Already 35x ICO price. I saw this one back in September and just couldn't be bothered because I have american passport, despite how promising it looked. I thought I made good returns on Request. A 10k investment into ICX is now worth 350k. My blood boils whenever I go in that telegram listening to those smug pajeets. I've been trading away for months making marginal gains and this coin fucking opened at 20x.
Does anyone else feel suicidal for not investing in this ICO?
>crying after the fact
risk reward motherfucker. it could have tanked
Nope it couldn't.
lmao eat shit REQ boi
it's pure fucking luck.
All my ICOs opened during the BTC fork and immediately tanked.
ICON opened in the perfect alt bull market. And it was all based on the hitbtc futures price. Completely arbitrary.
AUD by the way.
I had only 1.5k$ in september so no.
But I feel you about the pajeets, I never went in the telegram but I heard the worse.
Just look at reddit, literally idiots that have no idea about crypto or markets becoming rich because a fellow pajeet shilled them
At least I'm up 300% and in the end I don't care if other get profit too, good for them I guess.
NEVER EVER FOMO or have regrets for something you didn't do. You can't change the past. There will always be opportunities in the future.
fucking hell
You're gonna make it, bongbro.
then you doubly deserve to stay poor
Only put 1.5 eth into this thing. Wanted to go all in, but some faggot scared me with all this bancor algorhytm bullshit. Decided to throw 5eth into LAToken instead and got JUSTed real hard.
7 digits portfolio here. I am trying my best, but yeah...still poor :(
dawg, I feel suicidal for not going all in when it was first listed on Binance a few days ago, and my portfolio is sub 1k
Could be worse OP, you could have known about it but couldn't do anything because burger
you know it actually stagnated for the first 2 days it was on binance right?
I know right, smart people that missed out on the ICO got in at 6-7k sats, I got in at 7k
where can i find out about promising ico's beyond shilling on biz?
yeah, same. Although I only bought a minimal amount despite having high confidence in the coin and also the korean ability to zerg rush. If it moons my payday is a few thousand bucks when it could have been a train to lamboland. sigh
20 ETH into ICO... would be a multi millionaire within a year.
Anywhere but Biz. I would start with icobench.
Biz is for memes and memes only. You will see successful coins shilled, but their success is due to the tech being good, and a lot of behind-the-scenes whaling
thanks i'll check it out
same for me, on the plus side I am a stubborn idiot and I was lucky to miss the chainlink ico by a minute to at least put 1 ETH into icon. Without missing it, I would have never bothered.