No real reason to assume it was the exception to Twin-linking = reroll to hits.

is the real reason.

Devourers aren't 6 shots. They're 3 shots.

Buying them in pairs got you 6 shots, which no other twin-linked weapons did. If you buy a twin-linked lascannon, it doesn't get 2 shots and re-roll hits, it just re-rolls hits.

Twin-linked devourers were basically benefiting from this editions version of twin-linked already, AND last editions version, at the same time. So when they changed it over we just lost out because we were already double-dipping.

Brainleech worms weren't the reason they got double shots, that was the reason they got an increase in strength.

If you played Tyranids since earlier editions you would know this. Strength of weapons used to be based on the profile of the wielder, so when streamlining it in later editions MCs got access to a version with higher strength.

The proof is precisely the fact that they didn't double the shots in the 8th edition update.

...Okay, you're apparently not firing on all cylinders here. A Devourer, in 7th, is Assault 3. ONE Devourer. As in, there is ONE and ONLY ONE Devourer on a model at a given time. The Carnifexes and Hive Tyrants could take a PAIR of Devourers. A pair, since you don't seem to grasp it, is when you have TWO of the SAME item. We then had to take TWO PAIRS of Devourers with Brainleech Worms. TWO PAIRS meant FOUR Devourers. We had to take TWO PAIRS to get the 12 shots. When we got to have them be Twin-Linked, we could reroll those shots. Rerolling 6 for one pair, and 6 for another pair. No other models that had access to a Devourer could an additional THREE to have TWO PAIRS. Now are you getting it?

No, you're the one not getting it. That's also exactly how twin weapons work NOW. But Devourers were working like that LAST EDITION.

One devourer shoots 3 shots. Two devourers would shoot 6 shots, yes. OR they would get the twin-linked special rule, for every other weapon. But Devourers got both.

Example so you can understand because you're being dense. A Heavy Bolter last edition shoots 3 shots. A model with two heavy bolters (ie a pair) would shoot 6 shots, OR, they would be twin-linked, and still only shoot 3 shots, but re-roll hits.

A pair of 3-shot heavy bolters was 6 shots, or 3 twin-linked shots.

Our pairs of twin-linked devourers got BOTH BENEFITS at the same time, for no reason. They doubled the shots, as if they were being treated as two separate weapons, but also got the twin-linked special rule, as if they were being treated as linked weapons. 2 devourers on the model, firing 6 twin-linked shots, as opposed to two heavy bolters firing 6 or 3-but-twin-linked.

Do you get it yet?

No, you don't get it. The devourers with brainleech worms were always 6 shots assault weapons that you always had to buy twin-linked.

it's always been my headcanon that "The Great Devourer" is just a chaos god from a different galaxy/region-of-space, where warp-sensitivity/emotion developed, but true sapience didn't. Yeah, the big 4 are a great representation of the dominant emotions that feed the infinite warp reflection of the 40k galaxy, but what emotions would feed the infinite warp reflection of a galaxy without sapience? The need to feed, and the need to reproduce. THE GREAT DEVOURER!!! It won the great game in its galaxy, and simply continues to do what it does... DEVOUR. The shadow in the warp isn't anti-warp, it's the Devourer imposing its own paradigm on the warp-space around it. The Devourer has consumed galaxies and their warp-reflections before, and this galaxy is just next on the menu. The Devourer IS a chaos god, it just feeds off of something much more primal than anger, pleasure, hopelessness, or the desperate hope for change.

The only benefit a Devourer with brainleech worms got from being twink linked was being twin linked. A devourer with brainleech worms is not a regular devourer.

So now they're basically Seraphon?

Newfag get out.

The benefit of Brainleech worms was S6.

Yes but WHY do girls always pick Tyranids?

Then show me, that you didn't have to buy them ALWAYS twin-linked from 6th edition forward.

And no, brainleech devourer weren't a 3 shot weapon.

Now we lost the twin-linked without getting something back in return, which is an odd move.

I like it.