Ixilan spoilers
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Man, i really hope someone was compiling all those cards i was trying to decipher, cause that would suck to lose.
Bloodstained(?) F... - 2/3(?)B
Creature - Vampire? Knight
~ enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature that died this turn.
I'm gonna screenshot all the deciphers for safe keeping, just in case.
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Try submitting them to Mythic Spoiler. I think they check the comments.
>Grixis Pirate ft Kari Zev and special guests CLOUD PIRATES
Nice catch
Have we seen a clearer Explore? The italics makes it slightly harder.
Deadeye(?) Tracker - B
Creature - Human Pirate
1B, T: Exile two target cards from an opponents graveyard. ~ explores. (Reveal the top card of your library. If it's a land (or creature?), put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. than put that card on top of your library or into your graveyard.)
Woops, i fucked that all up, try 2.
(Reveal the top card of your library. Put that card into your hand f it's a land, otherwise, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. than put the revealed card into your graveyard.)
I think thats closer
Man you are really bad at this
I already did this one last thread
Explore says reveal the top, put it into your hand if it's a land, otherwise put a +1/+1 on this creature then put the card back on top or into your gy
Something Something - XWW
You gain X life. Put ~ on the bottom of its owner's library.
Yea, i totally botched that one.
The name of that one is probably Sanguine Sacrament
I think it's You gain twice X life.
Last word looks like "Sacrament." First miiiight be "Sanguine?"
Also that card's pretty bad.
It absolutely is. Looks like religion and blood sacrifice might be a big thing this set.
>Vampire Conquistadors
>They don't look full Requiem: Chevalier Vampire, just normal pale dudes in normal armor.
If you're gonna villify Cortez at least go the extra mile.
yup, that's right, i'm retarded.
Good catch on that, white has vampires so Sanguine makes total sense.
Sadly, i think that's all the ones from the somewhat clear page, the other is way too blurry for me to make out.
Sanguine Sacrament
Up your squint game. I had two rows of cards read hours ago.
Let's see if I can't crack that flavor text.
"As the sun sets to make way for dawn, so we turn to darkness to bring about the [something] salvation."
We don't know it's vilification yet, it could just be a statement on the parasitic nature of pre-industrial colonialism.
So did we stop talking about hostage taker? Do we have an infinite etb payoff in standard right now?
At best it might see play in EDH with infinite mana combos. Renewed Faith is almost always better when X > 4 and that's never played.
I think it's "coming."
Think i got closer on the name, and anons helped on the creature types.
Dusk Fleet Rampager - 3BB
Creature - Orc Pirate Wizard
Menace, deathtouch
When ~ enters the battlefield each player loses a third of his or her life, rounded up.
I think it's "cumming."
Renewed is actually played because it has cycling
They better give me vampire titties this set after the hijabing of Innistrad.
If pirates and vampires don't show some cleavage I'll spend the rest of my life spamming mislabeled porn images with their character's names until everyon who googles Jace Beleren gets a promotion.
I mean even the best life gain spells see next to no competitive play. Still, XWW for 2 life is a garbage rate. By far the worst rare you could open in draft or sealed I'd Say.
Rowdy(?) Crew - 2RR
Creature - Human Pirate
When ~ enters the battlefield, draw three cards then discard two at random. If two cards that share a card type are discarded this way, put two +1/+1 counters on ~.
I think we got pretty close on this one now.
Last life gain anything I remember seeing play was Kitchen Finks.
MTGS is on damage control.
Rev up those reading glasses
I mean, if you staple lifegain onto a decent card, it generally does get better.
Thragtusk, Lightning Helix, Siege Rhino.
Then you have things like soul sisters, or various "infinite life" engines, like via spike feeder.
Not much in this standard except fridge decks. Good way back with Astral Slide though.
Batterskull too if you want to count that, but both of those are more than just lifegain spells.
Lifegain is great when it comes tacked onto a perfectly good card (kitchen finks, thragtusk, baneslayer Angel), using a whole card just to gain life makes no sense because if you have no board control then you probably aren't even buying much time with your lifegain, you're still getting beat down
So close to being a good Death's Shadow buddy, but that mana cost is way too high. At least it looks fun in EDH.
I still think it looks like a 5/1.
Kitchen Finks is good because for three mana you get 4 life and 5/3 worth of stats.
How sad do you have to be to care this much about preserving spoiler season? After how many years of spoiler season getting ruined by leaks?
Could be a 5, your definitely right that i was wrong before, but i think its too blurry for me to be sure.
