Do you use Arabian Nights themes/aesthetics/ideas in your games anons?
Arabian Nights
Yes, I do. I've always had a thing for that setting, no idea why.
Jinn, Efreeti and related demons make for nice enemies, companions or even main characters.
I love Arabian Nights, and I always work in some vaguely arab corner of the world in case players are into it too. Some of the best sessions we have are out there on the dusty dunes, cutthroat camps, and perfumed palaces of the desert.
No, because I am at the same time autistic and more knowledgeable about the actual middle east and central asia than the people around me.
Yeah, it's a great look and feel, lots of fun
Really glad I'm not like this user
Hell yes. It's an amazing cultural mythology which is criminally underused, despite having a strong presence in classics like D&D through the City of Brass and similar.
You should be glad, it's awful. I really try to enjoy it I swear but on the long term there's always a tasteless cliche here or a ridiculous assumption there that ruins the experience for me.
I really want to play a middle eastern fantasy game and like it, but I simply can't. It's frustrating. It doesn't happen to me so much when we're playing L5R and I'm in a similar situation too.
You really need to learn to let go of the idea that fantasy shit needs to be 'realistic'.
Don't worry about it so much. Remember that this isn't our world at all: it just takes a bit of idealized aesthetics and stuff, and otherwise can be whatever you want it to be.
Someday I'm going to find the right group and system and run my Arabian Witcher type game, and it's going to be awesome.
Realism is not really the issue here. The tales on the Arabian Nights (the book) are not realistic. My issue is more related to "fantasy" becoming an excuse to have a theme park setting. If you're not gonna respect the source of your inspiration, you may as well not use it.
Do you have any basis for that assertion?
Sure, there's room for more authentic takes based on cultural stories and mythology... But that's no reason to not also enjoy including those elements as part of a multiverse or a fantasy kitchen sink.
I just don't see the charm on a game that could be set in Cliche Medieval Kingdom but is instead set on Not!Arabia just because suddenly everyone has turbants and curved swords.
If you boil things down that far, then of course it's going to be dull and boring. Try yanking the stick out of your ass and learn to enjoy things.
>Do you have any basis for that assertion?
My tastes, of course.
By fuck Grub Street, that's how.
They're the Thousand Nights and One Night, not the Arabian Nights Entertainment.
They're not even Arabic! Those stories are Iranian.
Actually, a lot of them are Indian, Chinese, Persian, Egyptian, etc. A Thousand and One Nights is probably the best title for it.
I once planned for my players to go to a city that was turned into stone like in one of the stories but that never materialized
Semi related I suppose, can anybody suggest where I might find 28mm Arabian/Persian styled wizards?
I want a Summoner and apprentice for Frostgrave, just wanted to see what options there are other than the default one.
Check the Reaper Miniatures "Legends of the Sand" set. Despite the lunchbox case it's solid
I don't because my group can't separate gaming and /pol/
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