"the second worst thread on Veeky Forums right now" edition
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
and one more
The things I would do to see that movie as it was imagined. Or to get the chance to have him as a DM.
He actually put many of his ideas for the film into a comic called The Incal, and has since written a lot set in the same universe.
shit, I should've learned how to make pizza
>color images intentionally greyscaled
trash taste
not in the artists, but in fetishes and obfuscating elitism
>a collection of images labeled with the artist's names, whose sole purpose is to help people recognize and put a name to a given style, is somehow obfuscating.
>Veeky Forums in a nutshell.jpg
well its not the official metathread, at very least
Also druid uprising.
I get it.
No you fool, they've fixed the crash rules in the the second edition! No longer is throwing frisbee drones into people the dominant strat!
Behead those who insult ahegao
Do the more traditional robotic murder frisbees still hold sway?
Shit, I've never seen this one before, and it's hilarious. Reminds me of the Magical Girls meet Dresden-expy one I've got.
You know, I'm pretty sure I'm the one responsible for bringing that pic here (found it on artstation somewhere and I used it as a thread derailer), and ever since I found it being used as a header on /d/ I've regretted it.
I don't get it
It's mainly for use in Arms and Armour threads, like this one.
Rarely fails to rile people up.
I see the potential for rage, but judging based on the clothing and presence of firearms, shouldn't it be obvious that the armor is purely decorative?
You mean this one?
Also, I'm bad at thinking of funny filenames, anyone got any ideas?
Eh, not just that but because she's a chick. That usually gets all the ones who think she deserves it coming out of the woodwork.
That's the one. Always wanted to try and find out what the picture in the OP is, actually. I should have a look for it at some point.
I gotcha on that one too
Main character of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Yeah mate, I just looked it up on 4plebs. Kinda disappointed, to tell the truth.
>"When the group changes the system, but you aren't informed".png
>The output of pic related
> /k/ in a nutshell
like this?
While we're at it...
Pretty much this. Weird sadists and then white knights protecting a fictional character in snuff porn.
That's a surprisingly painful picture. You know that blade is going to come down hard on her heart and shatter her chest. Or head. imagine crushing a human head like a grape. It's such a good image because it's right before things go from heroic to horrific.
Everytime I play that game with my friends we decide to make it a goal to get the mansion's layout to LITERALLY be impossible to get into. Like rooms link up at the front door and there's another room above it so you couldn't even get in via helicopter
Whenever I see that card I think "how do you let her get away from that position?"
She was cheating with zombies. And he didn't want to kill her, rather he wanted her to undo the curse she put on him for NO FUCKING REASON
She's a black walker, and therefore must do evil things for no apparent reason, because Wizards don't understand their own color pie.
See also: Sorin's actions in SoI lore.
Eh, it seemed pretty in character to me. Lili's always been a big fat bitch, so randomly cursing Garruk because he smells bad or whatever makes sense. It's been a while though, so I might be misremembering.
Is this art of the Kassardis story?
Not knowing the backstory, I would assume those purple veins are rapidly paralyzing him.
The fuck is this?
Barbed wire you donut.
Is there an easy way to divide up a circle into even slices? I dunno why, but the blue having more space than the rest made me wonder.
What? It's just an oversized double-blade, that's not that ba-
>Bladeless dagger
well, it's weird but it's probably just a magic weapo-
>Eye-patch knife
O...kay, I guess an extra attack per round is an extra attack per roun-
It's this thread
Turns out that laying a field with Barbed wire is actually most effective anti-daemon tactic of all time.
>Turns out that laying a field with Barbed wire is actually most effective anti-daemon tactic of all time.
What about the ones that fly or have metal skin/can trample stuff beneath their hellforged hooves?
>that Stranger in Sword City art
based user
>What about the ones that fly or have metal skin/can trample stuff beneath their hellforged hooves?
Obviously the ones that fly can ignore it but having metal bits just means they'd just get hooked by the wires.
Maybe? How would it hook them if it couldn't penetrate their skin? I guess they could get tangled in it, but daemons aren't really bothered by pain or blood loss (not even sure if they have nerves or blood, for that matter) so I don't think getting a bit ripped up would bother them that much.
Vastoki is waay to lazy to carry someone
Please tell me there's an actual anime set in the donkey legions? I'd totally watch it.
Not exactly donkey, and not exactly legions, but this one upcoming anime, Centaur no Nayami, does feature a centaur-at-arms or two. And a fuckton of worldbuilding disguised as a cute monstergirls do cute things.