That said, 5/1 actually makes more sense, since its a WAY worse draw engine than i originally thought.
It's not really a draw engine, but it does cycle at least.
This one huge ass leak though.
>So did we stop talking about hostage taker? Do we have an infinite etb payoff in standard right now?
2 card combo can only get you infinite energy.
Panharmonicon would let you bounce another card infinite times also which is easy to win with.
>Scar of Extinction, 5RR, Mythic
>Destroy target land. ~ deals 20 damage to each creature and each planeswalker.
Now THAT'S what I call red.
Hostage Taker is guaranteed to either come after a rules change to how 'until' triggers work, or is going to be errata'd. They're not going to print a card that autodraws when cast on an empty board
>orcs are back.
Its not Rowdy crew. But it looks something loreish.
So we've got
BRU pirates
UG merfolk
WGR dinosaurs
BW vampire knights?
Is there anything I'm leaving out?
Yeah for real, someone legit shat the bed with this one. i've been playing since m14 and it's the worst leak i've seen yet, i've heard apparently that new phyrexia was just as bad though.
That guy and the mods are utter faggots and massive SJWs but they're a couple in the spoiler thread that clearly come here and were also trying to decipher the cards because fuck the corporate circus.
what's the deal with the planeswalker
has someone deciphered it yet?
not that i can tell.
how interesting however that the tribes thusfar are enemy pairs and allied shards.
cool contrast if you ask me.
Faggots still believe New Phyrexia undersold because of the spoiler and not because of the global economic crisis.
Ninth Bridge Patrol gets you an infinitely big creature, but you need a 3rd creature (yours or opponents) to end the loop
Same for Thalia's Lieutenant, and Sanctifier of souls
Pious Evangel for infinite life
Nice janky esper deck right here
Sucks that we get allied checklands, of all things, to complement these tribes. Aren't they all under $2 each?
Maybe it's more WRUG Natives vs WBRU Invaders
Blackless vs Greenless fits the nature vs progress philosophical faggotry postmodernists staple on colonialism.
>It's a "Tribe gets 1½ sets worth of support and is then dropped like hot garbage" episode
I hate this fucking show
Ixalan is the rotation set, nothing before Kaladesh will be in Standard.
>pandering to super normies by doing pirates and dinosaurs
Yeah, fuck this game. This is no longer the card game I once loved. Alara-Zendikar was the best Standard block.
>tfw will never pilot a deck like Jund ever again
Another thing though, i realized that starting with OGW we've had a lot of tribal in basically every set moving forward. Think about it we've had eldrazi/ally tribal, werewolf/vamp/ human/spirits etc in innistrad, dwarfs/vehicles, and now zombie with a smidge of cat and minotaurs in amonkhet. and now here we are again with full on tribal again.
Is wizards really getting this desperate to try and sell packs? I'm not normally someone to cry magic is dying but shit that's alot of tribal in one set after the other.
>W-won't someone please think of the multimillion dollar company!
The schadenfreude I'm feeling right now is so smug and intense it's giving me an erection. This is a rare treat for me, it's only been outshined by the Fappening.
>i've been playing since m14 and it's the worst leak i've seen yet, i've heard apparently that new phyrexia was just as bad though.
There have been three sets which had every single card spoiled.
>Alara-Zendikar was the best Standard block.
That's not Time Spiral/Lorwyn/Shadowmoor.
holy shit, which ones?
>Dumb people: Those leaks are a disaster for the company and the games
>People that actually using their brains: Hype is good. Give me more hype.
>Business people: Let's organize """"leaks""""
He had a point though, every set seems to throw a new tribe in and take up rare slots supporting it and then drop them. I doubt we'll see pirate ever again
>Alara-Zendikar was the best Standard block
>Best Standard block
>The Standard block featuring Jace the Meme Sculptor for half a year
Note that we got almost entirely interesting cards, good or not. It's entirely plausible this was a business move to get people hyping into magic if they think HoD might not be exciting.
The business people at Wizards definitely wouldn't leak Ixalan before they've even really started Hour spoilers.
I'm a relatively new player, how does this leak compare with the leak from a few years ago with the colorless mana and the big Eldrazi that use it?
It seemed like some earthshattering shit back then, took months for the bickering to die down. Remember when everyone here called it anus mana?
I think the biggest indication this might have been intentional is seeing reddit's /r/magictcg reaction so far.
They're pretty much the 'official' forum for Magic, after WoTC took down their shitty forum on their main site. WoTC even declared so, and have their staffs monitoring that place.
