Stat me, Veeky Forums

Stat me, Veeky Forums

Dire Rope.



vuln: wire cutters

*throws a towel over you and climbs over*
nothign personnel kid

Rolled 2 (1d4)

obstacle damage


DEX -18
DMG 1d6/foot, so... 15,0000d6 or so

+20 damage vs DAEMONS! Negates all Daemon abilities and Sends the daemons back to the warp on a 6. Very good for fighting daemons.

A god damn pain in the ass to set up

Hurt string

Fucking this. Fuck you LT

not constantina wire/10

Seriously, constantina wire is basically the bastard child of a spool of barbed wire and a box of razor blades. Sharp along the whole length, with razor-sharp fans at set intervals.

Are they still weak to the age old trick of just throwing a rug over them?

You need to go with mattresses at this point for full concertina wire obstacles. These badboys will fuck you up

>Weakness: doormats, people not in a hurry
Inferior to razorwire

I mean, that's not that bad. It'll stop any drunks but it wont stop anyone smart and fast on their feet.

It's concertina wire, user.

The core, instead of having a bundle of small gauge wires has a single, high-tension wire, meaning it will push back against any attempts to bend it. Like, y'know, you crawling across that rug you threw over it. Pushing and pulling with a sharp object is often called, "cutting."

So, yeah, constantina wire, concertina wire, and other types of razor wire will eat anything that you could feasibly cut through with a box cutter.

This just saying why 40k is such a retarded setting, 90% of battlefield issues could be solved if the imperials were smart enough to use this shit. Tyranids and daemons are retarded melee users who will get fucking wrecked in it, while the massive armies of tanks everyone seems to be using would be severely limited. Yet another example of grimderp


That image came from a retail outlet site and has constantina in the filename. Maybe it's just a case of someone taking advantage of people saying the wrong name, and naming a similar product after it, but that was the first thing I knew razor wire by via, honest to god, a bud k magazine, where they were selling spools of it.

Just drive over it he said.
It'll be fine he said!

It doesnt even stop rapefugees half the time user, and those just rape people, they're not actually made of rape

Throwing a rug over this.

I mean, demons kinda just walk trough that shit and tyrranids kinda just eats it to develop armor.

Well you see I met this lovely rug merchant selling for quite a low price....

>WAAAAGGHHH forward in da truk and disbark wen wez get to the dropoff point!

>Whatda yah Mean wez got Stuk?!

>Whatda yah mean our boyz are getn lacerated with wires!

And here comes the forced memers.

I bet you don't even play tabletop.

I have been browsing Veeky Forums for 6 years and I have never once in my life played any sort of tabletop or traditional role-playing game unless you count monopoly.

Evidently, one thing that old tanks have over newer AFVs is that they can effortlessly drive over barbed wire that would rip a bradley a new one.

Barb wire is meant to induce pain, to encourage farm animals not to cross through it.

C wire isnt meant to rip and tear into clothing and skin like a fish hook, the goal being to trap soldiers in the open field and exposed to machine gun fire where the will surely die.

Is meant