
>want to apply to goldman
>they literally don't accept white males
what the fuck?

Welcome to Jewish America

>But muh Hitler was the bad guy

Time to start shorting Goldman Sachs I guess

If Hitler won Goldman Sachs wouldn't exist LMAO

Adolf Hitler was a seer

forgot to tell you user we just assumed all the white people kysd with the shame of their oppression. if you'd like there is an open spot in one of our sensitivity training sessions

Yeah, merchants banks that exist solely to fuck the people wouldn't, you're correct.

How is it legal to hire only specific racial groups?

That is the most racist shit I have ever seen

>Land of the free


holy shit I thought affirmative action was a meme

>Not claiming to be a genderqueer black native american non-binary

they literally can't argue or question your identity in any way or they will get pinned to the wall for racism and oppression so why not just make your entire application about your identity and beat (((them))) at their own game

had some similar job event at my uni recently
>oh great a job event
>black and hispanic only

It sucks though, having to define yourself in those terms even for just causes. It's like learning Koran verses so you can spout them off in the event muslims take you hostage. It's pragmatically a good idea, but I don't want to infect one iota of my mind with that goatfucker ideology

Have you been living in a cave. AA has been a thing for a long time. There have been protests and lawsuits over it.

This. I don't understand why this isn't an obvious racist double standard to "sjw-types". We had several booths that only accepted minority/female applicants. also pic related, my my freshman bro's final for a writing course.

Lol Commander Shepard as a black lesbian in a wheelchair.

it might work for an interview but they're not going to hire you unless you pretend to be a faggot. the white straight male is the most discriminated against ethnic group in the first world despite being the workhorse that is keeping it running.

oi mate wheres ya butter knife license

What the fuck is wrong with people?

>hand-holding summer camp programs are only for mental inferiors
>if you are white you can maybe attend a virtual session?

just apply dummy

nothing's "wrong" with anyone (except white men) you judgemental scum! everyone is just different (except we're all equal (except white men))

Only racist if you exclude non-white people, you shitlord! Belittling / excluding white people is not racist.