Those people monitor the place like a hawk. But even though it's been over 12 hours since the leak threads were made, they've been keeping quiet. You'd think they'd go panic mode or delete/make it haram to post the leaks, since they're the official forum.
>implying they didn't 'leak' on purpose to create fake controversy to get everyone to talk about MTG, like what we're doing right now
And most of those didn't do shit.
Anyway I think 2017 is tribal year. The EDH decks are tribal, we get Goblins vs Merfolk and Iconic Masters
They want the old Timmies back after letting creative/PR tell the poor manchildren that they weren't welcome in their beloved hobby because they were born with a penis and low melanin.
oh shit, and aetherborns, i forgot about aetherborns
says alot though doesn't it?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I never dismiss the possibility that it's an actual conscious move from Wizard
Mostly because I have hope they are still competent people
Nothing leaked here today seems playable in any eternal format
Christ, can we go back to getting new planeswalkers that don't have a fucking vagina. I'm all for representation, but holy fuck Wizards, almost every new planeswalker has been a chick mostly ugly chicks too.
Fine, it was best up until the Jace meme sculptor deck was made. I stopped playing competitively at that point.
theres no unknown mechanics being debated
in the eldrazi mana debacle, people insisted it couldn't just be a new template for colorless mana because doing it midblock would be pants on head retarded and would mean you'd literally play with two templates of the same cards like eldrazi spawn in the same draft, and if there was going to be a new template it would be in the first set
well turns out they were just pants on head retarded and Maro had told them as much
What's the new planeswalker? Vraska isn't new
they didn't go into panic mode when the whole judge leaks were happening, but we'll probably hear about them once they get their investigation rolling. they mostly don't want to bring attention to the fact that an entire set has pretty much been leaked to people who don't browse reddit.
What would they benefit from by cutting the legs out of their next set, by getting people focused on the next one instead?
End it man.
>Nicol Bolas
it's the RW one on the 2nd row. She uses the art on the first conquest of power booster.
I'm having a hard time reading this, but does this do nothing unless a player was dealt combat damage by 3 or more pirates in a turn?
That seems really bad on a lord, at best this ability would activate twice before the opponent is just dead. It won't be edh playable either because there aren't enough fucking pirates.
Microsoft Man's effect in the company is finally being felt.
We suddenly have real, organic word of mouth hype instead of the usual "please be exited about set names and banana jokes" MaRo faggotry.
If HoD has been testing poorly in terms of excitement levels for non-competetive players, they could use the hype from leaked cards that DO interest them to keep players interested.
It only really is of benefit if HoD has been doing abysmally in terms of flavor and hype.
Jace got his shit wrecked by Vampires until Squadron Hawk showed up.
The reason this leak is on purpose is because MaRo made it clear he the Gatewatch reaction surprised them, and he seemed to be whining about how he works in the future and can't fix it. Guarantee this leak is to get us to move on quicker, maybe they have low hopes for Hour or maybe it just helps us stick around
The business ways are impenetrable.
Not that I'm gonna complain, being hyped feels good and I'm hyped as fuck from the recent announcements, Ixalan leaks AND HoD
That's a weird looking hair style there
>Releasing more vehicles when Kaladesh block is still in standard
Just when you think WOTC is starting to figure their shit out
none of these are new. all the new planeswalkers they've been making have had vaginas
>arlin kord
>black ghost chick from conspiracy
>loo in poo
>new ixalan chick
Wolf Mom and Artifice Mom are cute, though.
Also Dovin Baan was just printed in the last block.
>Dovin Baan
You're trying way too hard to fit in man.
2 other possibilities are that they ban it from all formats immediately on release, or they redo the printing process, might not be too late, do we know when these pictures were even taken?
Well there is a slew of new product bouncing around 2 master sets a new UN set, whatever that board game for Ixlian is
Culling the hype for one set helps draw eyes to other products. plus standard is a shit show right now
What I can interpret from the card
>Other Pirate creatures you control get +1/+1.
>At the beginning of your end step, gain control of target nonland permanent controlled by a player that was dealt combat damage by ??? Pirates ???.
>It's entirely plausible this was a business move to get people hyping into magic if they think HoD might not be exciting.
This seems pretty logical considering how bad amonkhek was
I bet they had masterpieces ready for ixalian but scrapped the idea since they saw the bad reception of good cards on SHIT frame
At least native-american chick is the stoic kind of appealing. Samut is so ugly it's anger-inducing.
WereMilf is ok. Sashilli is shit.
Maybe they just don't know how to draw young women anymore.