Portfolio thread

Post em.

Bought in Monaco at $0.8, so far its been great suggest you check it out

Don't really want to wait another year for REQ and XLM to moon, what should I dump into with my limited funds?

The Vertcoin was mined.

all green

Fuck forgot image.


Usd is wanchain

Am I dumb for going all in on the first 2 coins I was shilled? REQ and simple token..?

How long should I hold

How how long are you planning on holding those bags user? I have literally not heard one good thing about OST

cut your losses man and go all in on LINK

Thoughts on mine? Should invest into alts with Eth and ltc?

Ethereum dominant portfolio.

Chad as fuck.

Doge/XVG will both be mooning soon.

increase your xlm stack, buy some eth, never sell the ark.

Ethereum is a 10 year hold.
XLM is going to be stagnant for a while.
Never heard of pivx/Bay


Why XLM. Just sold mine and curious about the optimism towards it

Am I doing it right, guys? On the way to the moon!

Simple Token might jump up again, but if I remember correctly it's still 5 or 6 times over ICO price, so it might hurt a lot before it hits the floor. I don't want you to take a loss, but this one's a though call.


There’s no way this is real

You don't want to miss out, do you? Join me, user.

Thanks for the feedback back oh and pivx is another privacy coin and bitbay is a decentralized marketplace and a exchange. Think of it as eBay with an exchange.

Should I also invest into alts owth ltc and eth?

You're seriously all in on Doge and Doge Dark?

partnered with IBM, no scaling issues, being used to solve real problems now, market cap is below plenty of vaporware shitcoins, satoshipay partnership with implied VISA connections, dedicated team that work HARD, constant updates and progress.

It's probably the best project around right now.

How dumb would I be to convert all of my XRP into XLM

smart if you made good gains on XRP. I'd personally just hold both and divvy it up. Remember when XRP was 20 cent and everyone said it would never break 30? We're at that point with XLM now. Do you remember what happened with XRP broke 30? a LOT of bizraelis missed that rocket.

How am I doing?

SImple Token:

Launch your own branded digital currency, powered by Simple Tokens. The OpenST protocol enables you to mint your Branded Tokens on open scaleable side blockchains, in a cryptographically auditable manner.

Use your brand’s tokens to incentivize user behavior, reward customer contributions, and create a vibrant digital economy.

Customers can earn tokens from one brand and spend them with another. The more companies building on Simple Token, the more everyone benefits!

Retail to consumer tokens. I'm holding, I see lots of value in this.


You're a madman. I hope you make it.

Hmm. yeah I'm a dumbass didn't really look up what it was lol. Luckily I didnt invest anything I'm terrified of losing. I don't really give a fuck enough to do anything but hold anyway so I'll probably just alert myself if it goes back up and forget about it until then.

I made a cunt load on XRP and now hold around an even amount of both (sold heaps of XRP when it was 20k sats) I've been accumulating more XLM as I beleieve it should be at least XRP market cap, if not higher.

About 40k atm, most of my portfolio is in req and link

Thinking about buying OST, RCN, bounty0x and ethlend. What do you guys think?

Was gunna buy icon today but left my pc for 30 minutes, came back and it mooned :(

future top 3..
i started with $400 a month ago.

Absolutely not user

How am I looking guys?

I'm noticing a severe lack of Doge.

That icx will make you a millionaire sir

Rate me pls

how did you fuckers get so rich?

Too lazy to screenshot since I don't have my phone.
almost equal split 25% in xpr,eth,btc,bch.

am i do IT rite

>I have literally not heard one good thing about OST
jew and pajeet shitcoin.

What wallets do you lot use?

Just batshit enough to work.