Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah if youre into faggots

Monaco man will make you rich, definitely

gtfo neckbeard faggot.

absolutely our guy. the bilderberg jews have taken over bitcoin via blockstream, and bitcoin jesus is here to drive out the evil money changers

Nice try shill

god damn you're touchy, roger

When I seen him crying because of what the Fed and merchant banks have done so as to keep the status quo then yeah, I knew he was our guy immediately.

if a anything, he's /our shill/

what a chad

>throws a tantrum and starts stroking his networth whenever he feels threatened

Yep, definitely Veeky Forums's guy.

Turkjew eyebrows

Get the fuck out of every thread faggot. Get off your computer, go outside, and lay in the street.

such a qt

He was hired by the banks to delegit BTC, he's running a BCH as an operation to ruin it

yes, roger may be autistic but he is based

You are the first I found on internet who's gay for Roger Ver but good on you man.

Why hire roger when they have blockstream?

How cucked you guys are in general to need somebody to be /ourguy/?
I'm my own guy, fuck Ver

>shills shitcoin as the new bitcoin
>destroy the whole market for a week
yeah, definitely the coolest dude ever. His garbage only cost us several weeks of progress and nothing good.

This has been a thing since august. How low iq is this board now, I see so many people unironically believe this to be the truth.

case closed.

yeah coinbase totally isn't fucked because of this garbage coin that can't even spellcheck its homepage.
Fucking cashies actually believe this is somehow a good coin. Literally how

Can someone make his chin just slightly bigger? I've had a vision.... A beautiful chinny vision.

Because it doesn't artificially limit the blocksize causing high transaction fees under the guise that it's saving itself from "centralization". It's really simple actually and it's weird how you always see core supporters flock to BCH not the other way around, it's almost as if when people obtain more information they swap sides.